International Civil Aviation Organization.


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Presentation transcript:

International Civil Aviation Organization

REPORT 20/Report

02 April 2009



Montreal, Canada 24 March – 02 April 2009


1. Introduction

1.1 The meeting was opened by Mr Loftur Jonasson from the ICAO Secretariat, Montreal and Mr. Steve Mitchell, the Rapporteur of Working Group F. Both expressed special thanks to IATA for being to host the meeting in the IATA building. Mr Loftur Jonasson acted as the Secretary of the meeting.

1.2 After the opening of the meeting the agenda was approved by the group. The agenda is contained in Appendix A

1.3 The list of working papers submitted for consideration by Working Group F is contained in Appendix B. The list of participants is in Appendix C.

1.4 The meeting were made aware that Torsten Jacob, formally of the ICAO Secretariat, and his wife Annett are now the proud parents of a baby girl, Emilia, born on 20 March 2009 weighing 2790 grams. The meeting wished to congratulate them on their new arrival and wish them best wishes for the future.

2. Agenda Item 2 – Finalise ICAO position for WRC-11

2.1 Before considering the details of the State letter responses to the draft ICAO position for WRC-11, the meeting agreed that they would only propose changes to the draft position if one had been included in the responses or if it was purely of an editorial nature. WP25 contained the consolidated pack of State letter responses used for updating the draft position. The proposed finalised ICAO position can be found as Appendix D to this report.

2. 2. During the discussion on WRC Agenda Item 1 2.2 During the discussion on WRC Agenda Item 1.21, the meeting were made aware of a data link system operating in the 15.4 – 15.7 GHz band by South Africa as part of a multi lateration system. It was explained that it was likely that the data link system would be deployed in other States in the region and that protection was required for its continued use. The meeting agreed that since this was currently a national issue and was outside the ITU Radio Regulation allocations, then it should not be included in the ICAO position for WRC-11. It was agreed by the meeting however that they recommend the ICAO Secretariat should raise the subject with the ICAO Nairobi office in order that the item is adequately addressed in regional preparations for WRC-11. A brief description of the system and its possible future deployment can be found as Appendix E to this report.

2.3 The meeting was also made aware that currently there is no ICAO position for WRC Agenda Item 8.1. This particular agenda item relates to the “Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau”. It was noted by the meeting that the report will not be available until the CPM and therefore an ICAO position on this particular needs to be considered nearer to WRC.

3. Agenda Item 3 – Review and update of ICAO spectrum Policy Statements

3.1 WP 6 and WP 12 both contained proposals for the ICAO spectrum Policy Statements found in ICAO Frequency Spectrum Handbook. The meeting was informed that these statements are approved by the ICAO Council and that changes will need to be agreed within that body. A comparison flimsy was prepared in order assist the group in identifying necessary changes and considerable discussion took place on the detail of the proposed changes. Appendix F to this report provides the proposed changes to the ICAO spectrum Policy Statements as recommended by WG-F.

3.2 The meeting also agreed that a high level principle statement was needed with the policy statements to cover the general principles to be considered when addressing band sharing. A proposed statement was agreed within the group as this can be found at the beginning of Appendix F.

3.3 The meeting was also aware that there are no policy statements for certain frequency bands that are under consideration at WRC-11 such as Agenda Item 1.12 dealing with the 37 – 38 GHz band and therefore careful monitoring of developments in these bands needs to be undertaken. It was also noted that ITU-R studies under Resolution 421 will need to be monitored with regard, for example, to the AMS(R)S allocation under footnote 5.367 in the band 5 000 – 5 150 MHz.

4. Agenda item 4 – Review and update of volume I of ICAO Frequency Spectrum Handbook

4.1 WP 6, as well as providing suggested updated ICAO spectrum Policy Statements, also contained proposals for an update to radio regulatory text as a result of WRC-07. Rather than consider the proposals in detail in the meeting the Secretariat requested that any comments should be sent him for consideration.

