L Be I A B Friend R Y Maud Marks Library 1815 Westgreen Katy TX 77450 The Friends of Maud Marks Library Board is a nonprofit organization made up of volunteers dedicated to encouraging greater use of the Maud Marks Library and its services. Since 1984 this organization has provided various programs for children and adults, services, books and equipment to the library and community. Our mission is to provide and support Maud Marks Library with collection and equipment purchases, outreach community programs, children’s educational programs and library personnel development that are not available from the county budget. Much of our funding comes from our monthly book sales. Please donate your used books to assist our volunteers in the fundraising efforts. To support our work we ask for an annual membership fee, or donations which are tax-deductible and structured like a donation. This membership is open to everyone. Together we can bring great programs and activities to better our community. Become a FRIEND today! Contributions made to the Friends of Maud Marks Library, a 501(c)(3) organization, qualify for a U.S. tax deduction. The donor has received no goods or services in exchange for this contribution. Maud Marks Library 1815 Westgreen Katy TX 77450 Who are the Friends? Be A Friend L I B R Y __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Friends of Maud Marks Library 1815 Westgreen Boulevard Katy, TX 77450 deliver without stamp Post Office will not
Friends Help Fund… We Need Your Help! Storytime Pre-K Explorers Join the Friends! You can support the Friends with your financial contribution and/or as an active volunteer. Date ________________ NAME ____________________________________ Mailing Address __________________________________________ City/ST/zip __________________________________________ Phone (__ __ __) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Email _____________________________________ One– Year Membership _____Membership (Jan.-Dec.)……….$10 (Receives schedule of events mailer) _____I’d like to donate: ____________ (Both Tax-deductible) Volunteer : ____Book Sale ____Newsletter ____Scrapbook ____Website ____Occasional ____Other ____Summer Reading Program I have an account with: ____Kroger _____Randalls ____Amazon Storytime Pre-K Explorers Wednesday Wonders Teen Time DIY Workshops Computer/ESL Classes Computers/Tech Tables Tack Boards Benches Children Area Equipment Displays Shelving/stands Magazine Subscriptions Summer Reading Program Volunteer Appreciation Cultural Events Timeless Travelers And More... Friends Help Fund… Visit us here, www.maudmarksfriends.org. We thank you for the support! Please mail form, along with your check to: Friends of Maud Marks Library 1815 Westgreen Boulevard Katy, TX 77450 Or drop off at the Maud Marks Library We Need Your Help! Kroger Rewards Program gives us 1% of purchases *Go to: krogercommunityrewards.com *Create account *Add Kroger Card # *Choose charity #51010 Amazon Smile gives us 0.5% of purchases *www.smile.amazon.com *Enter email/password *Choose charity-Friends of the Maud Marks Library *Order summary confirms support Randalls Reward Program gives us 1% of purchases *See Randalls Courtesy Desk or ask a member for a reward form *Choose charity #3362 Book Collection *Gently new/used Books, CDs, DVDs Donations/memberships