Antacids Acid Base Chemistry
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12.2 Antacids State and Explain how excess acidity in the stomach can be reduced by the use of different bases. Antacids: bases, metal oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, hydrogen carbonates Reacts with stomach acid (excess) to adjust the stomach pH to the desired level
Purpose of HCl in the stomach To suppress growth of harmful bacteria To help in digestion by hydrolyzing proteins to amino acids Normal pH of stomach acid ~ 1.2 – 0.3 range, Stress also produces more acid
Role of antacids Neutralizes the excess acids and relives the discomfort Excess acid can cause ulcers
Examples: Over the Counter Al(OH)3 Mg(OH)2 CaCO3 NaHCO3
Alginates Antacids are combined with Alginates extracted from brown sea weeds produces neutralizing layer that prevents acid reflux / acid entering into oesophagus
Dimethicone / Antifoaming agent Are added to antacids to reduce the surface tension of gas bubbles And produce de-foaming action
Silicon Chemistry The possibilities offered to the formulation chemist by silicone chemistry are endless and yours to explore.
Active ingredients of some commercial antacids Tums: CaCO3 MgCO3 Mg Si3O8 For the treatment of gastritis and of ulcers Rolaids : AlNa(OH)2CO3 Malox : Al(OH)3 Mg(OH)2 Alka Seltzer : NaHCO3 , citric acid, aspirin
Alka Seltzer : NaHCO3 , citric acid, aspirin
Active ingredients of some commercial antacids Milk of Magnesia : Mg(OH)2 or MgO/Mg(OH)2 mixture Amphogel Al(OH)3 Di-Gel : CaCO3
Action of Antacids Alkalosis: high doses of antacids basic stomach Mg2Si3O8 + 4 HCl 3 SiO2(s) 2 H2O (l) + 2 MgCl2(aq) Write the reactions for rest of the antacids Alkalosis: high doses of antacids basic stomach Other problems: body produces more acids