Package of Health Activities October 2016
Introduction Health Cluster (Emergency and Dev’t partners) Need to understand development versus emergency response Conflict in S.Sudan prompts activities to match development response due to needs present everywhere Maximize resources (produce better outcomes, at lower costs, and with improved user satisfaction) Translate Strategic Framework for Health Sector Response to match Basic Package Activities
Elements of Basic PHC Health Education & promotional activities Treatment of Locally Endemic Diseases (Malaria, typhoid etc) Expanded Program on Immunization services Maternal and Child Health Services Provision of Essential Drugs Malnutrition screening and case management Treatment of communicable and non- communicable diseases Safe water and good waste disposal
Other Components to be Mainstreamed 2ndary Health Care and Specialized services HIV screening & referral HIV/AIDS management TB screening and management Surgery for trauma and emergency obstetric and neonatal care Mental health and psychosocial services SGBV services (CMR & PSS) Blood Safety & transfusion
Maternal & Newborn Health Safe Motherhood/Obstetric care MISP (ANC, BEmOC, Post-abortion Care, PNC) CEmOC PMTCT ASRH: Family planning services, VCT, PICT, Gender & Sexuality education. Newborn Health - IMCI
Management of Locally Endemic Diseases Early detection and Treatment of diseases including; - Prevention activities Curative treatment: Malaria, diarrhoeal diseases, ARI, STIs, HIV/AIDS, NTDs, Kala Azar. NB: Integrated Disease Surveillance Response (IDSR)
Severe Acute Malnutrition Case management
Immunization Outbreak detection & response Expanded Program of Immunization (routine immunization) Strategy - Fixed versus Outreach (radius 30km)
Provision of Essential Drugs Regular supply from regular sources for development partners Supply pipelines (Emergencies): Health kits, surgical kits, RH kits, PEP kits, vaccines
Action For 2017, need to define Emergency Response Activities based on BPH for S.Sudan
Thank you Merci