4.2 At the last meeting of WG-F the meeting the agreed on a structure for volume II of the ICAO Frequency Spectrum Handbook. Since this meeting however a number of participants have become aware that some of the technical material contained in volume I may be repeated in volume II and therefore WP 20 was an attempt to generate discussion and agreement of a possible way forward in order to avoid duplication.

4.2.1 Following discussion the meeting agreed that the long term goal should be to transfer the technical information in volume I to volume II. Since volume II is still under development, it was agreed that as an interim measure the technical part for each frequency band should be moved to an annex in volume I which could easily be removed a some point in the future. This would leave the main frequency band section of volume I with the Radio Regulations, ICAO Policy Statements and commentary. The meeting was also made aware that handbook is expected to be updated in September 2009.

5. Agenda Item 5 – Development of material for ITU-R meetings

WRC-11 Agenda Item 1.7

A number of WPs were presented covering this particular issue which were considered to address the following:

Liaison statement from ITU-R Working Party 4C

Methodology for the calculation of AMS(R)S spectrum requirements

In addition, WP 14 and WP 17 noted that certain AOC services in the COCR, e.g. in a unicast communication mode, may use of spectrum resources inefficiently. For example WXGRAPH, in the satellite to aircraft link, may take up to 80% of the total information volume requirements in that link. It has been pointed out that there could be other means to deliver these applications, e.g. multi-cast or broadcast, which may reduce the information volume requirements drastically. The satellite industry, which works on given requirements, cannot unilaterally impose a solution for the aviation industry and therefore WG-F noted that a solution is necessary from within the aviation industry/experts, specifically in respect to the operational and technical requirements in the COCR.

Furthermore, WP10 presented a contribution to the WP 4C meeting requesting WG-F members to consider appropriate methods to ensure long-term spectrum availability and access for the AMS(R)S communications in existing allocation of 1.5/1.6 GHz bands since this would be more important issue than looking for new allocations.

Liaison statement from ITU-R Working Party 4C

5.1 WP 2 contained a liaison statement from ITU-R Working Party 4C to ICAO regarding input material from ICAO to the methodology and AMS(R)S spectrum requirements under WRC-11 Agenda Item 1.7. Of particular note was the need to address a number of questions asked in this liaison statement.

5.2 WP 8, WP 9 and WP 17 addressed issues directly related to the liaison statement and the meeting agreed that a response to ITU-R Working Party 4C should be drafted. The meeting further agreed that they recommend the proposed draft material contained in Appendix G of this report should form the basis of a response to the liaison statement from ITU-R Working Party 4C.

Methodology for the calculation of AMS(R)S spectrum requirements

5.3 WP 11, WP 14 and WP 18 proposed changes directly related to the methodology for the calculation of AMS(R)S spectrum requirements. The meeting agreed that an input should be developed to the ITU-R process addressing this issue however it was noted that this needed to be split into two parts i.e. the aeronautical parts and the satellite parts.

5.4 The meeting agreed that any contribution from ICAO to the ITU-R on the methodology for the calculation of AMS(R)S spectrum requirements should be limited to Annex 1, Annex 2 and Annex 6 of the draft document being developed within ITU-R Working Party 4C. Furthermore, the meeting agreed that they recommend the proposed draft material contained in Appendix H of this report should form the basis of an input to ITU-R Working Party 4C regarding the development of the methodology for the calculation AMS(R)S spectrum requirements.

5.5 It was also noted by the meeting the development of material for Annex 3, Annex 4 and Annex 5 of the methodology. Details of this material can be found in IP 6 for information. It is expected that this material will be developed and taken forward by participants in ITU-R Working Party 4C.

WRC-11 Agenda Item 1.4

5. 6. WP 3 and IP 4 were presented together 5.6 WP 3 and IP 4 were presented together. The information contained in IP 4 (5B/130), provided to ITU-R Working Party 5B in October 2008, was an update of work carried out prior to WRC-07 that demand for spectrum for the 5 GHz AM(R)S will exceed the 60 MHz allocated at WRC-07. Based on this information, WP 3 provided details of a proposed update to ITU-R Report M.2120 on the estimate for spectrum for the proposed system. There was support by the meeting for the ongoing work and it was stated that WP 3 will be a US contribution to the next ITU-R Working Party 5 B meeting in May 2009. The author stated that should any clarification be needed on the contents of the document then he was available to answer these.

