IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIVITIES RECOMMENDED BY ADAPTED GLOBAL ASSESSMENT Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Tbilisi, October 2017
About the history of the Global Assessment Process in NSS Tajikistan The Global Assessment of National Statistical System of the Republic of Tajikistan was carried out by UN Economic commission for Europe (UNECE), European Free Trade Association (EFTA), European Commission (Eurostat). The assessment was carried out by request of Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (Tajstat) in UNECE.
Main recommendations and their implementation: on a legal and institutional basis Introduction of the Code of norms of the European statistics, principles and concepts of official statistics, in particular confidentiality of statistical data and professional Independence; Strict observance of the unified (unilateral) principle of data flow; Revision of annual and perennial statistical data; “The principles and concepts of official statistics” are translated into a state language; Unilateral data flow system is established and working on administrative data is improved as well; Annual statistical program covers administrative data sources.
Main recommendations and their implementation: on dissemination of information, communication and relations with the main stakeholders Implement the strategy of dissemination and compliance with the relevant provision of the Law; Improve the access and transparency of information; Preserve confidence in the national statistical system. Step-by-step all printed statistical publications are placed on a common web-page TAJSTAT (; All publications are supplemented by tables with brief explanatory notes and visual presentations; Several data basis are set up and placed on a web-site (Censusinfo, Tojikinfo)
Main recommendations and their implementation: on data sources, processing, quality control, registers and nomenclature If possible, move from a continuous data collection method to selective surveys (statistical observation) or administrative data; Combine the national nomenclature with the latest world and European international classifications and expand the statistical register of the enterprise (business register); On a pilot basis methodology of transmission from continuous recording to selective survey of Dehkan farms is developed; On the basis of international classifier of goods and services adapted classifier of goods and services is developed. The work on the creation of a statistical business register (business register) has begun, on the basis of data of subjects of statistical service and administrative records (“single window” system);
Main recommendations and their implementation: with regard to specific statistical sectors Step-by-step transition to an integrated household budget survey with the possibility of adding modules on specific issues: labor force, education and health care. Further improvement of the accuracy and coverage of the civil status acts registry system, in particular to cover data on birth and death of children under the school age. New questionnaires, instructions for filling in, data processing programs for the integrated household budget survey, including new modules on labor force, health, social protection, use of CAPI technologies are developed; Analytical works of administrative records of УАГС on birth and mortality are carried out; at the Jamoat level register book for births and deaths are created.
Main recommendations and their implementation: on the system of national accounts and price statistics Drawing up the table of “Resources and Use”; Forming quarterly data on a discrete basis; Improving the coverage and accuracy of data on macroeconomic statistics; Calculation of CPI using the mean geometric method. The table of “Resources and Use” is developed on the basis of 2011 and 2015 data; Statistical form on production activities is approved on a quarterly basis; The software for calculating CPI is developed.
The next stage of the Adapted Global Assessment in the NSS of the Republic of Tajikistan As the "National Strategy for the Development of Statistics" Project is being actively implemented through the ECASTAT Trust, the development of the next sectoral strategy for 2018-2023 is planned. It was decided to carry out a self-assessment for the development of the Strategy, and accordingly it is planned to hold the next AGA in the NSS of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2019-2020.
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