The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dr Chris Williams Faculty Research Impact Officer Postgraduate Research Induction
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences What is ‘Impact’ and why does it matter to me? Employment and promotion Applying for Funding REF Questions that never go away Impact vs Knowledge Exchange vs Public Engagement? Is dissemination impact? How do you measure impact? Why should I care?
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Impact – What is it? Given the definitions, the key to thinking about impact then is: What has changed as a result of your research? To understand your impact you need to have a clear picture of the following: Who has benefitted from the impact of your research? What were the benefits, when did they take place and what is the link to your research? And to maximise the return on this impact you need to document, gather evidence and be able to present a compelling narrative in relation to this activity
Impact – what do indicators look like? Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Impact – what do indicators look like? The following are selective examples of types of impact / indicators . Examples of evidence Indicators of impact Economic impacts Business performance measures, for example, sales, turnover, profits or employment associated with new or improved products, processes or services. Licences awarded and brought to market. Investment funding raised from UK and/or non-UK agencies) for start-up businesses and new activities of existing businesses. Impacts on public policy and services Documented evidence of policy debate (for example, in Parliament, the media, material produced by NGOs). Documented evidence of changes to public policy/legislation/regulations/guidelines. Measures of improved public services, Impacts on society, culture and creativity Critical reviews in the media and/or other professional publications. Evidence of public debate in the media or other fora. Evidence of sustained and ongoing engagement with a group.
Impact – what do indicators look like? Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Impact – what do indicators look like? The following are selective examples of types of impact / indicators . Examples of evidence Indicators of impact Health impacts Measures of improved patient outcomes, public health or health services. Documented changes to clinical guidelines. Evidence of take-up and use of new or improved products and processes Impacts on practitioners and professional services Traceable reference to inclusion of research in national or international industry standards or authoritative guidance. New or modified professional standards and codes of practice. Documented changes in knowledge, capability or behaviours of individuals benefiting from training. Impacts on the environment Traceable impacts on particular projects or processes which bring environmental benefits. Evidence of generic environmental impact across a sector, confirmed by independent authoritative evidence. Traceable reference to inclusion of research into government policy papers, legislation and industry guidance.
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Faculty Research Outcomes Group ‘Making an Impact’ Series Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty Research Outcomes Group ‘Making an Impact’ Series Invited external speakers Academic case studies and viewpoints Professional services support inc central services Q and A panels Presentations and video uploaded to intranet PGRs very welcome to attend Next event is this Thursday 13th Oct 2-4pm on ‘International Influence’
Who’s who: Teams to Help with impact Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty/School/ Dept Positions School Research and Finance Teams/ Events and Marketing Teams First/ main point of contact for all matters relating to research support, funding and REF procedures. Faculty Impact Officer One to one advice on REF and non-REF impact for staff and PGRs. Links to other Faculty support and research. Dr Chris Williams 794 2472 Support Contacts Professional Services Support Business Gateway Part of Partnerships and innovation who also deal with intellectual property, consultancy and knowledge transfer. Business Gateway are the link to external partners for the University. They can offer support in developing partnerships, research collaborations, KE activities with non-HEI organisations, the KE voucher scheme, IP and licensing, and consultancy. Kate Spicer (Business Gateway) 794 8564 Bob Cooney (Research Policy) 794 8550 Matt Hurst (Press Office) 794 2026 Research Policy Research Policy act as the coordinating and project management office for REF, Advice and guidance on: Institutional approach and support for impact Evidence – capturing and storing Press Office Part of Marketing and Communications, who also deal with corporate communications, logo use, design, brand identity and digital communications (including web policy). Can be contacted to assist with the writing and promotion of news, research and opinion stories for the press, social media advice, press contacts, dealing with the media advice and training, ask the expert.