HoCare Kick-off Meeting 17-18.5.2016, PRAGUE, CZ PARTNER 7 – IDERAM (Portugal)
About partner – who? President: Jorge Faria jorgefaria@ideram.pt Board Member: Cristina Gouveia cristinagouveia@ideram.pt
IDE – Institute for the Development of Enterprise in Madeira IDE is a public institute with legal, administrative and financial autonomy. The principal objective of IDE is to promote enterprise development and support for the modernization of enterprise structures in Madeira, particularly with regard to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).
ABOUT MADEIRA Territory: Autonomous Region of Madeira – NUT1 Land: 800 km2 Sea: 447,000 Km2 Population: 267,000 citizens Video
Policy instrument Name: Operational Programme "Regional Madeira 2014-2020" (Madeira14-20). Owner: IDR -IP RAM- Regional Development Institute. Programme Amount: 403 million euros (ERDF). Beneficiaries: SMEs, Public organizations, others.
Madeira14-20 Programme Madeira 14-20 strategic priorities: • Delivery of innovative Home Care solutions by regional companies; • Improving the capacity for assistance; • Health care delivery to users; • Strengthening disease prevention and health promotion.
Intermediate Organization of Madeira14-20 - IDE Provision of innovative home care services through a quadruple helix strategy. Delivery of innovative solutions targeting local needs in the framework of tackled structural funds. SUPPORT INSTRUMENTS INVESTMENT OPERATION COSTS FINANCING
Intermediate Organization of Madeira14-20 - IDE In the programming period 14-20, IDE appears as an intermediate organization, with responsibilities in the following priority axes: Priority Axis 1 To reinforce the research, technological development and innovation Priority Axis 3 To increase the competitiveness of enterprises Priority Axis 4 To support the transition to an economy with low carbon emissions Priority Axis 11 Additional costs of Outermost Regions
Madeira14-20 IDE SF role Governance of the instrument and direct link to IDE: IDE is an Intermediate Organization and works directly with the Managing Authority (MA) of tackled SF (IDR); IDE is directly involved in the programming and monitoring process of this SF; IDE monitors and evaluates the impact of this financial scheme on regional SMEs and propose improvements.
Improvement and targets Madeira14-20 Improvement and targets SF target: To achieve employability growth rate of 5%. SF improvements: Lack of innovations delivered by the regional innovation ecosystems; Use quadruple helix approach to deliver concrete innovative projects using financial support of Madeira 14-20 SF; Support new highly innovative projects which will be enabled by the capitalization of knowledge gained in HoCare project – phase 1.
Regional context – RIS3 RIS3 addresses Health and wellbeing, in particular ageing, genetic and infectious diseases, oncology supported additionally by cross-cutting priority: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and interdisciplinary innovations; Additionally the Government follows its own plan - 2020 Madeira Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy, which perceives a clear concern with the development of research to ensure the introduction of home care of high quality and safety.
Regional context Infrastructure Hospitals: 3 Clinics: 11 Health care centres and their annexes : 51 Elderly care centres: 22 Pharmacies: 65
Regional context Stakeholders Nélio Mendonça Hospital; SESARAM Madeira; Health authority; ACIF – the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Madeira; IDERAM – Institute for the development of enterprise; 11 Municipalities of Madeira; RAM government (IDR, IP RAM – Regional Development Institute); Regional SMEs: Conceito senior, Here we go disabled, Centro Ortopédico de Funchal, Incubators of Funchal, Tecnopolo; EUIESA ONG; C4G Consulting and training network.
Regional context Quadruple Helix
Good practice Strong sensitivity of the Region in the implementation of mobility policies for persons with disabilities; Streamlining of home support services; Training Availability for professional caregivers; Streamlining of professional caregivers for the monitoring person with disabilities; Platform to support the movement of people with disabilities; Public health centres to provide health care throughout the region; Good medical care and imaging capability; Nursing Schools; Medical School at the University.
Cristina Gouveia - Member of the Board of IDE, IP -RAM Thank you! Cristina Gouveia - Member of the Board of IDE, IP -RAM ide@gov-madeira.pt http://www.ideram.pt