5.7 WP 4 provided details of a proposed update to ITU-R document 5B/175 Annex 17 with an aim to raising the documents status to a Preliminary Draft New ITU-R Report relating to compatibility between AM(R)S and RNSS in the frequency band 5000 – 5010 MHz. The purpose of the new report would be aimed at showing that compatibility between the two services can be achieved. There was support by the meeting for the ongoing work and the author requested feedback on the proposed PDN Report with an aim to establish the PDN Report at the next meeting of ITU Working Party 5B in May 2009.

5.8 IP 2 and IP 3 provided updated receiver details for the Galileo RNSS system proposed to operate in the frequency band 5010 – 5030 MHz. Both documents were noted by the meeting.

ITU-R Working Party 4C liaison statement to Working Party 5B

5.9 A liaison statement from ITU-R Working Party 4C to ITU-R Working Party 5B requesting characteristics on MLS unwanted emissions in the band 5010 – 5030 MHz and latest information on its deployment, was brought to the attention of the meeting. From a procedural perspective, since it is not possible for the ITU to send a liaison statement to ICAO, Mr Loftur Jonasson from the ICAO Secretariat was made the contact person on this particular in ITU-R Working Party 5B in order to ensure that ICAO were aware that an input was required on this issue.

5.10 In order to highlight the ongoing importance of spectrum for MLS, IP 5 provided the meeting with an indication of progress that has been achieved with MLS operations at Heathrow. It was also noted by the meeting that the systems at Heathrow had been certified for Cat III operations during March 2009 by the UK aviation safety regulator. The meeting also noted there it is planned to equip 90 aircraft with MLS receivers.

5.11 The chairman of the ICAO NSP Spectrum Sub Group (SSG) provided the meeting with a verbal update on the progress that had been made in pulling together the material necessary in order to address the ITU-R liaison statements highlighted in section 5.9 of this report. This material can be found within WP 13 and IP 7 to this meeting. The meeting was made aware that timescales for providing a response to the liaison statements was fairly short and therefore the meeting recommended that the response be sent directly to ITU-R Working Party 4C with a copy for information to ITU-R Working Party 5B.

5.12 Using this material the meeting developed a response to the liaison statement which the meeting recommended should form the basis of an ICAO response to ITU-R Working Party 4C. A copy of the proposed response can be found as Appendix H to this report.

Liaison statements to ITU-R Working Party 5B

5.13 The meeting considered a number of liaison statements that had been sent to ITU-R Working Party 5B as contained in WP 21. These were reviewed in the meeting and it was felt that only one liaison statement dealing with Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio Systems (CRS) required a response from ICAO. It was recommended by the meeting that the material contained in Appendix I to this report should form the basis of an ICAO input into ITU-R working Party 5B.

Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication (WAIC)

5.14 A presentation was made of WP 7 which will be an input into the May 2009 meeting of ITU-R Working Party 5B from the US. During its presentation it was stated that there were likely to be similar inputs to that meeting from other States. The working paper provided details on the different types of uses for WAIC, there possible data rates (low or high), whether they were internal or external to the airframe and what phases of aircraft operation would require each type of use. In the ongoing discussion it was highlighted that there is a need to ensure that radio regulators are clear there is no intention to radiate from these systems directly down to the ground or between aircraft, that the spectrum requirements are not presented in such a way that they would appear to be accumulative, that the use of directional antennas are being considered and that these uses do not necessarily need a single frequency band. The authors stated that should any clarification be needed on the contents of the document then he was available to answer these.

6. Agenda item 6 - Development of material for regional telecommunication organization meetings

There were no papers for this agenda item.

7. Agenda Item 7 - Development of volume II of the ICAO Frequency Spectrum Handbook

There were no papers for this agenda item There were no papers for this agenda item. Please see section 4 for discussion of this topic.

