Ocean Observatories Initiative: Cyberinfrastructure (OOI CI) Duane R Edgington MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) Moss Landing, California, USA INGRID2008 Lacco Ameno Ischia April 10 2008
Agenda today Briefly describe a USA activity to define and construct an environmental (ocean) instrument interface and data management system: Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI) Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Network for Ocean Research, Interaction and Application (NORIA)
OOI CI Start with experiences and systems developed for single ocean observatories (isolated Moored or cabled to shore). Designing for: Collaborative, web access Utilizing Service Oriented Architecture Incorporating Enterprise Service Bus technology Grid enabled Requirements: Multiple, diverse platforms (cabled to shore, moored surface expressions, solar powered, diesel powered, associated autonomous mobile platforms) Wide geographic distribution Thousands of instruments Distributed data Interactive control (near) real-time data acquisition Event response
Example of a single cabled to shore observatory: Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS)
Example of Moored Observatory: Monterey Ocean Observing System Benthic network Optical/power cable Instrument node Surface expression with meteorological instruments and power generator Cable to sub-surface instruments (temperature, currents, bio-optical, etc.) Vertical profiler on cable Benthic node with extension cables to instruments on bottom
Ocean Observatories Initiative USA National Science Foundation next- generation, decadal-scale program. 10 year, 330M$ US observing and interacting with the oceans. The Initiative has four basic elements Regional: cluster of experimental sites Global: widely spaced, deep- ocean, full-ocean water-column moorings, Coastal: focused on the variable, steep gradients of the near-shore Cyberinfrastructure: an integrative data management system.
Regional Scale Node The Regional Scale Nodes will enable new approaches to studies of Ocean and Earth processes that, for example: • regulate global climate • store anthropogenic carbon • form many mineral deposits • support major fish stocks • govern rainfall patterns on land • threaten coastlines with storms, tsunamis, harmful algal blooms, and oxygen depletion • deliver sediment and pollutants from land to the oceans • create and recycle Earth’s crust, and • harbor novel microbial life forms within subseafloor volcanic environments.
Global and Coastal nodes
Facilitating direct & immediate interaction with Ocean Connecting & coordinating operations between Observatories and with Science & Education Providing scientists with the capability to observe and respond to emergent conditions in the ocean Couple the observation, modeling and mission control systems By addressing the issues of Observatory resource management, Mission command and control, Knowledge (data) management and distribution, Meaningful collaboration across a wide range of disciplines
Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure Project Funded by NSF. Administered by Consortium for Ocean Leadership Initial award, $29 Million (US), 6 years, started end 2007 (preliminary design review) Potential extension to $42M over 11 years
OOI CI Scenarios (Use Cases) The project's architecture will be configured for certain basic scenarios, including: Monitor and control a single observatory, or multiple observatories; Detect and respond to an event; Fuse data from an observatory with a pre-existing ocean model; Design field experiments; Create 'virtual' observatories by combining components distributed among multiple physical observatories.
OOI CI Architecture Features Leverage the integrative principles of modern, service-oriented computer architecture Adopt Enterprise Service Bus, to integrate sensors, storage, scientific laboratories and computing Enable Grid Computing to integrate data with advanced ocean models and visualization Reuse the same software over many scales -- coastal, regional and global
Federation of independent operating facilities Adherence to a common governance model Functional scope defined by portfolio of services Aggregation of services provide by federation of facilities Facility role and scale determined by service profile Choose services to present and resources to commit Facility has explicit ability to delegate Authority, operations and capability of a resource to another facility Machine-to-Machine interactions equal stature to Human-to-Machine Common Operating Infrastructure
Ocean Observatory Schematic TeraGrid Open Science Grid
Rich Service Deployment – Detail View
Partners in the OOI Cyberinfrastructure project include Univ California San Diego o Scripps Institution of Oceanography o Calif Inst for Telecommunications and Information Tech (CalIt2) o San Diego Supercomputer Center o National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research Academic Partners o NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory o Massachusetts Inst of Tech, Center for Ocean Engineering o Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute o North Carolina State University, Dept. Computer Science o Rutgers University, Coastal Ocean Observatory Lab o University of Chicago, Globus (Ian Foster) o Univ Southen California, Information Sciences Institute o Univ Illinois UC, National Center for Supercomputing Applications o Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Corporate Partners o Raytheon o Triad Project Management