Chapter Public Relations Welcome to this module on chapter media relations. This module will assist you in making your chapter more visible with your local media. Steps to Take When Establishing Your Chapter’s Public Relations Program
Learning Objectives 1. Understand the role of public relations at ASSE and in your chapter. 2. Comprehend ASSE’s Public Relations Policies. 3. Know important steps to take before speaking to the media. 4. Understand how to write a story pitch. 5. Be able to identify the proper media outlets for your message. 6. Know how to build relationships with reporters. This session provides a general overview of what it takes for your chapter to increase its visibility with your local media. Upon conclusion of this training, Chapter leaders will: Understand the role of public relations at ASSE and in your chapter Comprehend ASSE’s Public Relations Policies Know important steps to take before speaking to the media Understand how to write a press release or story pitch Be able to identify the proper media outlets for your message Know how to build relationships with reporters
The Role of Public Relations at ASSE Develop public relations programs in support of the Society’s overall goals and key council activities Build upon ASSE’s positive image and reputation Develop community, media and key stakeholder outreach to build mutually beneficial relationships Increase awareness and understanding of occupational safety, health and the environmental profession The role of Public Relations at ASSE is to develop programs that support the Society’s overall goals and key council activities. To build on ASSE’s positive image and reputation. To develop community, media and key stakeholder outreach so we are able to build mutually beneficial relationships, to increase awareness of the safety, health and environmental profession, and to provide ASSE members with timely and relevant information related to the safety practice. Provide ASSE members with timely and relevant information related to the safety practice
The Role of Public Relations in Your Chapter Publicize significant events, awards, accomplishments, chapter anniversaries and other newsworthy items to targeted audiences through various forms of your local media Present yourself and your chapter as subject matter experts in OSH in your chapter area Public Relations within your chapter is essential to ensuring ASSE’s presence and positive image on a regional and local level. The role of PR in your chapter is to publicize significant events, awards, accomplishments, chapter anniversaries and other newsworthy items to targeted audiences through various forms of your local media, to present yourself and your chapter as subject matter experts in OSH in your area and to provide chapter members with timely and accurate information relevant to the safety profession. As the PR representative for your chapter you have the ability to make regular connections with members of your local media, and to establish yourself as a source and subject matter expert for your area. Provide chapter members with timely and accurate information relevant to the safety profession
ASSE Public Relations Policy You must be confirmed as an official ASSE media spokesperson before addressing the media on behalf of the Society on a safety, health and environmental issue. All messages must be approved by ASSE headquarters before distribution. In addition, to ensure that all messages coming from ASSE are always consistent, whether they come from our headquarters, or from one of our chapters or members, it is our policy that ASSE chapters may not address the media on a specific occupational safety or Society related issue unless you are confirmed as an official ASSE media spokesperson. In addition, all messages your chapter intends to distribute on these issues should be run by ASSE Public Relations for approval before sending it out.
Who is the PR Representative for your Chapter? Coordinate with your chapter leadership to choose one member who will serve as the chapter’s exclusive media spokesperson. Public Relations or Public Affairs Officer Chapter President One person from your chapter should be selected to coordinate its media activities. Depending on your operating structure there are several individuals who may qualify to fill this role. Some chapters are large enough that they require a full-fledged public relations or public affairs officer. In other chapters, the role is included in the duties of the chapter president or newsletter editor. This individual may also select additional spokespersons from various practice specialties to serve as expert sources for your local media. To select the appropriate representatives for your chapter, coordinate with your leadership to choose the best suited member who will serve as your media spokesperson. Newsletter Editor
Before Speaking to the Media… Always have your employer’s approval Always have messages regarding ASSE and OSH approved by Society headquarters Always contact ASSE PR for coaching or interviewing tips if you are going to be speaking on camera. As your chapter establishes its relationship with the media, it is very likely that you may be contacted by a member of the press to be interviewed for a story. While this is a great opportunity to gain exposure for your chapter and for ASSE, there are a few steps that you must take before speaking with the media. First, always receive approval from your employer before speaking to a member of the press as an OSH professional and ASSE member. Second, as mentioned earlier, make sure that all messages that you plan to send to the media regarding ASSE and OSH are approved by Society Headquarters. This step must be taken to ensure that viewpoints on a specific issue or subject matter remain consistent throughout ASSE, from the chapter, all the way up to Society headquarters. Finally, if you are ever presented with the opportunity to be interviewed by the media, and you have been approved as an ASSE spokesperson, be sure to contact ASSE’s PR Department for some coaching or interviewing tips to help make sure that you present yourself and ASSE in the most positive and effective manner, that reflects you and the Society as OSH subject matter experts, and so you are comfortable and successful in speaking to the media. Contact information for our PR staff is listed at the end of this presentation.
