The college success model
What Activities Produce College Success? Based on the 3 sample chapters, it seems this is always the 2nd slide and all that changes is the headline.
Know yourself Establish Identity Think about the factors that contribute to defining who you are Desired career path Religious or spiritual beliefs Relationship status Motivation level Sexual identity Hobbies Personality trails Body image
Know yourself Identity diffusion Identity foreclosure Occurs when you haven’t done much exploration or committed to an identity Identity foreclosure Consists of making a commitment without adequately exploring alternatives Identity moratorium Involves being in the midst of exploring an identity, but having not made a clear commitment to an identity Identity achievement Happens when commitment follows a healthy period of exploration
Know yourself Emerging adulthood Returning students 18-25 years of age; have a great deal of autonomy in directing their own lives; experiment and explore, concentrating on what they want their identity to be and which career path and lifestyle they want to follow Returning students Students entering college at an older age; may lack confidence in skills and abilities or undervalue knowledge and experience; may have better time management skills and maturity
Know yourself Recognize values Connect values with college success Think deeply about your values Explore “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change” and “The Path to Purpose” to help clarify goals and values Forge academic values Participate fully in class and college activities Participate with integrity
Understand perspectives Personal expectations Individual plans about what you can achieve and how successful you will be in your academic pursuits Instructor’s expectations Read and understand the syllabi Understand standard behavior in college Stay positive Set high personal expectations for yourself
Think and learn Extract relevant information from lectures, reading, and other assignments Think critically, reflectively, and productively Become an effective reader Use classroom assignments as a way to improve your skills Focus on strategies that improve your problem-solving and reasoning skills
Develop a growth mindset Fixed mindset Cognitive view in which you believe that your qualities cannot change Growth mindset Cognitive view in which you believe your qualities can change and improve through effort Understand that intelligence and thinking skills are not fixed Become passionate about learning and stretch your mind
Take responsibility Choose smart goals. Internal locus of control You take responsibility for your successes and failures External locus of control You do not take personal responsibility and let others (or luck) be responsible for what happens to you Choose smart goals. Make a personal plan Persist until you succeed Pace yourself
Achieve balance Overcome obstacles Implement time management skills Reduce stress Set goals and priorities Manage time wisely for work and play Overcome obstacles Look at setbacks as opportunities to learn Learn how to manage money effectively
Benefit from group work Thrive on campus Learn what campus has to offer Benefit from group work Gain useful skills for later employment Increase your communication skills Develop digital savvy Expand your intellectual reach Use opportunities to learn new programs
Discover career options Become a content expert Develop relevant skill sets Learn to inspire trust Strive for excellence Develop your character Demonstrate resilience