Beach Safety Sunday, 15 April 2018
All passages: Number the paragraphs Look up ALL words you do not understand. (These will usually be the interesting ones!). Consider the balance between FACT and opinion in any passage. Annotate onto your text any presentation devices that have been used. (Extension: annotate the intended effect of the presentation device on the reader.) 15 minutes today. Generally HWK…
Activities to engage: Speed and accuracy. In your yellow books, answer the following questions. 10 minutes. Work on your own, as though this were an exam. Find and highlight five facts in one colour and five opinions in another colour. What does RNLI stand for? What should you do if you are caught in a rip? List three things. (3 marks) What should surfboarders never do? (2 marks) In your own words, explain what happened to Carolyne Yard and her family, as described in the leaflet. (4 marks)
How does the leaflet persuade the reader to donate to the RNLI? Discuss with your table group. Develop a composite answer – PEE – to feedback to the class. Which answer is best: WHY?
Look again and we will discuss Who the audience is and how we know; Why this form has been chosen and how presentation devices contribute to the effectiveness; What the purpose of the leaflet is and how we know.
IN 3s – a task , produce an article for the national TV news teaching the audience to be safe ‘On the Beach’. Use the material here, not your imagination… Roles: Reporter RNLI lifeguard Beach-goer who has been rescued in the past
Perform and… …peer-assess each others’ performances awarding a star and window. Focus on to what extent the information in the text was included and whether the purpose was made clear.