8. Agenda Item 8 - Interference from non-aeronautical sources

8.1 IP 1 brought to the attention of the meeting a problem that exists between radar systems operating in the frequency band directly above 2700 MHz and WiMax/3G systems being deployed below 2690 MHz. The problem arises due the selectivity of the radar and its ability to reject the fundamental signal of a system operating in an adjacent band out of band transmissions. The meeting noted that work was ongoing in order to resolve this problem and that they would be kept informed of future developments.

9. Agenda Item 9 – Any Other Business

9.1 WP 15 highlighted a particular problem associated with the term “on a high percentage of occasions” as stated in Annex 10 It was stated that this is particularly important with respect to frequency planning as it may affect the way frequency planning is undertaken within a State. One interpretation as contained in Annex 10, Volume V, Attachment A, Para 2 would suggest that “on a high percentage of occasions” should be interpreted as the 95 percentile. During the ensuing discussions it was highlighted that as long as the D/U ratio was being maintained then there should not be a issue but a further comment highlighted the suggestion in ITU-R Recommendation P.528 that different percentile levels should be used for the for the wanted (95%) and unwanted signals (5%). The author requested feedback on how other States addressed this issue and that it would be appreciated if this could reach him by the 21 April 2009 so that contribution could be made to ACP WG-M. In any case, some participants opposed changing the SARPs language as introduction of specific percentage requirements may impact existing airspace planning in some States.

9.2 WP 16 highlighted an issue particular to the UK which had been raised by the UK radio regulator Ofcom to the CAA concerning the co-ordination of Iridium for AMS(R)S use. During its presentation, the UK stated that the only question being raised for discussion by WG-F was whether it was agreed that satellite provision of safety related services could only be made by using AMS(R)S spectrum in a primary allocation. The opinion of the meeting was that this was the case, and this was further supported by Section of ICAO Annex 10 SARPs which clearly states that “an AMS(R)S system shall only operate in frequency bands which are appropriately allocated to AMS(R)S and protected by the ITU Radio Regulations”.

9.2.1 As part of the discussion resulting from the presentation of WP 16 it would appear that Ofcom’s concern relates to whether Iridium had been coordinated under the appropriate ITU-R mechanism for AMS(R)S. The subject of Iridium’s co-ordination generated much discussion, and it was noted that the Iridium co-ordination for AMS(R)S was considered complete in some States. Given that the status of Iridium’s AMS(R)S co-ordination appears to have different interpretations by different radio regulators, the meeting agreed that this was an issue that needed to be addressed directly between individual radio regulators and satellite service providers. The only consideration by ANSPs in this regard is to ensure that the system intended for use has been co-ordinated under the appropriate Article in the Radio Regulations.

9.3 WP 19 was presented by the ICAO NSP SSG chairman in order to highlight areas in which WG-F would have an interest. The report and working papers of the SSG can be found on the NSP website. Of particular note was the work undertaken on MLS characteristics which was addressed under section 5 of this report, the ongoing work with respect to the possible operation of GBAS in the frequency band 117.975 – 137 MHz and the work being undertaken on VDL-4 compatibility with VOR and GBAS. A question was raised on the availability of the IF77 propagation modelling tool. It was explained that this currently under development and being evaluated. The US agreed to see if the current tool could be further distributed for greater evaluation.

9.5 An indication was given as to where the next WG-F meetings are being considered. The current possibilities are:

Bangkok – Nov/Dec 2009

Mexico – March 2010

Nairobi or Dakar Autumn 2010

Discussions are still ongoing regarding locations and dates and once these known they will be placed on the ACP website.


Appendix A - Agenda

Appendix B - List of Working Papers

Appendix C – List of Participants

Appendix D – Proposed ICAO Position for WRC-11

Appendix E – Proposed update of ICAO spectrum Policy Statements

Appendix F – Response to ITU-R Working Party 4C liaison statement on AMS(R)S

Appendix G – Proposed input to ITU-R Working Party 4C on the methodology for the calculation of AMS(R)S spectrum requirements

Appendix H - Response to ITU-R Working Party 4C liaison statement on MLS

Appendix I – Proposed input to ITU-R Working Party 5B regarding liaison statement on SDR and CRS

