Hearing and Sound
Transverse Waves – light waves
Sound Energy is produced by the vibration of matter and travels by compressional waves.
Speed of sound varies with the temperature.
Speed of sound changes with the type of medium. speed of sound calculator
PBS video on Sound
Sound intensity relates to loudness. Sound frequency relates to pitch.
Loudness is a measure of amplitude. It is also called INTENSITY! The decibel was named after Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone.
Hearing Human Hearing
Hearing Range Hearing test
Sonar Sonar Sonar in ships
Ultrasounds (above human range of hearing) Examples: Bats Echolocation
Humans and Echolocation Daniel Kish
Other Uses for Ultrasounds Imaging: Baby Echocardiogram of the heart
Speaking Vocal cords
Music Harmony- when notes sound pleasing together. It is actually a function of mathematical proportions. Middle C is 256 Hz High C is at 512Hz Notes in between need to be evenly divisible to sound good
Doppler Effect Really Cool Doppler Demo
Doppler Radar Doppler Effect on the Big Bang Theory
Wave Interference Noise Cancelling Headphones
Speech Recognition by computer http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/high-tech-gadgets/speech-recognition1.htm