Writing a Persuasive Essay
Introduction Use a Hook Restate the Question – in your own words Thesis Statement: Clearly state your Opinion List 3 Main Points
Ways to “Hook” your reader… Announcement “It has come to my attention that JFK has been considering installing surveillance cameras in the school.”
Ways to “Hook” your reader… Shocking Statement “It has been proved that 90% of school crimes go unsolved because of the lack of surveillance in the hallways.”
Ways to “Hook” your reader… Rhetorical Question “How would you feel if your child’s safety was at stake because JFK refused to install surveillance cameras?”
Ways to “Hook” your reader… Quotation “There is a famous saying, ‘If the walls could talk’ that plays an important role when considering your child’s safety at school.”
Ways to “Hook” your reader… Anecdote (Short Story) “Yesterday, students at JFK reported seeing a strange man lurking outside of the school. Due to the newly installed surveillance cameras, police officials were able to identify the unknown man. When brought downtown for questioning it was noted that the man was carrying a loaded gun on him.”
Restate the Topic You always want to clearly introduce the topic you are writing about to your reader (in your own words). “Recently the Board of Education has been discussing whether or not to install surveillance cameras in all of the schools in Woodbridge Township.”
Thesis Statement Your thesis statement clearly tells your reader the position you have chosen on the specific topic. “After much consideration, I firmly believe that JFK should install surveillance cameras on school grounds to ensure safety, to create awareness, and give parents a peace of mind.”
List Your 3 Main Points When surveillance cameras are installed on school grounds it would ensure student safety, prevent vandalism to school property, and help reduce the number of students cutting class.
Introductory Paragraph It has been proven that 90% of school crimes go unsolved because of the lack of surveillance on school grounds. Recently the Board of Education has been discussing whether or not to install surveillance cameras in all of the schools in Woodbridge Township. After much consideration, I firmly believe that JFK should install surveillance cameras on school grounds. If surveillance cameras were to be installed it would ensure student safety, prevent vandalism to school property, and help reduce the number of students cutting class.
Each Body Paragraph Needs: To begin with a Transitional Phrase Three Body Paragraphs Each Body Paragraph Needs: To begin with a Transitional Phrase Clearly state the main point Give supporting details Have a specific example. Stay focused to prove your thesis statement.
Sample Body Paragraph 1 To begin with, having surveillance cameras installed here at JFK will ensure student safety. Wood bridge Township police department’s annual report reveals that crime rates went up 20% in Woodbridge Township. It is important for you to truly consider the safety of the students. Since crimes rates are at an all time high, it is imperative for school officials to begin protecting their students. A perfect way to heighten security here at JFK is by installing new surveillance cameras. By having surveillance cameras, the people that enter school grounds can be monitored. For instance, imagine if a strange man has been recently lurking around campus. This man is unknown and seems to be following a group of students home every day. By using the new surveillance cameras police officials will be able to identify the man and take him downtown for questioning. It turns out that this man had bad intentions and in fact was carrying a loaded gun around with him. But, because JFK opted to install surveillance cameras, what could have been a tragedy was prevented.
Sample body paragraph 2 The installation of security cameras would prevent vandalism in schools. The school district reported fifty-five acts of vandalism last year, including stolen computers, spray-painting on school walls, damage to school doors and windows, and the destruction of other school property such as chairs, chalkboards and overhead projectors. This came at a cost of $32,000 to the local taxpayers. With security cameras installed, the vandals may have been reluctant to enter the school property, knowing that they may have been identified. Alternatively, surveillance cameras could have helped police to apprehend the criminals, preventing further incidents of vandalism at other schools.
SAMPLE body PARAGRAPH 3 With the installation of security cameras, there would be a reduction of students skipping class. At JFK high school alone, the administrative staff estimates that 35 percent of students have skipped at least one class. The number, according to students, may be even higher. Jay Jackson, a senior at JFK explains that he and his friends skip class on a regular basis. “We hide in the boy’s room until the second bell rings, and then we have free reign of the school. It’s easy to avoid the two security guards, and we have forged passes if we get stopped in the hallway.” The district reports that school absenteeism is at an all time high, so skipping class can have a negative impact on a child’s learning. Missing class can affect GPA’s and test scores, Principal McClean of JFK explains. Additionally, kids skipping class can be getting into all kinds of trouble –doing drugs and leaving the school property, putting their lives in danger. All this could be avoided if security cameras were installed to monitor the location and activities of students in the hallway.
Conclusion Paragraph Your Conclusion needs to: Begin with a mature transition device! Restate the original topic Restate your position on the topic (thesis statement) Restate your three main ideas Have a concluding statement that relates back to your hook!
Sample Conclusion It is undeniable that I strongly advise for JFK to install surveillance cameras on school grounds. In my opinion, there is no other option but to have these cameras installed. By having these surveillance cameras student safety would be ensured, school vandalism would decrease, and the number of students cutting class would be lowered. It has been proven that 90% of school crimes go unsolved due to lack of security. Do you really want to be a part of that shocking statistic? Do the necessary, and have surveillance cameras installed here at JFK before you have a chance to regret it.
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