Cutting Edge Case Presentation #1 H Tam Truong, MD Southern Arizona VA Healthcare System
Disclosure H Tam Truong, MD I have no relevant financial relationships
History 69 year old man who has progressive typical angina for the past month referred for coronary angiogram. PMH: DM2, dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity BMI 40, BPH Echo: EF 60%, no significant valvular disease
Coronary Angiogram
Zoomed in
PCI Anticoagulation with heparin. Wire: BMW Elite 0.014”
Pre-Dilate (Semi-compliant balloon 2.5 x 12 mm to 12 atm)
Stent DES 3.0 x 15 mm to 25 atm
Post-dilation NC Balloon to 30 atm
What’s next? “It’ll be OK”. Use bigger balloon to post-dilate? Call cardiac surgery for 1V CABG Rotational atherectomy Other?
Laser with contrast Half-half contrast, 4 runs, 40 Hz x 40 J/mm2 fluency
Balloon post Laser – 16 atm
Take Home Points Stent Regret Avoidance approach make sure lesion is dilatable and prepped prior to stenting (esp at the VA where calcified lesions are common) – may need atherectomy Laser with contrast is feasible Rotational atherectomy is feasible ?Distal embolization 4. Further research needed