Recruiting, training and motivating staff GCSE Business Studies Recruiting, training and motivating staff Beauchamps High School
Learning Objectives by the end of this lesson students…. Will be able to evaluate the importance of employment legalisation for a business Evaluation ~ GCSE Grade A* Will be able to propose reasons for a business to follow the process and legalisation Synthesis~ GCSE Grade A Will be able to analyse the impact of training and motivation on a business Analysis ~ GCSE Grade B Will be able to demonstrate understanding by using examples/cases Application ~ GCSE Grade C Will be able to explain the stages in the recruitment process Comprehension ~ GCSE Grade D Will be able to recall the recruitment process Knowledge ~ GCSE Grade E Progress Arrow
Theory Notes Application At the start of the recruitment process, documents are created: Beauchamps High School
Theory Notes Job Advert Brief description of the job and skills and experience needed Beauchamps High School
Theory Notes Job Particulars More detailed information about the business and the job Conditions of work, rate of pay, hours of work How to apply for the job Beauchamps High School
Theory Notes Job Description Document that describes the duties of a worker and status in the organisation Beauchamps High School
Theory Notes Person Specification A profile of the type of person needed for a job – their skills and qualities Beauchamps High School
Theory Notes CVs A brief list of the main details about a person, including name, address, qualifications and experience Beauchamps High School
Application form Document to be filled in with personal details Theory Notes Application form Document to be filled in with personal details Beauchamps High School
Job Description or Person Specification om_content&view=article&id=35&Itemid=23 Progress Arrow Beauchamps High School
Theory Notes Selection Shortlist of candidates (best skills and experience, spelling etc) Interview 2 way process Lets the business find out more about the candidate and vice-versa References – reports from previous employer Beauchamps High School
Training On-the-job training Off-the-job training Theory Notes Training On-the-job training Training workers at the workplace Off-the-job training Workers are taken away from work to be trained Beauchamps High School
Training m_content&view=article&id=35&Itemid=23 Beauchamps High School
Skill vs Attitude Skill Attitude How are they making the product? Theory Notes Skill vs Attitude Skill How are they making the product? Attitude Does an employee work hard? Are they positive about their work? Beauchamps High School
Theory Notes Motivation In work, the desire to complete a task and meet the needs of the business consistently Beauchamps High School
Ways to motive Pay a fair wage Provide decent working conditions Theory Notes Ways to motive Pay a fair wage Provide decent working conditions Keep workers informed about what’s going on in the business Give workers as much power as possible to organise the way in which they do their work e.g. flexi-time Be consistent in how staff are dealt with Progress Arrow Beauchamps High School
How do they keep their staff happy? staff/8584.html Think pair share: How do they keep their staff happy? Beauchamps High School
Theory Notes The law Legalisation is in place to protect workers throughout the recruitment process Beauchamps High School
Appointment and training of staff Theory Notes Appointment and training of staff Workers cannot be discriminated on grounds of: Age Gender Race Disability Beauchamps High School
Theory Notes Protection at work Workers must be paid the same for doing the same job Workers must be paid regularly according to the contract of employment Beauchamps High School
Leaving Work Workers are protected by unfair dismissal by law Theory Notes Leaving Work Workers are protected by unfair dismissal by law They cannot lose their jobs without a good reason Beauchamps High School
Other rights Impact of law can be greater on small businesses Theory Notes Other rights Impact of law can be greater on small businesses E.g. women having time off for children, their job must be kept open for them to return Beauchamps High School
Recruitment Laws Progress Arrow odule2/ObtainingWorkers/RecruitmentLawsDragDrop/frame. htm Progress Arrow Beauchamps High School
Recruitment video eople/recruitmentvid.shtml Beauchamps High School
Task Practice Question pg157 Beauchamps High School
www. businessstudiesonline. co. uk/live/index. php om_content&view=article&id=35&Itemid=23 Beauchamps High School
Learning Objectives by the end of this lesson students…. Will be able to evaluate the importance of employment legalisation for a business Evaluation ~ GCSE Grade A* Will be able to propose reasons for a business to follow the process and legalisation Synthesis~ GCSE Grade A Will be able to analyse the impact of training and motivation on a business Analysis ~ GCSE Grade B Will be able to demonstrate understanding by using examples/cases Application ~ GCSE Grade C Will be able to explain the stages in the recruitment process Comprehension ~ GCSE Grade D Will be able to recall the recruitment process Knowledge ~ GCSE Grade E Progress Arrow