Dear Workshop Facilitator: This workshop is scheduled for 1 hour and 30 minutes. We suggest you make notes on this presentation and plan to present it for the first 30 minutes of your workshop. You will also want to tell attendees to write down any questions they may have on their handout pages. At the end of the presentation, attendees will break into groups at the tables in back of the room (allow 5 minutes for them to relocate) so they will have 45 minutes for questions, discussion, and listing best practices. You may want to have some questions to give each table just to get discussion started. We suggest each table assign one individual to write down the best practices that come out of the group. A pad of paper will be placed on each table for this The reason we are using pads of paper instead of flipcharts is that the information from paper pads is much easier to compile. About 10 minutes before the end of the workshop, have someone from each table read their best practices to the group.
Here’s the tentative time schedule: Welcome, agenda, and slide presentation 30 minutes Move to a table without those you traveled with 5 minutes Shared best practices and discussion 45 minutes Report out from each table 10 minutes Best of luck to you ... and thanks for helping with leadership conference.
The Chapter and its Professional Development Programs It’s About Your Chapter’s Value to Your Members and the Organization The ultimate justification for an NMA chapter is that it brings opportunities for personal professional development to its members and by default, to the sponsoring organization. Some chapters combine their professional development activities with their chapter meetings while others have a separate PD operation…while still others have some combination of the two. One thing is clear – the chapter has to show VALUE to its members and to the parent company or organization. This is one place where you can definitely do that. But you have to think it through and plan.
What’s in it for the participants? Gain new skills Obtain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Invest in their own careers Build new relationships
What’s in it for the organization?? Support for a continuous learning environment Cross-organizational teaming and problem-solving Cost-effective leadership training at all levels Engagement of employees in their own development through their NMA experience Sometimes, it is helpful to remember WHY we are doing what we are doing. All chapters exist because senior management allows them to. Thus, being able to demonstrate value is instrumental to retaining their support. Here are some benefits that accrue to the organization that supports the chapter and its professional development initiatives. Have the group help you determine several more.
How do we get started? You need someone to help with... Planning the year Handling publicity Coordinating and scheduling Recruiting and helping facilitators Recognizing and rewarding students and facilitators Doing the paperwork (CEU, NMA forms (B-3, B-4, B-5, etc.) You can’t do it all! Great opportunity to reach out to new members and get them involved! If you are going to be a coach, you have to have a team. Recruit people who enjoy having fun. They help others enjoy themselves. Yes, you want people who will do the work, but you don’t want this to be just more work! If you are having fun, you won’t have any trouble getting people to join you. As a team manager or coach, what is your role in managing the Professional Development Team? Mentor? Communicator? Manager? Marketing Guru? Administrator? Champion/Cheerleader? Answer: all of the above…and also why you can’t do it alone!
First Things First! Engage Human Resources You are NOT a threat You want to support ongoing training and development You are there to help Ask for someone from HR to advise the chapter; get HR/training ON the team! Ask “What can we take off your plate?” Provide feedback on needs to NMA Ask how the various chapters interact with HR. Fair warning…this can get hairy. It’s a thorny relationship in many chapters but ANY situation can be improved, so stay positive and have those people “with success” try to coach, counsel, and mentor the others.
First Meeting with the Team! What information does the PD Chair need? PD “mission” of the chapter Budget – what do things cost? How will courses/programs be covered (chapter, individual, partnering with company?) People Resources Any survey info (“interests”, needs, etc.) Recommendations from HR History of PD activity What else can help you plan? Let the group supply more answers.
First Meeting with the Team! What are the learning objectives? Interpersonal skills Technical skills Certification (CM, PMP, etc.) Book Clubs Partner with HR activities Coaching/Mentoring Multi-generational understanding Personal skills Other? A critical first step is deciding what direction to take the chapter’s PD programming…what are the possibilities and how can you add variety? IF YOU PLAN TO OFFER A FINANCIAL PLANNING, RETIREMENT PLANNING, OR ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR OR WORKSHOP, PLEASE SEE THE PD RESOURCES GUIDE FOR SUGGESTED DISCLAIMER!
First Meeting with the Team! What are you going to DO? Lunch ‘n Learns After hours classes NMA LiveOnline webinars Partner with HR activities Seminars TED talks/podcasts Other How are you going to pay for it all? Who pays for what? What do members of your group say “works best” in their chapters? IMPORTANT: How do they pay for their programs? Do participants pay fees, does the chapter pick up the tab from dues, does the company or some other entity “partner” to help pay for things?
