The Bill of Rights appear in which document?
How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights?
The Bill of Rights The First 10 Amendments to the Constitution
What was the major reason the Bill of Rights was added to the United States Constitution?
protect individual liberties against abuse by the Federal Government
Why was it important to stress the “Separation of Church and State” in the Constitution?
Contributed to the development of religious freedom in the U.S
What are fighting words?
FIGHTING WORDS speech that is likely to bring about public disorder or chaos; the Supreme Court has held that such speech may be banned in public places to ensure the preservation of public order
When are Constitutional protections of liberty not absolute?
Clear and present danger Under what circumstances can limits be placed on First Amendment freedoms? Clear and present danger The Supreme Court has placed limits on free speech if it presents clear and present danger to the public or leads to illegal actions
What is a precedent?
What Supreme Court case made segregation in public schools unconstitutional?
Which type of laws must comply with the U.S. Constitution?
Why is the Constitution referred to as a “living document”?
The Bill of (Your) Rights song
1st Amendment The 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition. This means that we all have the right to: practice any religion we want to (religion) to speak freely (speech) to assemble (meet) to address the government (petition) to publish newspapers, TV, radio, Internet (press) 23
2nd Amendment The 2nd Amendment protects the right to bear arms, which means the right to own a gun.
3rd Amendment People cannot be forced to house or quarter soldiers.
4th Amendment The 4th Amendment protects the people from unreasonable searches and seizures. This means that the police must have a warrant to enter our homes.
5th Amendment The 5th Amendment protects people who are accused of a crime. You may not be tried twice for the same crime (double jeopardy) You don’t have to testify against yourself in court. (Self-incrimination)
6th Amendment The 6th Amendment guarantees a speedy trial an impartial jury the accused can confront witnesses against them the accused must be allowed to have a lawyer
7th Amendment The 7th Amendment guarantees the right to a speedy civil trial.
8th Amendment The 8th Amendment guarantees that punishments will be fair and not cruel, and that extraordinarily large fines will not be set.
9th Amendment All rights not stated in the Constitution and not forbidden by the Constitution belong to the people.
10th Amendment The 10th Amendment states that any power not granted to the federal government belongs to the states or to the people.
How many justices are on the Supreme Court?
The Supreme Court Justices Sotomayor 2009-B. Obama; Breyer 1994-Clinton; Alito 2006-G.W. Bush; Kagan 2010-Obama Thomas 1990-G.H.W. Bush; Scalia 1986-Reagan; Roberts 2005-G.W. Bush; Kennedy 1988-Reagan; Ginsburg 1993-Clinton As of 2010, Salaries for Chief Justice is $223,500 and $213,900 for Associate Justices 34
Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
Current Supreme Court Justice Chief Justice John Roberts
Why did the Court rule that the Tinkers’ armbands were protected speech in Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969?
How Do the Rights and Restrictions of the Bill of Rights Affect Public Education?
School vs. Public The Court has recognized that students do not shed their constitutional rights when they enter school. However, the Court has traditionally recognized that the educational mission of the school cannot be disrupted by the exercise of free speech. Speech rights at school differ from outside the school environment. 40 40