Russell Stringer (Australia) ICT-IOS-9 Doc.6.2, additional information: IPET-WIFI Sub-Group Regulatory Material Proposals for update to GOS Manual / Guide Russell Stringer (Australia) Chair, Sub Group on Regulatory Material (IPET-WIFI SG-RM) Vice-chair, CBS Inter-Programme Expert Team on WIGOS Framework Implementation (IPET-WIFI) IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material
Content Progress achieved and next steps for SG-RM Proposed approval process Specific proposal: "notes" to explain structure change in Manual recommendations IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material
SG-RM-1 meeting 14/15 April We had available material as summarised in Doc.6.2 Appendix C. Progress summarised: Item Status following SG-RM-1 (as at 15 April 2016) Next steps invitees for webex review (additional to SG-RM members) Aircraft meteorological stations (for the Manual) Some marked up changes/comments added to draft 6. Teleconference of SG-RM with expert authors = Chair ET-ABO = Dean Lockett = Dimitar, Jitze, …? Aircraft meteorological stations (for the Guide) Needs an overall editorial review (not the technical details). Suggest it be published as a stand-alone technical report. Rabbia (and his AMDAR focal point) will review and provide feedback. Not applicable IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material
Status following SG-RM-1 (as at 15 April 2016) Next steps Item Status following SG-RM-1 (as at 15 April 2016) Next steps invitees for webex review (additional to SG-RM members) Weather radar stations (for the Manual) Some marked up changes/comments added to draft 7. Teleconference of SG-RM with expert authors = Chair ET-SBO, = Daniel Michelson Radar wind profiler stations (for the Manual) With ET-SBO for update based on earlier feedback plus latest relevant feedback for the similar weather radars material. Teleconference of SG-RM with expert authors, subsequent to resolution of weather radar material (possibly Daniel Michelson) Voluntary Observing Ships scheme (for the Guide) Recommend that it be included as a new Appendix III.4, with a reference to it from within section, with added material on mercury safety and new metadata regulations Recommendation to ICT-IOS-9 Not applicable AWS (for the Manual) Update following recent review not received Chair to liaise with AWS author, prior to teleconference of SG-RM with expert authors = Karl Monnik Update approval process (for the Manual) Draft needed Chair to liaise with Secretariat for suitable words IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material
Background comments Following discussion of available material, the group made some general observations and noted: a considerable tendency for technical experts to include regulations in their specific text which duplicate regulations which already exist at a more general level. This covers a broad range of topics such as requirements for observations, observations and metadata reporting and retention, quality management, maintenance and change management, a tendency to include excessive technical details which are understood by experts in the field but which might serve to confuse the slightly broader readership (including managers and operators) and undermine the effectiveness of the regulatory material, IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material
Background comments a tendency to elaborate excessively both on the reasons for the regulations and how to go about meeting the regulations (such elaboration is well suited to the Guide), a tendency for the length and content of the draft material to not be in good proportion to other material in the Manual or Guide, and other departures from good formulation, in particular by the "shall" statements which represent obligations for all Member countries/territories hence need to be widely acceptable to them as well as being clear and specific so that performance can be demonstrated. IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material
Proposed approval process SG-RM has planned weekly webex connections for the next six weeks (before EC occupies the Secretariat) Scheduled to enable expert authors to join us Agree/finalise a 2016 update for Manual on the GOS and Guide to the GOS to convey to Chair OPAG-IOS by mid-June 2016 That allows around 2 weeks in June for ICT-IOS consideration of the proposed draft, ready to submit to CBS IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material
"notes" to explain structure change in Manual 2.5 Aircraft Meteorological Stations Note: the structure of section 2.5 now departs from the standard structure which comprised sub-sections "General", "Location and composition" and "Frequency and timing of observations". This is a transitional step towards the eventual migration to the Manual on WIGOS, where the structure may be modified further. New sub-headings: General Requirements Observations Data Management Quality Management Provision of Aircraft Based Observations on the WIS Observational Metadata Requirements and Management Maintenance and Incident and Change Management International and Regional Planning and Capacity Development IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material
Recommendations to ICT-IOS That ICT-IOS agree to consider out of session the proposed 2016 update for Manual on the GOS and Guide to the GOS, over the last 2 weeks of June, That the guidance material on Aircraft Meteorological Stations, due to its length of about 160 pages, be published as a separate technical document rather than an element of the Guide to the GOS, That the guidance material on the VOS scheme, as approved by JCOMM, be included in the Guide to the GOS as a new Appendix III.4, with a reference to it from within section, Some new words are needed on mercury safety and new WIGOS metadata regulations, these can be prefixed under or the introduction to the Appendix, without disturbing the JCOMM text IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material
Thank you for your attention Contact: Russell Stringer, IPET-WIFI-3 Doc. 5: Regulatory Material