United Nations Evaluation Group 2014-2015 workplan SO4 on Partnership
Partnership Committee members Agency Name Email UN Women Marco Segone (Vice Chair) marco.segone@unwomen.org ECA Eskedar Nega enega@uneca.org FAO Marta Bruno Marta.Bruno@fao.org Luisa Belli – FAO’s UNEG focal point Luisa.Belli@fao.org GEF Anna Viggh – GEF’s UNEG focal point aviggh@thegef.org ITC Miguel Jimenez jimenez@intracen.org JIU Nuria CASTELLS NCASTELLS@unog.ch OCHA Maria Agnese Giordano giordano2@un.org OHCHR Jennifer Worrell jworrell@ohchr.org Flaminia Minelli fminelli@ohchr.org OIOS Ellen Vinkey vinkey@un.org Mona Fetouh fetouh@un.org Messay Tassew messay.tassew@unwomen.org Shravanti Reddy shravanti.reddy@unwomen.org Priya Alvarez priya.alvarez@unwomen.org UNDP Ana Rosa Monteiro Soares ana.soares@undp.org UNESCO Barbara Torggler b.torggler@unesco.org Ekaterina Sediakina-Rivière e.sediakina@unesco.org UNFPA Andrea Cook acook@unfpa.org Alexandra Chambel chambel@unfpa.org Hicham Daoudi daoudi@unfpa.org UN-Habitat Martin Barugahare Martin.Barugahare@unhabitat.org UNICEF Erica Mattellone emattellone@unicef.org ALNAP Francesca Bonino f.bonino@alnap.org EvalPartners Neha Bhandari Karkara nehabhandari65@gmail.com 14 Organizations 23 members
Vision Partnership is one of the most effective strategy to maximize impact with limited resources Is a mean to achieve an end, and not an end in itself Through strategic partnership, UNEG will achieve two results: maximize its capacity to outreach to external stakeholders, contributing to the global evaluation community while positioning itself as a leading actor leverage partners’ resources and capacities to achieve and enhance UNEG goals
2014-2015 Outcomes Progress so far: 36% have been achieved; UNEG capacity to contribute to the global evaluation profession is enhanced UNEG capacity to benefit from the global evaluation profession is enhanced Progress so far: 36% have been achieved; 57% are on track, and 7% have been cancelled
Major outputs E-learning course on how to develop Advocacy strategies for evaluation E-learning course on Humanitarian Evaluation Guidance on engendering National Evaluation Policies Systemic review on gender in development
HLP in NY, including MP at ecosoc First ever global MP meeting for evaluation (Dublin) UNGA resolution on National evaluation capacities 2015 International Year of Evaluation
Evaluation Torch Global Movement Evaluation Torch discusses four themes: Identifying the key future priorities for the global evaluation community to launch the 2016-2020 Global Evaluation Agenda; Bridging the gap between the evaluation community (supply side) and the policy makers community (demand side), including Parliamentarians; Mainstreaming evaluation in Sustainable Development Goals at international level, and in national development strategies at national level; Developing equity-focused and gender-responsive National Evaluation Policies.
Torch moving
Torch moving
Torch moving
Torch moving
31 Countries Where EvalYear Events are Held
Countries that joined EvalYear so far
Global Evaluation Week, Parliament of Nepal The Global Parliamentarian Forum for Evaluation EvalGender+ EvalYouth The Global Evaluation Agenda for 2016-2020
And what about the cost?
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