Ballou 2017 Mr. Meyers Unit III (Waves) SOUND WAVES Ballou 2017 Mr. Meyers Unit III (Waves)
Kick-Off Complete sentences ~ 5-7 min Mr. Meyers A1, A4, A5 3.3 2/8/2017 What type of waves are sound waves? (Mechanical, Transverse, Longitudinal, Electromagnetic). 2. What is an echo? What type of wave interaction occurs to generate an echo? TIER 2: Provide an example of one of the three Laws of Motion. Be sure to state which law is being highlighted.
Kick-Off Complete sentences ~ 5-7 min Mr. Meyers A1, A4, A5 3.3 2/10/2017 What is the Doppler Effect? Provide an example discussed in class 2. What is frequency? How does this affect the speed of a wave? TIER 2: Provide an example of one of the three Laws of Motion. Be sure to state which law is being highlighted.
Turn, Talk, Share, & Write ~ 3 min When I say START, pass your lifeline to your nearest neighbor For 45 seconds each student will edit their partner’s responses to the lifeline. Write 1 glow and 1 grow from their responses + = At least three complete sentences, few to no grammar errors = A minimum of two complete sentences some grammar errors - = Does not complete lifeline on time, sentences incomplete The person that WOKE UP the EARLIEST will SHARE the SUGGESTIONS and EDITS on their partner’s LIFELINE, FIRST. Students will be RANDOMLY called to SHARE OUT what THEIR PARTNER discussed. BE PREPARED TO SHARE!!
Agenda ~ 1 min In Class: Homework: Lifeline Objective Exploration Turn, Talk, & Write Objective Exploration Cornell Notes What is Sound? Pitch vs Frequency Independent Reading Chapter 21 section 1 Scholar Groups (TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE) Learning Log Homework: Complete “Properties of Waves” Chp 20:3 (G3.4)
Announcements STAY FOCUSED so we can meet our OBJECTIVE. PHONES ARE AWAY!!! Due TODAY Binder Check – Everyone should have a binder Quiz 3.1 CLOSED Grades are OUT!! Missing Assignments can ONLY be made up if excused absence. NEWSELA STAY FOCUSED so we can meet our OBJECTIVE.
WRITE OBJECTIVE IN YOUR LEARNING LOG (OWN WORDS) ~ 2 min By the end of class students will identify and explain the relationship(s) between pitch, frequency, and wavelength in sound waves by deconstructing informational text and performing an investigation with tuning forks. Standard: HS-PS4-1. Use mathematical representations to support a claim regarding relationships among the frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media. WRITE OBJECTIVE IN YOUR LEARNING LOG (OWN WORDS)
SOUND WAVE EXPLORATION ~ 3 min Instructions: When I say START, you and members of your assigned group will INVESTIGATE the differences among several tuning forks. What types of waves are produced? What is the medium, if any? Are the tuning forks numbered? Rules: Every group member must contribute No cellphones 2 minute timer Responses must be written down before the timer runs out Be prepared to share WRITE 4-5 observations in SUMMARY #1 of C-Notes
Independent Practice (15-20 min) Scholarly Studies Option 1: Read Chapter 21:2 “Properties of Sound”. Complete Cornell Notes SILENTLY for Chp 21:2 Students that attempt AND are successful with BLANK Cornell Notes will receive 5 extra credit points. At the end of 15 minutes you will be graded on your overall performance. + = All important topics are completed, written neatly. = Missing a couple topics and remained on task for the majority of the time - = Unable to complete 1 pg of Cornell Notes, remained distracted
How Fast Does Sound Travel? The speed of sound depends on the state of the medium. Sound travels faster through solids than through liquids or gases. The speed of sound also depends on the temperature of a medium.
How Are Pitch and Frequency Related? The frequency of a sound wave is the number of compressions or rarefactions in a certain amount of time. Measured in hertz (Hz). The pitch of a sound is how high or low the sound seems to be. The pitch of a sound depends on the frequency of the sound wave.
Question 1: How is frequency and pitch related to the sound we hear? TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ~ 1 min Question 1: How is frequency and pitch related to the sound we hear?
Frequency and Hearing Humans, like all animals, can only hear sounds with certain frequencies. Sounds with frequencies too high for people to hear are called ultrasonic
The Doppler Effect This Doppler effect is a change in the pitch of a sound you hear that is caused by motion. After the car passes, it is moving in the opposite direction from the sound waves. The compression and rarefactions of the sound wave are farther apart. The frequency of the sound seems to go down. When the car is approaching you the compression and rarefactions of these sound waves are pushed closer together. The frequency (pitch) of the sound seems to go up.
Question 2: Draw a diagram that demonstrates the Doppler effect TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ~ 1 min Question 2: Draw a diagram that demonstrates the Doppler effect
How Are Loudness and Amplitude Related? The loudness of a sound is a measure of how well the sound can be heard. A sound’s loudness depends on the amplitude of a sound wave. The larger the amplitude the louder the sound
Question 3: How does amplitude of a sound wave relate to loudness? TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ~ 1 min Question 3: How does amplitude of a sound wave relate to loudness?
Question 4: Draw a wave that represents a loud and high pitch sound TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ~ 1 min Question 4: Draw a wave that represents a loud and high pitch sound
SCHOLAR GROUPS (TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE) ~ 1 min Rules: Every group member must contribute No cellphones 1 minute timer All answers must be written down before the timer goes off WITH page numbers When I say START, you and members of your assigned group will DEMONSTRATE your COMPREHENSION from the text by answering questions. Each group will have 1 minute to answer the question and support their answers using a text. Reward: 1st place 100 hero points, 5pts extra credit on quiz
Learning Log (5 min) Mr. Meyers A1, A4, A5 3.3 2/6/2016 1. What was our objective for the day? How did we achieve our objective? One question that you still have about the content. One new thing that you learned
SOUND WAVE LAB Instructions: Rules: ~ 15 min When I say START, you and members of your assigned group will INVESTIGATE the differences among several tuning forks. What types of waves are produced? What is the medium, if any? Are the tuning forks numbered? Rules: Every group member must contribute No cellphones 2 minute timer Responses must be written down before the timer runs out Be prepared to share
3-2-1 Questions ~ 15 min Level 1 What is a wave? Provide three examples of waves Draw and label a transverse wave How are loudness and amplitude related? What is a medium? Provide an example Level 2 Compare and Contrast reflection, refraction, and diffraction A sound wave has a frequency of 100 Hz and a speed of 5000 m/s, calculate wavelength Compare and contrast a mechanical and electromagnetic wave. Level 3 Describe the Doppler effect, with respect to sound wave frequency and motion. Describe what happens to white light as it passes through a droplet of water.