First Meeting with the Team! What resources are available to you? NMA courses and programs BTE courses Foundations of Management Outside vendor materials Self-study programs (via MindEdge) Company resources E-learning possibilities Facilitators from within HR Local colleges and universities Institute of Certified Professional Managers IQ-Share (PMP training partner) Don’t get hung up here…most of these have their own slides, “coming up”. Hold discussion until then.
First Meeting with the Team! Who will be responsible for what? Choosing the right mix of “classes,” programs, and events Working with HR Handling publicity Coordinating registration Ordering materials Getting CEU approval and submitting forms Finding facilitators/course leaders Recognizing achievements
First Meeting with the Team! Develop and Share your Plan of Action Link it to Company/Community Goals and Objectives!!! In most organizations, there is a “direction” that employee development is going…whether it’s in newsletters and documents from “the company” or in statements from the human resources people. The chapter’s plan MUST be linked to those!!!
The B-3 Form Request for Authorization to Grant CEU (download at Submit each year -- Authorizes your chapter to have NMA grant CEU for your PD programs What information do you need for the newly revised B-3? Courses offered during next 12 months Their length and type PD Committee Chairman Person submitting CEU to NMA The B-3, “Request for Authorization to Grant CEU to NMA Members” is basically your annual training plan in a brief format. NMA Headquarters has the ability to grant CEU for training NMA conducts. When a chapters files a B-3 Form, NMA headquarters then grants that chapter authority to issue CEU for their approved courses. THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED TO NMA BY THE 15TH OF JANUARY EACH YEAR! We ask that the Professional Development chair send in the CEU forms, but it can be someone he/she has delegated to do the paperwork. THE B-3 FORM IS IN THE APPENDIX OF THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GUIDE AND IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON NMA’S HOME PAGE:
The B-4 Form Request for CEU Approval for Non-NMA Courses (download at What is included on a B-4? Course description Length Learning Outcomes All NMA proprietary courses have automatically been approved for CEU. If you use a non-NMA course, you must file a B-4 Form with the Dayton headquarters. THIS SHOULD BE DONE BEFORE THE COURSE IS OFFERED. Dayton keeps a record of all courses that have been approved for each chapter. NMA now requires that participants demonstrate learning outcomes as one of the criteria for receiving CEU credit. BE SURE TO LIST THE DESIRED LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THE PLANNED COURSE. THE B-4 FORM IS IN THE APPENDIX OF THE PD RESOURCES GUIDE AND IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON NMA’S HOME PAGE:
The B-5 Form Request for CEU and Student Certificates (download at CEU certificates Free for NMA members, $10 for non-members Individual transcripts Chapter transcripts Once you have conducted a course, you must send the B-5 Form to NMA headquarters in order for us to record and issue your participants’ CEU. Dayton will issue Student Certificates of Completion, their CEU certificates, and a certificate for your facilitator – all electronically. The B-5 form can be downloaded from NMA’s website. TO RECEIVE CEU CREDIT, A PARTICIPANT MUST ATTEND 75% OF THE CLASS HOURS AND DEMONSTRATE LEARNING OUTCOMES. Need to document peoples’ training? CEU transcripts are available to you for your entire chapter or for individual members. They are produced at NO COST to any chapter or member. All you or your member needs to do is to request them from the Professional Development Division.
Order course materials Find out what’s available from NMA: Go to the Web site Click on the Professional Development tab Call NMA’s Professional Development Division 937/294-0421 GO TO NMA’S HOME PAGE: There is lots more than Professional Development on the Home Page. Take a look around. or CALL NMA’S PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. You can order online or just call the NMA staff. They are always happy to answer questions.
