How to complete an Adventurous Journey Approval Form (Green Form) The Adventurous Journey Approval Form must be submitted to National Office before going on the Journey. This applies to Gold Qualifying Journeys only. However, it is good practice for participants to fill them in at all Levels for all journeys as they make a good “Intentions Form”. Participants (and leaders) should follow the practice of leaving an Approval Form with a responsible person every time they go off into the great outdoors….no matter what age or level
These forms are concerned with ensuring that The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award processes are followed. If we approve a trip we are saying that the requirements of our Adventurous Journey Section are being met It is up to the submitter of the form to ensure that all outdoor safety procedures relevant to your organisation have been followed and an approval number issued by us does not ratify that fact
How to complete the form The following six slides show the correct way to complete an Adventurous Journey Approval Form We need to ensure that these forms are ‘complete’ when they come to us….so it’s only fair that we show you how it’s done correctly…it isn’t difficult
Most of all it is important that every space and box on the form is filled in, otherwise we don’t have enough information to approve the trip The person submitting the form should have read it and be satisfied that it is complete and accurate The “Activity Provider” is the organisation running the trip, if you outsource to a commercial provider this must be a representative of that provider
All Adventurous Journey groups must have a shadow party! This number is the first number that will be called in an emergency These declarations are vitally important…every group sending young people into the outdoors must have a Safety Management System The Assessor Checklist is now a compulsory part of our approval processes
‘To complete our Gold Award’ is not a valid purpose The “purpose” is there to give the trip an added dimension or interest… ‘To complete our Gold Award’ is not a valid purpose The group should be allowed to decide which media they want to use for their report…please don’t impose a written report on them just because it is convenient…let their creativity flow
Please list the correct number of practices depending on whether a Direct Entrant (3), Semi-direct (2) or both previous Awards Gained (1) If completing the form electronically it is often easier to use an X than try to insert a tick mark Polly is not doing her DofEHA but needs to be listed as a group member and also needs to be trained to the correct skills level for The Award
Map Sheet and series is not compulsory but is good practice Please ensure that all the requested details are completed for the journey Map Sheet and series is not compulsory but is good practice Most of these questions have only one appropriate answer but we still require you to declare that the subjects have been addressed
Although we can be flexible with the notice period it needs to be negotiated at least 6 weeks prior to the proposed journey taking place If submitting electronically please add an electronic (scanned) signature, we are no longer able to accept unsigned forms
Common Errors Found on “Green Forms” Linear distance, rather than topographic (we can measure the route for you) Grid References written incorrectly or missing Not signed by Award Leader More than 7 members in a land-based group More than one group per form Not all group members listed (and whether using for an Award) Date/venue of Practice Journeys missing No bad weather alternative plan