Coordination of Services Team Emily Hernandez, LMFT Student Support Counselor
Mission Our mission is to: coordinate the provision of support resources available at TAS/WAHS; avoid duplication of services, maximize our efforts in addressing all of our students needs and to maintain clear documentation of our efforts to do so.
What is COST? A multidisciplinary team that is coordinated to systematically identify at- risk students, develop comprehensive multidisciplinary intervention plans, and regularly monitor student progress.
Why have COST? Collaborative coordination of services Personalization Prevents fragmentation of services Avoids duplication of intervention Effective delivery of services available Focuses on the best use of resources and provides a management system for intervention
FUNCTIONS OF COST BIG PICTURE ISSUES IDENTIFICATION OF STUDENTS data review, school-wide problems, gap analysis IDENTIFICATION OF STUDENTS data, screening, anecdotal evidence, referrals INTERVENTIONS triage, referral to program/person, strategies MONITORING/DOCUMENTATION case management, data collection, evaluation
Selected Universal School-wide, Culturally Relevant Systems of Support *Intensive Interventions *Increased Frequency and Duration *SST Meetings *Additional Follow-up SST Meetings *Case Management Adapted from Sprague & Walker, 2004 3 Tiered Approach to Intervention Targeted/ Intensive (3-5%) (High-risk students) Individual Interventions *Team Meetings (COST) *Individual Student Plans *Instructional Supports *Documentation & Monitoring Selected (At-risk Students) Classroom, Family, & Small Group Strategies (10-20% of students) *Incentive Programs *Clear Expectations *Positive School Climate *Instructional program * Asset Building Universal (All Students) School-wide, Culturally Relevant Systems of Support (75-85% of students)
Differences Between… COST and SST Immediate response Identifies interventions Provides access to student support Monitors initial interventions Used to focus limited resources available Coordinates support services SST Strength based approach A comprehensive individualized plan is developed Involves student and family Intensive tracking & monitoring BOTH COST and SST are about sharing information Working OUT of ISOLATION. In large schools, with multiple tracks, and many teachers it is easy to become isolated. This process helps everyone involved with a particular student to be working together. Main difference is SST is a more intensive intervention than COST COMMUNICATION is KEY for both COST and SST, who is doing what and when as well as what were the results. Successful schools tend to use forms to communicate, especially with itinerant staff.
Referral Reasons Academic Behavioral Attendance Social Emotional Data Tracking
Centralized Referral System One Centralized Referral for entire School COST serves as a “Triage Center” for all school support/intervention services Why? Centralized Documentation Accountability
Do we still refer to the dean? YES. You should follow the school protocol for disciplinary referrals. **Students are not to be referred to COST for discipline. You may find that a student has not responded to deans’ efforts and he/she presents chronic misbehavior. At this point you may refer to COST (most likely the dean would have already made a referral based on interactions with the same student)
Crisis Situations Mental Health emergencies (self-injurious behavior, trauma, suicidal/homicidal ideation, death) should be reported immediately to school site crisis team or administrator. As a follow up, this student should be referred to COST to document school response and refer to additional services.
COST PROCESS COST Admin Dean Academic Counselors SS Counselor Instructional Coach/ Assistants Special Ed COST Team reviews data and/or referrals and makes decisions PROVIDE Support Services MULTIPLE ISSUES Schedule SST Gather Additional Information COST is a triage of all referrals The team makes decisions as to what actions need to be tried and by whom A list of students to be discussed should be provided prior to meeting ANY additional information must be gathered prior to meeting Individual students are discussed – and actions are developed A tracking system is begun for each student (Who & when) The more PRE-WORK you do the MORE the team has to work with and make decisions about ALSO during meetings the less time you’ll spend discussing each student (more time for more students) COST Team monitors & documents intervention services and makes further decisions More Support Exit w/ Monitoring Schedule SST Begin Support
TAS/WAHS COST Referral Procedure Concern about a student Academic, Behavioral, Social-Emotional, Attendance Interventions and Modifications (min 3-4) Parent Contact/Communication Classroom Management Techniques Teaching Techniques See Grade Level Gatekeeper to discuss and receive referral
Centralized Referral Form Complete with as much information as possible Document utilized interventions Give referral back to Gatekeeper Will be scheduled for the next COST meeting Deadlines- Referral must be submitted by Monday at 3pm to be included in that week’s COST
COST Gatekeepers K-6- Felicia Jackson, Coach Point person for all K-6 referrals Screens referrals for appropriateness for COST and preliminary/low level interventions 7-12- Counselors by student Alpha Point person for all 7-12 referrals COST Coordinator- Emily Hernandez Receives all referrals from K-12 Organizes and prepares COST meeting Provides Feedback Form to Teachers Tracks and Monitors
COST Meeting every Wednesday 8:30-10:30am Gatekeeper will present student and teacher concerns COST Team will decide on intervention plan for student Student referred to identified interventions Feedback provided to teacher Student reviewed back at COST periodically for follow up and progress
COST Feedback Form Feedback form will be provided to the Teacher documenting the intervention plan for the student COST Reviews/Follow-Ups Students will be periodically reviewed at COST for progress You may be asked for supplemental information about a student’s progress
Thanks for your Support! Everyone