The Changing Landscape HOSSS 11th Annual National Conference University of Birmingham 15 June 2012 Philippa Stobbs Assistant Director Council for Disabled Children
Changing landscape Increased independence of schools and other settings Raising the Participation Age Changed and changing role of local authorities Changing health systems Changing benefits system
Changing landscape School and academy funding National Curriculum Approaches to testing Teaching schools
Unchanging landscape Good teaching and learning Evidence of children’s progress and outcomes Need for advanced and specialist skills Need for real engagement with parents Need for focus on wider outcomes for disabled
Green paper: progress and next steps March 2011: Green Paper, Support and Aspiration: a new approach to SEN and disability September 2011: pathfinders start 9 May 2012: Queen’s Speech announced Children and Families Bill 15 May: Support and Aspiration: a new approach to SEN and disability: Progress and next steps
Children and Families Bill draft Bill for consultation summer 2012 pre-legislative scrutiny autumn 2012 Bill to be introduced to Parliament early 2013 expected to be ‘carried over’ to next Parliamentary session Royal Assent early 2014
Next steps document summaries of responses to Green Paper progress made since Green Paper fleshes out proposals in Children & Families Bill reports on next steps in relation SEN reforms full text: updates on CDC website:
Green paper: Next Steps Local offer Single assessment process and an Education Health and Care Plan Joint planning and commissioning Personalisation Proposed timetable
The local offer legislation broad national framework local discretion over shape, scope and content developed in collaboration with parents and local services provision ‘normally made available’ in an area: in local schools and colleges from local health and social care services to include schools and colleges will be used by the First-tier (SEND) Tribunal and others
The local offer Existing requirements Potential to build capacity Funding changes From next April £4k plus £6k in schools Importance of timing of local offer How it is developed
Evidence: Pinney A (2004) Reducing Reliance on Statements: An investigation into Local Authority Practice and Outcomes. Department for Education and Skills Research Report 508 Penfold C, Cleghorn N, Tennant R, Palmer I, Read J (2009) Parental confidence in the Special Educational Needs Assessment, Statementing and Tribunal System: a qualitative study. National Centre for Social Research/DCSF Aiming High for Disabled Children Behaviour Improvement Programme evaluation
Single assessment process an Education Health and Care Plan Children and Families Bill will include: replace SEN statements & LDAs (for 16- to 25-year-olds) a single, 0-25 assessment process Education, Health and Care Plan from 2014 statutory protections comparable to a statement up to 25 in further education parents will not lose legal protections
Single assessment process an Education Health and Care Plan Timing Who should have an education, health and care plan Statutory and non-statutory? Post-16 landscape Link to local offer
Joint planning and commissioning Requirement to plan & commission jointly local authorities & clinical commissioning groups services for disabled children and young people and those with SEN
Changing health structures Health and Well-being Boards Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Health and Well-being Strategy Arrangements for co-operation to improve children’s well-being Children and Young people’s Health Outcomes Forum
Joint planning and commissioning Strategic or individual focus Linkage to schools, academies, early years settings Duty to co-operate
Personalisation EHCP option of personal budget clear role in designing a personalised package learning from the pilot programme of Individual Budgets (IB) impact of personal health budgets
Personalisation Education Act 2011 powers direct payments in education as well as health and social care pathfinders testing out Green Paper consultation: most popular aspects: Transport Therapies Short breaks Legislation on personal budgets for families with EHCP by 2014
Personalisation Personal budgets and direct payments Making provision more responsive to children’s needs and parents’ wishes Employment issues Evidence
Proposed timetable evidence from pathfinders multi-agency approach collaborative needs time and resourcing how to build confidence changes will lead to better outcomes aspects for change sooner rather than later
Other issues Equality Act 2010 auxiliary aids and services bias towards inclusion Code of Practice changes
Other work funded by the DfE A range of programmes, grant holders and contracted services, including: NatSIP Early Support Achievement for All 3 Trusts: The Communications Trust Autism Education Trust Dyslexia Specific Learning Difficulties Trust Support to parent/carer forums and parent partnership services Council for Disabled Children: Strategic Partner to DfE on SEN and disability
Key challenges Cultural change Systems change Timing Priority
Philippa Stobbs