Welcome Parents!
Our Class Schedule 8:10 Doors Open and Breakfast 8:40 – 8:50 Great Expectations 8:50 – 9:20 Science/Social Studies 9:20-11:50 - Math 11:50– 12:20 Lunch 12:20-12:40 Recess 12:40 – 3:45 English and Language Arts 3:50 Dismissal
Contact Information Planning/meeting time is 9:50-10:50. Available for conferences before and after school also. merilanethomas@tomballisd.net Information posted on my website and weekly updates. Make sure your email and phone is updated in the TISD website – HAC. Follow @TISDDPES and @merithom on Twitter.
Great Expectations All campus staff have completed Great Expectation training. The Great Expectations methods allow for life lessons, higher level thinking, and formal language to be incorporated into all aspects of subjects and actions.
We will value one another as unique and special individuals. We will not laugh at or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns. We will use good manners, saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" and allow others to go first. We will cheer each other to success. We will help one another whenever possible. We will recognize every effort and applaud it. We will encourage each other to do our best. We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles. Student Expectations
Transportation All transportation changes MUST be requested by a written note to front office BEFORE 3:00pm. E-mails are not accepted. If you fax a note, please call the front office to confirm receipt.
Snack/Breaks Afternoon snack is scheduled. Students may bring a healthy snack to school each day. The snack must not be messy (no Cheetos or Doritos), need to be refrigerated, spicy (Hot Fries) or candy. Due to classroom allergies, nuts are not permitted. Students may bring a disposable water bottle (screw top). They are allowed to fill it in the morning and it can be thrown away at the end of the week. Students are allowed to go to the restroom one at a time during the day.
Academic Grading Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies are based on a numeric grade average. Nine week grading periods. Progress Reports and Report Cards will be sent home in Wednesday folders. Please sign and return. Daily grades 50% and Major grades are 50% Graded work is sent home in Wednesday folders and grades are available online at TISD website (you need to log in). Conduct- E S N U (daily behavior) P.E., Music, Art- E S N U (Oops slips)
Make-up and Unfinished Work 1 day for each absence If students do not finish their work on time, students must take their work to study hall and finish it there. Students will only be given 1-2 days in study hall to finish work and then it will be graded as is. If work is consistently not being finished, parents will receive an e-mail or call home. It is imperative that work is finished on time!
Spelling Pretest on Monday to ensure your students has the best words for him/her for the week. Each week your child will be given a list of 13 spelling words that follow a pattern. There will also be 4 sight words that cannot be sounded out, they must be memorized and are the most common words in English. Students will need to synthesize 3 new words for the spelling test that follow the pattern. For example: if you can spell ash, then you can spell mash, cash, and splash. Spelling words are practiced at school, however, is it recommended that students practice at home for the Spelling Test each Friday.
Sentence Dictation In addition to the spelling words, there will be 3 dictation sentences each week. These are averaged into one daily grade each nine weeks. The sentences will be graded as follows: 5 points off for each capitalization and punctuation error; the remaining words in the sentences are worth 70 points (70 points is divided by # of words in the sentences); 1 point off for each incorrect capitalization letter in the middle of the sentence.
Example: My mom run aftr the cat and Dog -3 runs -3 after -1 D -5 period 12 points would be taken off for this sentence.
Reading Reading levels are determined using Fountas and Pinnell assessments three times a year. Beginning level for second grade is an I and ending is a L and require at least 96% accuracy with satisfactory comprehension. Assessments and resources we use in second grade are written at a second grade reading level. After the second nine weeks, assessments will not be read to students. We are not learning to read in second grade. We are learning comprehension, fluency, retelling, analyzing story characters and elements, and beginning research skills. When reading at home, it is important to ask your student about what he or she read, not just listen to hear if the words are correct. Students will have reading logs in the classroom. Students are encouraged to read at home and they should log the time on a separate reading log and turn those in a the end of the month.
Writing Second grade writers use the writing process: Can write a complete sentence using correct capitalization and punctuation Can produce and organize an idea Can revise pieces to increase understanding for the reader Can edit pieces to include spelling Publish and celebrate their pieces
Math It is not just about giving the answer – students must be able to explain or justify their answers. Answers must be explained in complete thoughts and sentences. Students must should show their work by using problem solving strategies. Numbers are constructed and deconstructed to ensure an innate understanding of a number. Weekly timed tests will be given on facts up to 20 starting the second nine weeks. These will be averaged to make 50% of a major grade.
Science We will cover the following topics: *Safety *Matter *Energy *The Sky/Seasons *Earth's Resources * Habitats *Plants and Animals *Weather/ Water Cycle
Social Studies We will cover the following topics: *Geography *National Landmarks *Government *Famous Americans *Consumers/Producers *Map Skills *Community/Citizenship *Landforms
Technology Raz-kids First in Math Brainpop Pebblego More to come Can be played at home with student’s log in that will be sent home when available.
Homework Homework is not required. I have found that those who need it the most do not have the support at home to get the benefit. Extra practice at home is encouraged for spelling, reading, and math. Google math worksheets on the topic we are working on to get practice. All students will benefit from math flash card practice for automaticity (TEK).
Tips for Success Make sight word cards. Sight words that students need to work on will be sent home each nine weeks in the Wednesday Folder. Ask your students to read – not just books – signs, menus, food labels, magazines, etc. Have students count everything – beans, coins, socks – and add them together. Math fluency is important and will be tested the second semester. Read to your student with expression. They need to hear not just the words, but understand that words/sentences have tone, volume, and then talk about what you read.
Parents and Teachers Working Together Check your child’s folder for any papers that need to be signed and returned. Read your child’s library books with them and help them return it on time (Tuesday). Study math facts and spelling a little bit every day. Comment on your child’s work and let them know that it is important. Let me know of any concerns.
Thank you for coming tonight! Do you have any questions?