Indicators Legislative and financial base support for civil society


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Presentation transcript:

Indicators Legislative and financial base support for civil society Civil society participates in the design and implementation of policies Civil society is actively involved in the ratification and promotion of the Convention In addition, this chapter will explore some key indicators of the ‘capacity to partner’: Resources Capacities Connections

Two spheres At the national level – civil society partnership with government At the international level – civil society’s participation in the Convention processes

Data sources Civil society survey More in-depth interviews with civil society leaders QPRs Interviews with people involved in expert facility missions UNESCO Culture for Development Indicators (Governance Dimension) CIVICUS’ annual survey of members of the Affinity Group of National Associations (AGNA)

QPR analysis Three kinds of QPR Many more examples of civil society-initiated actions than state- initiated actions Issues of attribution, impact, how much is new

Civil society-led actions – domestic (1) Advocacy Austria, Chile, Cuba, Demark, France, Germany, Kenya, Madagascar, Palestine, Portugal, Quebec, Senegal, Slovakia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Uruguay, Zimbabwe Statements, inputs to consultations and legislative processes Resources and creative industry development, trade deals, creative freedom Civil society meetings Afghanistan, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Denmark, France, Kenya, Quebec, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Zimbabwe Trade deals, resourcing, cultural policy

Civil society-led actions – domestic (2) Research and generating data Austria (gender and social class-disaggregated data), Brazil, Canada, France, Indonesia, Italy (cultural employment, social impact, audience development), Kenya, Slovakia, Switzerland (gender gaps), Zimbabwe Disseminating publications Austria, Brazil, Denmark, France, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Slovakia, Spain Online: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Quebec, Slovakia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Zimbabwe New groups / networks Austria, Greece, Kenya, Palestine, Senegal, Tunisia, Vietnam, Zimbabwe

Civil society-led actions – domestic (3) Training Afghanistan, Brazil, Indonesia, Kenya, Palestine, Tunisia, Zimbabwe Monitoring Brazil, Germany, Italy, Kenya, Latvia, Switzerland, Zimbabwe Public debate Austria, Belarus, Chile, Germany, Senegal, Slovakia Little reported Working with broader civil society (only reported in relation to trade deals)

International civil society actions Regional networking (Cuba, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia) Bilateral working (Austria, France, Kenya, Spain, Zimbabwe) As part of IFCCD (Austria, Canada+Quebec, France, Portugal, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland)

State-led actions Invited inputs to consultations Afghanistan, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Cyprus, Germany, Latvia, Namibia, Palestine, Tunisia Working parties / commissions / advisory bodies Brazil, Latvia, Quebec, Slovakia Awareness-raising activities Afghanistan, Germany, Quebec Involving civil society in data collection Estonia, Lithuania, Madagascar

Challenges (1) Awareness, knowledge and understanding Resources Austria, Bulgaria, France, Indonesia, Namibia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Zimbabwe Low civil society awareness, lack of understanding by those working in the field Resources Austria, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Latvia, Senegal, Switzerland, Zimbabwe Funding cutbacks, ongoing civil society capacity challenges

Challenges (2) Civil society-state connection Belarus, Lithuania , Switzerland Representativeness and connectedness of civil society Brazil, Canada, Switzerland Lack of an enabling legislative framework

Solutions Improved dialogue and partnership across sectors Belarus, Indonesia, Italy, Lithuania, Namibia, Tunisia, Zimbabwe Better connections of civil society in the culture field Italy, Lithuania, Tunisia International working Brazil, Italy, Lithuania Capacity strengthening Brazil, France, Italy Better connections with other fields Austria, Italy

AGNA survey No relevant members: Some relevant members: Bolivia, Jamaica, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Tanzania, Venezuela Some relevant members: Argentina, Colombia, Japan, Togo, Turkey Sizeable number of relevant members: Finland, Mexico

Introduction This chapter will examine the extent to which the 2005 Convention has opened up new opportunities for civil society and States Parties to work together on issues related to cultural policy, as well as the extent to which civil society has been able to engage with the processes of the Convention itself. It will explore what opportunities have been enabled by States Parties for civil society to engage, what independent actions civil society has taken and what capacity challenges civil society encounters in seeking to engage.

SDGs SDG 16 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels. Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision- making at all levels. SDG 17 Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships

Understanding partnerships Restating the Convention’s definition of civil society Why partnerships are important Supply and demand side of partnerships Capacity to partner Methodology

Summary of actions taken Summaries of key action types from QPRs: civil society-led, state-led Use these to establish a typology of responses Case study of a successful/sustainable action drawn from QPRs

Four dimensions Laws, regulations, policies – indicator 1, 2 Access to financial resources – indicator 1 Capacities – indicator 2 Connections – indicator 2 How enabling are these? What have the changes and challenges been? What have been the actions to improve these? What is needed?

Indicator 3 Awareness Participation in national level processes Participation in international processes

Case studies History of civil society’s engagement with the Convention Innovative approach to resourcing A sustained and growing network A partnership that has overcome challenges and achieved impact

Recommendations Laws, regulations and policies Resources Capacities Connections Civil society engagement with Convention processes, including QPRs Indicators for the next report