Foundations of Management Leader Aids Instructor Materials Quizzes and Answer Keys PowerPoint presentations for each chapter 3 courses; 14 chapters in all; We’ll have handouts on FoM! FOM will be the first of two modules in the revised CM program. ICPM conducted a comprehensive job task analysis and determined the same knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) are needed by new/entry level managers as experienced managers. The difference is in the level of detail and application. ICPM implementation of the FOM program comprises approximately 45 hours of learning and includes a custom‑published study manual (in print or e-book format) and access to the ICPM e‑Learning Center. The e‑Learning Center includes multimedia learning ICPM has made FOM available to NMA for facilitated group learning. ICPM and NMA partnered with McGraw Hill to publish the FOM books. NMA has broken the 14 chapters into 3 books. NMA will issue a completion certificate to individuals who complete the FOM training. NMA’s main focus is to provide FOM as a facilitated group learning experience. A self-study option is also be available. Foundations of Management 3 courses…(in either eBook or softbound) Management Fundamentals Managerial Functions Business Concepts for Managers Member Participant Manuals: $75 each Leader Materials: $99
4/15/2018 10:37 PM Analyze Virtual Workplace Realities Overcome Distance and Cultural Factors Feel the Impact of Accountability and Shared Vision Learn How to Mitigate Conflict Identify Outstanding Best Virtual Practices Five chapters all dedicated to understanding the characteristics, challenges, and opportunities that come with working on virtual teams. $49 – Participant Manual (three ring binder) $99 – Leader Guide Leader Guide Includes: 1 Participant Manual 1 Leader’s Manual with Facilitator Notes 1 CD of full PPT presentation Our Newest NMA Program – Aimed at equipping leaders and virtual team members with the skills and knowledge to make every virtual team WILDLY successful!
NMA LiveOnline Monthly Webinars 4/15/2018 10:37 PM NMA LiveOnline Monthly Webinars May – “Time Management = Priority Management”, Valentine Smith June – “Ramping Up Recognition”, Bob Noel July – “Honest, Competent, Inspiring, Forward Looking: The PATH to Credible Leadership”, Rodney Covey August – “Improving Communications in a Busy World”, Renee Brooks September - TBD Go to our website and click on the Professional Development tab to see the entire calendar for 2017 These webinars provide NMA members an hour of tools on current topics each month.
Also available from NMA… NMA LeaderLab Courses: Survival Skills – Priorities under pressure Apprentice Auction – Selling with substance Hiring Opportunity – Cover your criteria Startup Saga – Minding the mission Deadline Dilemma – Give and take Operation Overload – Find a fix Delivery Delay – Satisfy your customer Developing Diversity – Invite all ideas Employee Engagement – Walk the talk Live, interactive scenario-based learning sessions to immerse participants in critical thinking and teambuilding exercises. The LeaderLabs are exciting, fast-paced scenario-based learning. In one hour, you and your team will be presented with a leadership challenge that begs for innovative solutions. In order to run a LeaderLab you need to have at least 2 teams of 5-8 people… the more teams the better. You also need about one hour to conduct the lab. You can offer prizes to make it more interesting. Click on the URL address for the handouts and more detailed instructions. These are free to all chapters.
Six Sigma Certification Find them at! New Six Sigma Certification and Lean Basics Course recently added Self study and e-learning courses, great for professional recertification Communication Creativity & Innovation Entrepreneurship Finance Human Resource Management International Trade Job Search Leadership Management Marketing Nonprofit Management Project Management Long Courses Project Management Short Courses Project Management Simulations Sustainable Management If you have been on the NMA website in search of e-learning, self-study courses, you’ve no doubt seen NMA’s partner in that endeavor, MindEdge. This is just a sampling of what they offer.
Introducing: Provided via a $15,000 grant from the NMA Educational Foundation, Inc. In December of last year, NMA announced a grant from The NMA Educational Foundation, Inc., that would provide an introduction to the concept of “Microlearning”. Working with an organization named Grovo, all of our chapters have had an opportunity to see a selection of suggested short videos and “test drive” the Grovo products. I’d like to call upon 2002 NMA Chairman of the Board, Don Hart, CM, and Steve Bailey to explain the program and how you will still be able to participate throughout 2017.
Chapter Rewards Program $2/member dues rebate that can be used toward the purchase of NMA awards, conferences, and educational materials Awards and merchandise – 10% off the purchase price CLT Registrations (in addition to the Early Bird Discount!) – 10% off Annual Conference Registrations (in addition to the Early Bird Discount) – 10%off President and Past Presidents Pins – 20% off Foundations of Management – 20% off FaciliSkills™ ‐ 50% off Building Virtual Teams – 50% off NMA’s Next Top Leadership Model – 50% off Live Online Group Login – 100% off Sponsored Speaker – 100% of the cost of a speaker, with a $200 maximum
How do we keep people involved? Make it FUN Food and fun go together. Unity-Do things to help them bond as a group. Never forget to say “Thank you.” Some ideas they might come up with are: A bag of mini-candy bars for the facilitator to use (don’t use this more than a couple of times) Games Competitions “Games That Trainers Play” – reproducible class exercises Working in groups Brown bag lunch seminars Recognition for their effort For your team, how do you make it fun? Special lunches Little gifts of appreciation Other ideas?
