We will achieve our targets by…. “Synonym Delight” & “I have…Who has…? 3 NOV 2016 BELL ACTIVITY: WORK WITH YOUR PARTNER TO COMPLETE THE “SYNONYM DELIGHT” WORKSHEET. TARGET FOR TODAY: IMPROVE OUR VOCABULARY – 15 WORDS AT A TIME INCREASE OUR UNDERSTANDING OF OXYMORONS SOLIDIFY OUR UNDERSTANDING OF RED KAYAK CHAPTERS 1-6 BEFORE MOVING ON We will achieve our targets by…. “Synonym Delight” & “I have…Who has…? Completing and submitting vocab 1-12 Taking the Red Kayak test over Chapters 1-6
SYNONYM DELIGHT 3 synonyms provided corrode bona fide harried measly expound Petition chortled 2 synonyms provided marina elated scarcity resuscitate surreal quaver
I have ________________________________, Who has _______________________________. STEP 1. Practice reading your card STEP 2. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE. Check the definition of your “I have _________________” vocab term Determine the term that matches your “Who has….” definition. STEP 3. STAND UP. STEP 4. LISTEN CLOSELY. When you hear the definition that matches your term, answer with “I have…_______. Who has ______” Step 5. SIT DOWN AFTER you hear someone respond to your “who has question with the correct vocab term.
1. Staple your blue “Red Kayak Vocabulary #1, Chapters 1-12” worksheet to the front of your copy of “Synonym Delight” and submit it to the basket. 2. Put your Vocabulary Glossary away in your binder 3. Take out your Notes & Quotes for Red Kayak Chapters 1-12. Review them for 3 minutes then put them under your desk. Clear your desk of everything except a pencil and highlighter.
Test over Red Kayak Chapters 1-6 Proper Testing Procedures clear your desk of everything except a pencil and a highlighter. fill in the scantron heading. TEST NUMBER is the letter written on the inside corner of your desk SUBJECT is English DATE is 3 November 2016 PERIOD: Block A, B or C or Period 2, 6 or 8 Place the folder upright on your desk to block out distractions.
If you finish early… Place your scantron face down on the corner of your desk. Place the test copy in the folder Lay the folder flat on top of your scantron Read silently from your independent reading book If you didn’t bring a book to read, borrow an the short story, “The Waxworks” on the back shelf. You cannot have your binder open on your desk
Finishing the Oxymoron worksheet. Find and highlight the 10 oxymorons in the 20 sentences. To complete this worksheet all you need to know is how to recognize an oxymoron. However, here are examples of the other types of figurative language being used. PERSONIFICATION = DESCRIBING A NON-PERSON AS IF IT IS A PERSON. The mountain was cruel and heartless, destroying one climber after another. Metaphor & Simile – both are comparisons between two very different items to emphasize the way they are alike. Simile, indirect = He is like a bear in the morning Metaphor, direct = He is a bear in the morning. ONOMATOPOEIA = A WORD THAT SOUNDS LIKE ITS MEANING Examples: Buzz, sizzle, drip, bark HYPERBOLE = EXTREME EXAGERATION I had a list of spelling words a mile long.