NCP_WIDE.NET NCP_Academy_Synergies International Network of the National Contact Points (NCPs) For Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Katarzyna Walczyk-Matuszyk IPPT PAN
NCP_Academy at a glance New intergrated trainings of H2020 advisors – NCPs: Legal & financial issues Synergies between H2020 & ESIF as well as other financial instruments Cross-cutting issues SMEs & Access for Risk Finance Bring together NCP Coordinators and Legal & financial NCPs Enhance the performance of NCPs Address quality standards and best practices
Module on Synergies 19-20 October 2015, Brussels: Trianing on Framework for synergies between ESIF and Horizon 2020 on WIDENING activities”; 17 February 2106, Brussels: Training on Framework for synergies between ESIF and Horizon 2020; 29-30 June 2016, Wien: Training Are you puzzled with ERA?; November 2016, Paris: Meet & exchange workshop on Meet and Exchange Workshop: Promoting synergies between ESIF and Horizon 2020; 9 March 2017, Brussels: Training onAligning implementation of RIS3 and Horizon 2020 Funding across research priorities; 13-14 March 2017, Bonn: Training on The “Widening” package – stock-taking and future orientations.
29.11.2016: Paris workshop NCPs should at least be aware of opportunities provided by related programmes (eg. COSME, ESIF), and be familiar with the relevant sources of advice in the country concerned (e.g., Managing Authorities). – Minimum standards and guiding principles for setting up systems of National Contact PointsNCPs can play a lead role in fostering synergies; Experiences and lessons learnt (based on the experiences France, Spain, Poland and reflections of all participants);
29.11.2016: Paris workshop Both NCPs and Managing authorities can help promoting synergies but to do so they need to be fully convinced that there is an interest in it. For the next programming phase the EC should provide clear incentives and guidelines for regions to take into account the Framework Programme when preparing their operational programme (ex-ante synergies). Regions could be (further) associated in the definition of national H2020 priorities, through their interaction with Programme Committee representatives. Seal of Excellence initiative proves to be a good opportunity to launch a dialogue between both communities, but more can be done at the European level, in particular: alignment of financial rules, revision of state aid rules, and availability of precise data (both H2020 and ESIF). In particular, the issue of state aid rules should be high on the political agenda in order to obtain adaptations for areas of central European interest.
29.11.2016: Paris workshop Support – at national and European level (EC) - should be given to the establishment of NCP (like) role, able to provide general knowledge of the HORIZON 2020 programme and its potential for regions. There is a need to bridge the cultural (/language) barriers between NCPs and MAs. The before mentioned experts can play a role in this. Also the setting up of national and/or regional NCPs –MAs platforms can be of help. Synergies should be on all minds (EC, Members states representatives, regional authorities, R&I stakeholders) at the very beginning of the discussion process for the post-2020 programming period, in 2017, with the aim of designing a more consistent and harmonized H2020 and ESIF set of regulations.
09.03.2017: Brussels workshop Delivering expertise to NCPs on the issue of synergies between Horizon 2020 and ESIF in regard to the specialised thematic areas, as well as to create a forum for exchange of best practices and enhancing collaboration between NCPs and regional/ national authorities managing European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) as well as all stakeholders establishing the ecosystem for synergies; Bringing together various stakeholders of the synergies process i.e. EC representatives, managing national and regional authorities, representatives of thematic platforms, KICs, institues as well as NCPs.
09.03.2017: Brussels workshop NCPs play/can play a meaningful role in supporting and facilitating synergies process at the regional and national level, as well as enhancing implementation of smart specialisation strategies and in certain cases their reformulation. The process itself is to a significant extent related to trust between NCPs and MA’s communities as well as other relevant stakeholders creatinmg the eco-system for synergies such as KICs, thematic platforms, etc. Many best practicies reflecting synergies between H2020 and ESIF, including those based on collaboration between NCPs and MA’s, in regions can be extrated and therefore should be further promoted to show possible solutions and motivations for all communities.
09.03.2017: Brussels workshop EC playes a significant role in delivering a proper frame for synergies (i.a. calryfication of state aid rules, audits requirements etc.) and tools (e.g. Smart Specliastaion Platform). The issue of synergies is to a significant extent sector specific, therefore to create a favourable environment for synergies thematic NCPs should recognize main elements of particular areas as well as build links with main stakeholders. Thematic platforms might be a space for collaboration between NCPs and other partners, exchange of know-how, experience and best practices. There is a pending need of exchange experiences between NCP networks on dealing with synergies proces as well as constant capacity buliding in the topic.
Further steps on synergies… Suggestions for future actions: 1. Set of webinars – Synergies step-by-step: How an NCP can support synergies process and eco-system? Selected case studies by NCPs Synergies between H2020 and ESIF as a part of regional policy. Selected case studies KICs – building eco-system for synergies. EIT, KICs Smart specialisation process in a nut-shell. EC Seal of Excellence – what is it about? Possibilities for implementation. EC Rules for synergies. Cohesion vs. Research policy. EC
Further steps on synergies… 2. Meet and exchange workshops: Role of NCPs in shaping synergies between H2020 and ESIF. Presentation of best practices and tools How to target Widening participants? Case studies, exchange of best practices and tools Impact of synergies. Lessons learnt and recommendations 3. Trainings: European frame for synergies – rules, regulations and outreach for the future ERA instruments – role and possibilities for building R&I eco-system Widening – what is it about? How to use synergies to tackle the challenge?
Further steps on synergies… Your feedback 1. Are we going in a right direction? 2. Which activities and areas/ topic should we target?
Your NCP Team