Recognize People’s Achievements Chapter Meetings Executive Staff Meetings Chapter Newsletters E-blasts Notes to Supervisors Bulletin Boards People like to be recognized for their professional achievements. One way to do this is to present (at a chapter event) certificates for those members who have completed a course of study, e.g., the Supervisory and Management Skills Program or another program. Your newsletter can do more than inform. Make sure when people do finish classes, it gets noted in the newsletter with their department name (or company name for community chapters). You might include their pictures, also. Get a little competition going between groups. Make sure to call attention to the fact that a whole department or company participated. It gives you another vehicle to showcase your people. ARE THERE ANY OTHER WAYS? Ask execs to personally hand out achievement certificates!
What certificates are available? Foundations of Management (Free to members; non-members; $5.00) Certificate in Management Instruction Available for your course facilitators; $5.00 Designed to recognize milestones. Encourage people to display their certificates. If you think that one of your people has completed 200, 500, or 1,000 hours of training, please contact NMA headquarters. The request for this level of recognition should be in writing. After verifying the person’s hours, they will issue the appropriate recognition. Certificate in Management Instruction for your course facilitators Does any chapter send a copy of the CEU certificate to the person’s boss, thanking him/her for supporting the individual’s efforts and requesting that it be noted in the associate’s personnel file?
How do you recognize your team? How do you thank your facilitators? Do you have a special luncheon only for facilitators? How do you give them some visibility? If you pay them, how do you pay them? And is it done promptly? What certificates can you use? What can you do to recognize your whole Professional Development team? The “recognition piece” of the puzzle is one you don’t want to leave out! You might take a little time on each of the bullets and poll the group as to what they do, e.g., how many of you have a special luncheon? Then ask one or two to share how they do it. HOW CAN YOU PERSONALIZE THE RECOGNITION YOU GIVE THEM?
Do you evaluate your programs? What worked well? What did not? How can this program be improved? Any best practices or lessons learned? You might ask, Do any of you conduct an “participant evaluation” at the end? Do you ask for their advice and counsel? If they enjoyed the class, what did they enjoy the most? Remind them why they wanted to teach the class or take the class; then ask whether their personal objective was met. Knowing that parts of the country are different and company policies vary, ask them what worked well and why. What didn’t work and why?
Professional Development Award Presented to any Chapter that has an outstanding Professional Development and Certified Manager Program through conducting both NMA and non-NMA courses, and involving executive managers in their Professional Development program. Chapters earning this award are recognized at NMA’s Annual Conference. Chapters that participate in the NMA’s Awards Program by submitting a monthly CAR1 (Chapter Achievement Reporting Form) are automatically entered to earn this award. The Minimum points are a level that can be exceeded. Chapters shouldn’t stop their Professional Development activities once the minimum level is reached. The CAR1 has a tab that provides a description of the requirements for the PD Award. It can also be found in the PPM which is on NMA’s website.
What next? …Transition to next year Lay the groundwork for continued success Keep good records Become the senior advisor Share this year’s accomplishments with senior management Hold a formal transition meeting Nothing breeds success NEXT year, like success THIS year! LEAVE A PAPER OR ELECTRONIC TRAIL FOR SOMEONE TO FOLLOW IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS. Keep good records to pass on to the next person. The next person doesn’t need to completely reinvent the PD program. In today’s world, people just don’t have the time. The next person will sing your praises every time he/she needs information and it’s recorded. FINALLY, STRETCH YOURSELF AND TAKE YOUR EXPERTISE TO THE NEXT LEVEL. You are a valuable asset. You are the one who can see the whole process and relate it to the Big Picture. Stay involved!
Small Group Discussion Topics: What have been your experiences with Foundations of Management and NMA Live Online Webinars? What other successful PD programs have you used? What really works and draws people to your learning activities? How do you pay for PD programs? What else could NMA provide for you?
Now, does anyone have any questions?? We are now going to break into discussion groups at the tables in back of the room. Please go to the table for the number you were assigned when you entered the room. This is the time to get your questions answered and learn from each other’s best practices. Each table should appoint an individual to keep track of the best practices on the notepad provided at the table. After approximately 45-50 minutes, we will ask each table to report out on their best practices. Are there any questions?? Ok…you may now go to the tables in the back room for discussion. I will be going from table to table to see if you need any help.