Update your TOC: 8. Sonnet Notes 9. Othello Character Notes


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Update your TOC: 8. Sonnet Notes 9. Othello Character Notes 10. Apostrophes #5 11. Othello Essential Questions 12. Roman Numerals 13. Act I Vocab Tuesday May 2, 2017

Office Hours This Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3:00 Friday

Going forward: Five acts: One act a week One argument per act Each argument must use at least three vocab words Othello Essay: Will count for a grade in term 5 (final exam) One week for completion Final Exam: Comprehensive No essay (Othello Essay)

The plan Monday: Movie, Sticky notes, Apostrophes #5 Tuesday: Roman Numerals, Act I, Scene 1 Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

Class Website http://parkela.weebly.com/

Standards + Objectives CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI and RL.11-12.2 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. (Include Shakespeare as well as other authors.) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.3 Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). Class Objectives: SWBAT- We will be able to summarize key sections of the text We will create reasoning and analysis for important quotes We will utilize annotations in notes to further understand meaning Class Agenda: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Assignments (5) Essential Questions (5) Roman Numerals (10) Act I Vocab (10) Act I Scene I Notes (10) Begin reading (15) Wrap up (5) Standards + Objectives

p. 11 Othello: Essential Questions How does Shakespeare make use of dramatic devices: soliloquy, aside, dramatic irony, and tragic hero How do jealousy and envy affect people? What are the consequences of acting on emotion? How has race and humanity evolved or stayed the same? Can fiction reveal truth? How do stories reveal truth about human nature?

p. 12: Roman Numerals

Roman Numerals: ACTS are designated by UPPER CASE roman numerals 2. II 3. III 4. IV 5. V 6. VI 7. VII 8. VIII 9. IX 10. X

Roman Numerals: SCENES are designated by a LOWER case roman numerals 2. ii 3. iii 4. iv 5. v 6. vi 7. vii 8. viii 9. ix 10. x

Roman Numerals: Practice III.i IX.vi X.ii VIII.vii V.iv VI.v IV.ii II.x I.I VII.iii

Apostrophes 1. it’s 2. it’s 3. its 4. its 5. its 6. its 7. it’s

p. 13: Act I Vocab: 1. Desolate (adj) Spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; barren 2. Laconic (adj) Concise; using few words; 3. Obsequious (adj) Obsessive or servile to an excessive or servile degree 4. Sordid (adj) Arousing moral distaste and contempt 5. Candid (adj) Truthful and straightforward

p. 13: Act I Vocab: 6. Guileless (adj) Devoid of guile; innocent and without deception 7. Desolate (v) To deceive; to fool 8. Promulgate (v) To promote or to make widely known 9. Subjugate (v) To bring under control/domination (esp by conquest) 10. Perdition (n) State of eternal punishment or damnation- usually reserved for the sinful and unpenitent

p. 13: Act I Vocab: 11. Grange (n) a country house with farm buildings attached 12. Alacrity (n) brisk and cheerful readiness 13. Jealous (adj) suspicious or intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness; usually used in romantic situations (jealous boyfriend) 14. Envious (adj) feeling or showing a desire to have what someone else has

p. 14 Act I Scene i Notes The audience comes in on Iago’s argument in Italy Roderigo has been paying Iago Iago is on the defense, claiming to hate “him”, wants to be lieutenant but Michael Cassio has gotten the job Cassio is an arithmetician but has never seen battle Othello = “The Moor” Iago complains and professes his plot to get revenge, “I am not what I am” Racism Iago and Roderigo spill the beans to Brabanzio Iago ponders how Othello is needed Brabanzio is angry and conflicted to find out the truth

Act II Vocab: 1. Desolate (adj) Spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; barren 2. Laconic (adj) Concise; using few words; 3. Obsequious (adj) Obsessive or servile to an excessive or servile degree 4. Sordid (adj) Arousing moral distaste and contempt 5. Candid (adj) Truthful and straightforward

p. 13: Act I Vocab: 6. Guileless (adj) Devoid of guile; innocent and without deception 7. Desolate (v) To deceive; to fool 8. Promulgate (v) To promote or to make widely known 9. Subjugate (v) To bring under control/domination (esp by conquest) 10. Perdition (n) State of eternal punishment or damnation- usually reserved for the sinful and unpenitent

p. 13: Act I Vocab: 11. Grange (n) a country house with farm buildings attached 12. Alacrity (n) brisk and cheerful readiness 13. Jealous (adj) suspicious or intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness; usually used in romantic situations (jealous boyfriend) 14. Envious (adj) feeling or showing a desire to have what someone else has

p. 14 Act I Scene i Notes The audience comes in on Iago’s argument in Italy Roderigo has been paying Iago Iago is on the defense, claiming to hate “him”, wants to be lieutenant but Michael Cassio has gotten the job Cassio is an arithmetician but has never seen battle Othello = “The Moor” Iago complains and professes his plot to get revenge, “I am not what I am” Racism Iago and Roderigo spill the beans to Brabanzio Iago ponders how Othello is needed Brabanzio is angry and conflicted to find out the truth