Early Years – a career for everyone UK National Men in Early Years Conference February 2016 Southampton
Worldwide interest, media coverage 120 Delegates – UK wide, Holland, Ireland, Scotland BBC South Today video viewed 50,000 times online Video message of support from Early Years Minister, Sam Gyimah Keynote speech – Neil Leitch, PSLA 8 workshops including national lead researchers 16 podcasts recorded, video footage and photos Exhibition area Proposals to government National Charter for Men in Early Years Commitment from national childcare organisations
What next? Analyse feedback from conference Promotion – Nursery World etc. Collate and disseminate outputs – photos, videos, podcasts, charter Continue development of national network Lobby the government
Proposals to government An explicit national target for the percentage of men in the early years workforce A national organization for the promotion of and support for Men in Early Years A recognised UK national online presence for Men in Early Years Funding for research into the difference a balanced gender Early Years workforce makes on children’s outcomes A “franchise” model for local support organisations Support and promote national charter