The Mower Exchange
A Small Engine & Lawn Mower repair, service and sales operation in Onslow County that offers mobile services. The Mower Exchange
Problems worth solving High prices for used equipment No other business takes trade ins Fair prices paid for equipment Owners haul items to repair shops Seasonal price gouging The Mower Exchange
Our solutions Quality mowers at low prices Purchase of used/broken mowers & equip Trade-ins welcome Mobile repair services Reliability & integrity The Mower Exchange
12K Target market Homeowners & renters PCS Military prospects Market size: $1.1M The Mower Exchange
Competitive landscape Competitors How our solution is better Howard Small Engine Trade ins, mobile service, better prices M&D M&D going out of business….we are open for business Thomas & Sons Better repair services Cooper Lower overhead Tripple B More innovative The Mower Exchange
Sales channels Direct sales through aggressive advertising on local web site services. Always include various ways to contact me: text, cell, messages, e-mail. Plenty of photos and accurate descriptions. The Mower Exchange
Marketing activities LeJeune Yard Sales (LYS) Craigslist Customer Loyalty Referrals Local Ads The Mower Exchange
Revenue streams Mowers & Small engines (roto-tillers, go-carts, weedeaters, chainsaws, blowers, mopeds) are repaired, serviced and sold directly to customers. Service and repair usually nets $50/ hour. Sales of used mowers (primary product), generally net $50 each The Mower Exchange
Major costs Acquiring Mowers & Small Engine Equipment Advertising Small engine Parts Fuel The Mower Exchange
Milestones Date Milestone September 15, 2014 Product Acquisition January 30, 2015 Develop Business Plan March 30, 2015 Business Formation April 1, 2015 Products ready for sale April 18, 2015 Super Spring Sale The Mower Exchange