The St. Marys Area High School “Flying Dutch” Marching Band Parent Informational Meeting Wednesday, June 15th 6:30pm
Remind 101
What do we do? The Video Can Show you! School, Community, and Us Parades Football Games Competitions School Day Performances Special Events and trips Please look at the calendar
How do we do it? Rehearsals We WORK HARD Summer Season We WORK HARD Excellent Instruction, Staff Introduction Booster Club School Administration Fundraising Student Leadership
Why do we do it? Learning and life experiences Friendships Role Models To receive Excellent instruction Travel To express and create Music, Art, and Competition To become a better person
Some Details Summer Rehearsals and schedule Weekly Summer rehearsals Parades Parade uniform (red shirt, khaki shorts) Mini Camps Blast in the Burg’ BAND CAMP Band camp performance and picnic
More Details Season Rehearsals and Performances FULL BAND on Wednesdays Friday Home Football Games Saturday schedules Meet the Dutch Labor Day Parade Competitions and Home Competition Chapter Championship at IUP Atlantic Coast Championships at Hershey Scores and rankings
The “Nitty Gritty” Fundraising My Fair Share ~$250 – definitely able to fundraise Staff, band camp, uniforms, food, U-Haul, props, clothing, drill, music, dues, and many other items EVERYONE must fundraise or simply pay their way. Make an effort, you can make a lot of $$! Balances must be paid each season Chicken BBQ in summer July Fundraiser and “Tag” Days
The BOOSTER CLUB! Meetings first MONDAY of every month. August 1, 7:00pm in the band room Help support ALL music and dance groups at the high school Chaperones and other Volunteering My Fair Share Fall Fundraisers Chicken BBQ Home Competitions Football Concession Stand Pizza Marianna Hoagies Fruit Sale Holiday Bazaar in November
Forms Online Informational Form (Due now, please!) Sizes, please! Medical/Permission form Bus travel release “Purple” form Blast in the ‘Burg “Band Wear” order form (TBA) Handbook form
RULES Bus rules and procedures (Michelini Bussing) School rules Respect, Honor, Potential Academic Excellence and Eligibility Chaperone duties – please sign up Uniform Rules
NEW items this year Bus Travel Release “Purple” form Summer Rehearsal Times and Camps Seneca Competition instead of Kane Carlisle (Harrisburg, Calvacade of Bands) New Staff I must know any conflicts by July 1, 2016
2016 GOALS Continue to HAVE FUN! Competition Excellence Chapter Championship ACC Top 10, 90+ score 100% Attendance Academic Excellence Leadership Roles and commitment Parent involvement
Communication Please CALL staff or the band office (781-2113) Remind101 Email Phone Tree Webpage *NEW* in August 2016 When in doubt, find out! Excused absence = emergency/family or advanced notice NO TEXTING (except Remind101)
Some Things YOU Can Help With: Parents DURING band camp days Bus Chaperones Fundraising unloading/sorting Fundraising ideas Concession Stand at Football Games Home Show Parents MEDIA team of parents (Video, pictures, Facebook, etc.) Uniform fitting and repairs Student Preparation and Commitment
Remind 101 UR
RECAP Please check the band and YOUR calendar Fundraising and My Fair Share ALL Forms School Rules and Band Rules Communication Sign Ups for Chicken BBQ Questions?? One More Video
The St. Marys Area High School “Flying Dutch” Marching Band Parent Informational Meeting Wednesday, June 15th 6:30pm