Theme: follow your hopes and dreams The Big Orange Splot By: Daniel Pinkwater Report by: Rachel Wilt Theme: follow your hopes and dreams
Summary Mr. Plumbean lived on a street where all the houses were the same, it was a neat street. One day, a seagull carrying a can of orange paint flew over Mr. Plumbean’s house and spilled the can. Everyone in the neighborhood said that he would have to paint over the spot. That night Mr. Plumbean painted his house like a jungle and added a clock tower to the top. The next night he added trees and a hammock to his yard. He told his neighbors that his house was painted like his hopes and dreams. The neighbors were upset by his house, so they told the man next door to Plumbean to go speak to him. The neighbor went to Plumbean’s house and they drank lemonade and talked all night long. The next morning, the neighbors came outside to find that mans house painted like a ship. Soon, all the neighbors visited Plumbean at night and the next day, changed their houses to match their hopes and dreams. In the end, the street was full of houses that matched the people’s hopes and dreams.
Characters Main Character: Mr. Plumbean Creative Thoughtful Helpful Insightful Happy
Characters continued Neighbors They help Mr. Plumbean make the neighborhood colorful and full of dreams.
Problem The main problem of the story is that Mr. Plumbean paints his house differently than his neighbors and the street is no longer neat.
Solution Mr. Plumbean speaks with each of the neighbors at night and they all end up painting their houses to match their dreams. The street is no longer neat, but that is ok.
Book Review I think that “The Big Orange Splot” is an excellent book with a great message. One reason I liked this book is because it contains humorous language. On page 13 it says, “Plumbean has popped his cork, flipped his wig, blown his stack, and dropped his stopper.” (Pinkwater) When I read this line, it made me laugh. Another reason I liked this book is because it contains a great message. Mr. Plumbean decides to be himself and be original and fill his life with his dreams. On page 19 he says, “My house is me and I am it. My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams,” (Pinkwater). I would give this book 5 stars.
Vocabulary Baobab- a large tree native to tropical Africa Belfry-a bell tower Bonnet- a hat that ties under the chin to protect from the sun Carpenter-a person who builds or repairs wooden structures Explosion-a violent expansion or bursting with noise
Vocabulary continued Frangipani- a tropical American tree or shrub Gushed- to flow out suddenly Hawser-a heavy rope for towing Lumber- timber sawed or split into planks Steam shovel- a machine for digging or excavating