Media Outreach Methods There is no one size fits all… Media outreach efforts can be accomplished by: Sending a press release Distributing a media advisory Submitting an event to local business calendars Local Newspapers One of the first things to keep in mind in managing your chapter’s media outreach efforts is there is no one size fits all for all news items that you will generate. These days, the media is changing at a rapid pace, and many new outlets are now part of the media landscape. There are now many effective ways to get your message out to the public. Long time tried and true methods such as press releases, media advisories, listings in local business calendars, letters to the editor can when targeted properly, can still be effective, but only for certain messages. Local Business Magazines Chamber of Commerce Writing a Letter to the Editor of your local newspapers
Media Outreach Methods Media outreach efforts can also be accomplished by: Posting information in your chapter’s blog Including announcements in your chapter newsletter and website Posting in social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn In recent years, several other effective forms of media outreach have come to the forefront with the increased use of social media. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have been successful in getting news to the masses, as have blogs, and online newspapers such as So which media outreach method is right for your message? Well, that depends… In the next few slides we will break down how to match your story with the most effective media outreach method and media outlet. – online community newspaper
Matching Your Story to Its Most Effective Media Outlet Chapter Events Before – Target Audience: General Public & the Media To promote your event or solicit media presence, we recommend: Media Advisory Listing in Your Local Newspapers and Chamber of Commerce Business Calendar To increase the odds that your story gets the attention that you would like it to, make sure that your story is matched with the most effective media outlet. On the chapter level, you may wish to promote events that you are hosting or taking part in. With your target audience being both the general public and your local media, there are several effective methods that your chapter can take advantage of. If wish to get some publicity for your event ahead of time, either to solicit attendance or request the presence of the media, a media advisory listing the date, time, location and a brief description of event details can be sent to the business or community editors at your local newspapers. Local newspapers and community magazines usually also have a weekly or monthly business calendar, where you can list your event. This can be accomplished by sending a media advisory to the paper’s business calendar editor, as well as your local chamber of commerce. Events can also be listed on local online newspaper, if you have a Patch site in your area. Also, don’t forget to list your chapter events in your chapter newsletter, and on your chapter Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts if you have them. Chapter Newsletter Social Media
Matching Your Story to Its Most Effective Media Outlet Chapter Events After – Target Audience: General Public & the Media To make announcements after your event, we recommend: Press Release If your intention is to garner some media exposure after your event, for example if your chapter holds a successful fundraiser or clothing drive for a local charity, we recommend sending a brief press release to your local media. Guidelines for writing a press release and media advisory on various subject matter are outlined later in the presentation. For those who have sites in your area, you are able to upload their announcements straight onto their website without having to go through an editor. You simply need to register yourself on the site, and follow the instructions for posting your announcement. And again, you should also make mention of these accomplishments in your chapter newsletter, and any of your social media pages. Chapter Newsletter & Website Social Media
