Community based services - Principles, good practices


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Presentation transcript:

Community based services - Principles, good practices Eötvös Loránd University Csilla Cserti-Szauer, Vanda Katona, Zsuzsa Kun, Mária Losoncz, Boglárka Szűcs, Katalin Tausz

Deinstitutionalisation/transition to community based services the development of high quality, individualised services based in the community, the planned closure of long-stay residential institutions where children, people with disabilities (including people with mental health problems), homeless people and older people live, segregated from society, with inadequate standards of care and support, and where enjoyment of their human rights is often denied; making mainstream services such as education and training, employment, housing,health and transport fully accessible and available to all children and adults with support needs.

Legal background International framework European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) – human rights for everyone UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Europe 2020 Strategy Structural Funds Regulations 2014–2020 National, local framework (e. g. Goverment -decison and Strategy in Hungary 2011-2041)

UN CRPD Inclusion of persons with disabilities Article 12 – Equal recognition before the law The root of the Convention Article 19 – Living independently and being included in the community The fruit of the Convention, embodiment of the rights (Quinn, 2013) Medical model Social and human rights model

„Independent Living does not mean that we want to do everything by ourselves and do not need anybody or that we want to live in isolation. Independent Living means that we demand the same choices and control in our every-day lives that our non-disabled brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends take for granted. We want to grow up in our families, go to the neighborhood school, use the same bus as our neighbors, work in jobs that are in line with our education and interests, and start families of our own. Since we are the best experts on our needs, we need to show the solutions we want, need to be in charge of our lives, think and speak for ourselves - just as everybody else.” (Adolf Ratzka, 2003). Independent living The priority of self-determination, the emphasis is on possibility of choice „Nothing about us without us” Empowerment Social participation The myth of independence Balance between necessary help and accesible level of independence „It is the freedom for me to be able to do what I want to do, when I want to do it in a way, because I have people around me who can support me to do that” (John Evans, 2012)

Being included in the communty - Community based living Passing the model of long-stay residential and group home living conditions The emphasis is on life-quality, subjective satisfaction and not on the number of the inhabitants Services to facilitate independent living

Key components in legal framework for community-based services The right to live in the community Access to mainstream services and facilities Legal capacity and guardianship (supported decison making) Involuntary placement and involuntary treatment Provision of community-based services

Supported living Social service Houses with average quality and measure in the mainstram society Individual choices: Ensure to the inhabitants to make decisions in more questions People can choose who they want to live with, in housing that they own or rent Living as a part of the local community Access to mainstream health and social services Provision of flexible, individualised support

PRINCIPLES DEVELOPING A RANGE OF SERVICES IN THE COMMUNITY Full participation in the community Choice and control Person-centred and child-centred support Continuity of service delivery Separation of housing and support Dispersed housing opposite to campus/cluster-style housing

TEN LESSONS ON HOW TO ACHIEVE COMMUNITY LIVING 1. Ensure that champions for community living are involved in leading change. 2. Make the needs and preferences of people central to planning. 3. Respect the experiences and roles of families. 4. Create a real home and personalised support for each individual. 5. Focus on achieving quality services and ensuring people can lead their own lives safely.

TEN LESSONS ON HOW TO ACHIEVE COMMUNITY LIVING 6. Recruit and develop skilled personnel. 7. Engage a broad partnership in delivering change. 8. Establish a clear plan and timescale for creating the community services necessary to make each institution redundant. 9. Invest in communicating all this effectively to everyone affected, including in the communities to which people are moving. 10. Support each person in their transition to community living.

Quality principles respect human dignity and fundamental rights; achieve expected results; be tailored to each individual; ensure the security of all users, including the most vulnerable; be participative and empower users to make decisions on their own; be holistic and continuous; be provided in partnership with communities and other stakeholders; be provided by skilled professionals working under good employment and working conditions; be managed in a transparent way and be accountable.

Thank you for your attention!