VEX IQ Curriculum Smart Machines Lesson 09 Lesson Materials: Unit hand-outs as desired Student Matching Exercise for Unit Student Matching Exercise Answer Key for Unit Pencils or pens Internet access or pre-printed research materials – optional Additional paper - optional It’s Your Future Idea Book Exercise page - optional Smart Machines Lesson 09
Project Overview Its Your Future Let’s Get Started Your First Robot Simple Machines & Motion Chain Reaction Challenge Key Concepts Mechanisms Highrise Challenge Smart Machines Chain Reaction Programming Challenge Smarter Machines Highrise Programming Challenge
CHAIN REACTION PROGRAMMING CHALLENGE The purpose of this lesson is for students to design and build a fully autonomous Chain Reaction Device to rubric specifications. Lesson Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is for students to design and build a fully autonomous Chain Reaction Device to rubric specifications.
LESSON 10 STARTER Prints out for the lesson Matching Exercise Rubric Teacher US guide sheet Student hand-out
LESSON 10 Lesson Vocabulary: Chain Reaction Device Stage Trigger Mechanism Autonomous Sensor Programming
Project Overview Its Your Future Let’s Get Started Your First Robot Simple Machines & Motion Chain Reaction Challenge Key Concepts Mechanisms Highrise Challenge Smart Machines Chain Reaction Programming Challenge Smarter Machines Highrise Programming Challenge
LESSON 10 STARTER Learning objective: Apply knowledge of Simple Machines and Pendulums. Utilise the design process in building their own Chain Reaction Device(s). Apply knowledge of VEX IQ sensors as well as programming techniques. The Chain Reaction Programming Challenge Rules: Autonomously Parking the Car Challenge Goal & Overview: The goal is to successfully build a fully autonomous Chain Reaction Device that successfully parks the car in the garage. Your teacher will provide you with (or ask you to build) the car and garage models to be used in this challenge. In most cases you will be asked to work together in teams, but you may be asked to work alone. Note: Depending on time and your teacher's plans, you may be asked to use and modify your Chain Reaction Devices previously built for the Rube Goldberg Challenge in an earlier unit (adding additional motor(s), sensors, and programming). Otherwise, you may be asked to design, build, and program this challenge from scratch. Please see your teacher for details. Learning Objectives: Students will apply knowledge of Simple Machines and Pendulums. Students will utilize key terminology related to Chain Reaction Devices. Students will utilize design process in building their own Chain Reaction Device(s). Students will apply knowledge of VEX IQ sensors as well as programming techniques. Students will document design. Students will be able to troubleshoot and solve problems to improve design.
LESSON 10 STARTER Challenge Rules for Autonomous Chain Reaction Device: 1. Build a four-stage Chain Reaction Device that parks the car in the garage. 2. Your Chain Reaction Device will be autonomous - using four or more motors, four or more sensors, robot brain, and programming techniques to customize control. Smart Motors ARE considered a sensor in this challenge IF control is customized through the use of programming techniques. 3. Use three or more of the following to construct your stages: 4. Please see the Rubric to Evaluate Autonomous Chain Reaction Device for all of the details on how you will be evaluated. 5. Idea Book Pages can be used for planning and troubleshooting. Your teacher will provide further instructions on using the Idea Book Pages. - Wheel & Axle, Inclined Plane, Wedge, Lever, Pulley, Screw, or Pendulum. - You may use some of the simple machines/pendulum above more than once if you wish.
LESSON 10 STARTER Task 1: Your teams task is to design, build, program, and test Chain Reaction Devices for the given challenge while using the “THINK-DO-TEST” approach to complete the troubleshooting Idea Book pages. Use the Rube Goldberg hand-out to prepare and plan your approach.
LESSON 10 STARTER Task 2: Follow the Chain Reaction Programming Challenge student hand-out to check, review and progress with the challenge without straying off task. The hand out includes notes you will have already seen, and information to support your work as a team.
LESSON 10 STARTER Task 3: Use the corresponding Rubric as a vehicle for improvement during the process and to assess final designs. You will be asked to show, present, and “hand in” copies of your programming work for evaluation.
LESSON 10 PLENARY As a class, let us consider the following questions? A. How many stages did you design in your Chain Reaction Device? B. Which mechanisms did you use and how did they work? C. Did each stage work first time? D. If not, what did you have to change to make it work?
SUMMARY Today you have: • Applied knowledge of Simple Machines and Pendulums. • Utilized the design process in building their own Chain Reaction Device(s). • Applied knowledge of VEX IQ sensors as well as programming techniques.