Matching Your Story to Its Most Effective Media Outlet Technical Meetings and PDCs Target Audience: OSH Trade Publications More OSH industry specific events should not be targeted to the general public. Send announcements to industry specific trade magazines for their events calendar. There may be times when your chapter may be hosting a local event that is more OSH industry specific, and not appropriate for targeting the general public. it is more effective to send an event announcement to an OSH trade magazine, including ASSE’s “Professional Safety”, by emailing Sending press release or media advisory to some trade magazines may be a better match if your OSH event is larger or more regional. ASSE’s PR Department is available to assist you in targeting trade magazines that are best suited for announcing your event. Contact information is detailed at the end of this presentation. “Professional Safety” –
Matching Your Story to Its Most Effective Media Outlet Technical Meetings and PDCs Larger or more regional events such as a regional PDC: Target Audience: OSH Trade Publications Distribute a press release or media advisory to your local media and relevant OSH trade publications. To increase attendance and media attention at a larger or more regional event that your chapter is hosting, such as a professional development conference or PDC, you can distribute a press release or media advisory to your local media and to relevant OSH trade publications. For assistance in targeting appropriate trade magazines, contact ASSE Public Relations. * Contact ASSE Public Relations for assistance in targeting trade magazines Submit your event to ASSE’s online events calendar –
Matching Your Story to its Most Effective Media Outlet Member Awards/Recognition To promote awards or recognition received by your chapter, or a member: Target Audience: General Public Send a Press Release to your local media Post your announcement on Many chapters like to call attention to awards or recognition that has been earned by its members. Whether it is an award given by your chapter such as a Safety Professional of the Year Award, a national award from ASSE like the Society Fellow, or if it is recognition given by an outside party, an employer, a community or municipality, your chapter has bragging rights. Awards and recognition bestowed upon an ASSE member or a chapter should be promoted at a local level. There are several ways to accomplish this. A brief press release can be sent to the business or community editors at your local newspapers. For those who have sites in your area, you are able to upload their announcements straight onto their website without having to go through an editor. Your simply need to register yourself on the site, and follow the instructions for posting your announcement. In addition, be sure to include this information on your chapter’s blog if you have one and make an announcement in your chapter newsletter, and on social media if you have a Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter account. ASSE’s Public Relations department is also available to help you identify local media in your area. Write an entry on your chapter blog Include the announcement in your chapter newsletter or website Write update on your chapter’s social media pages
Matching Your Story to its Most Effective Media Outlet Response to an OSH issue within your chapter area If you are approached for a quote: Reminder: All OSH and ASSE related messages must be approved by Society headquarters before speaking to the media. If there is an OSH issue that occurs within your chapter area, such as a workplace fatality or accident, it is possible that a reporter may contact you, or another member of your chapter as a source for information, or for a quote. When this happens, be sure to thank the reporter for contacting you, ask them for a day or two to respond to their request and contact ASSE for approval of your message, and your eligibility to speak to the media on ASSE’s behalf.
Matching Your Story to its Most Effective Media Outlet Response to an OSH issue within your chapter area When offering yourself or your chapter as a subject matter expert you may: Send a press release to your local media Write a letter to the editor If you or your chapter wishes to make a public comment in response to a specific OSH issue that occurs within your chapter area you must first contact ASSE’s public relations department, for approval to contact the media. This includes gaining approval as an ASSE media spokesperson, and also confirming that your message is consistent with ASSE’s stance on the issue you will be addressing. If your message has been approved by ASSE, and you are an approved media spokesperson, you may offer yourself as a subject matter expert. In these instances the most effective methods for reaching out to the media are through a press release, by writing a letter to the editor in your local newspapers, an entry in your chapter blog or on your chapter’s social media sites. Compose an entry in your chapter blog Write an update for your chapter’s social media pages
Writing Your Story Pitch – Press Release If you have decided that sending a press release to your local media is the best way to get your message out to the public, remember to tell your story as quickly and to the point as possible. With the shrinking of the traditional media over the years, reporters are taking on more responsibility. Which means they have limited time. When composing a press release, be sure that the official ASSE press release letterhead is at the top of the document. Below the letterhead, insert the line “For Immediate Release” on the top left hand side of the page in bold lettering. In the same line, on the right of the page, insert your contact information, including your name, phone number and email address. Next you will need to compose a simple, and to the point headline, which quickly explains the subject matter of the story you are pitching. Headlines should be in bold and take up no more than two lines of the page. Below the headline, you may begin the body copy for your press release, beginning with the city and state that it is being distributed from, and the date. Begin your opening paragraph on the same line. When looking over a press release, reporters are looking for the most relevant information in the opening sentences, so clearly and quickly articulate why your story is important to a media outlet’s audience, with the most newsworthy information outlined opening paragraph. Additional information and quotes should be included in the paragraphs to follow. At the conclusion of the press release, you should include official boilerplates for your chapter and then ASSE. In this particular press release, the ASSE Chapter announced that a corporation had donated funding for a scholarship. If your chapter is acting in partnership with a corporation or organization, it is important to include their official boilerplate in the press release as well. If you would like to see additional examples of recent press releases sent out by ASSE’s public relations department for further guidance, go to Go to: for more examples
Writing Your Story Pitch – Media Advisory A media advisory is a concise method for alerting the media of upcoming events and developments pertinent to your chapter. They should be brief, to the point and answer only Who, What, When, Where and Why, and serve as an invitation for the media to attend or do a story on your event. When composing a media advisory, always remember that it must include the official ASSE Media advisory letterhead at the top of the page. Just below that to the left hand side of the page, insert “For Immediate Release” in bold, and italics, with the date, and your chapter location. Immediately to the right, also include contact information, your name, phone number and email address. Your headline in bold letters should concisely explain the subject matter, and take up no more than two lines. Below your headline, is your “What” statement, which briefly outlines your event and announcement. Remember to stick to the facts, to ensure that you keep the reporters attention. Try and limit your “What statement to no more that 1-2 paragraphs. Below your “What” statement, place a line for when your event is and include the day, the date and the time. Directly below, place your place your information on where the event will be taking place, and remember to include the complete address for the location. The media advisory should be completed with ASSE’s official boilerplate, which is placed at the end of every Society media advisory and press release. If you wish to do so, you may also include a boilerplate for your ASSE chapter, which should be inserted before the ASSE boilerplate.
Building Relationships with Reporters Increase the likelihood that your story is picked up Match your story with appropriate outlets and reporters Give reporters a heads up Follow up to ensure receipt Once you have matched your story pitch with the appropriate media outlets and reporters, there are also necessary steps you should take to increase the likelihood that your story will get some pick up. First, if possible, give the reporters a call to let them know that your story pitch is coming. That way, it will stand out in their email in-box. Reporters are more likely to look at it, if they are expecting it, rather than pass it over and delete it along with the countless other story pitches they receive. After you have sent your pitch, wait two to three days, and then place a follow up call to the reporter to ensure that it was received. If it has been received, offer to answer any questions they might have, or make it clear that you are available to answer questions in the future. If they have not received your pitch, its possible that they may be backlogged with work and emails, and they haven’t yet gotten to it. It is possible that they might look for it in their inbox while they are on the phone with you. This could also open the door to making yourself available to answer their questions. Offer to answer questions
Building Relationships with Reporters Result… Trust is established. They may contact you as a subject matter expert when in need of a quote or information for a story on OSH or the safety profession. Making a habit of following these steps when you pitch a story to the media can result in a trust that is established between you and your local reporters. In time they may consider you a valuable source and subject matter expert, and they may contact you in the future if they need a quote or additional information for a story on OSH or the safety profession.
What if I have questions? ASSE Public Relations Staff Contacts Willy Medina, Senior Media Relations Specialist (847)768-3404, Micah D’Orazio, Director, Marketing & Communications (847)768-3419, If you have any questions, the Public Relations staff at ASSE is always available to help you through this process. Please feel free to contact us if you need media outreach assistance, or if you have any questions.