Wales Best Practice Day 20 October 2016
This morning
RCSLT Strategic Plan 2015-18 The RCSLT Strategic Plan is a road map which sets out where we are as a profession and where we want to be by 2018.
RCSLT Strategic Plan 2015-18 Mission: To ensure better lives for people with communication and swallowing needs Vision: To be the professional body that promotes excellence and supports speech and language therapy
Focus areas 1 Development of quality services 2 Leadership and Resilience 3 Workforce 4 People and communities 5 The wider policy context 6 To be an organisation that members are proud of
RCSLT Hubs The purpose of the Hubs is to bring together talent across the profession in the same region to support each other and create close links with the RCSLT and other regions
This afternoon… Governance Concepts What will you do?
Governance structure 9 review over past two years following review of internal management structures Reasons for this - Lack of time strategic discussion and decision at BOT Previous board Board structures rigid , not necessarily connected in approach – over govern not necessarily joined up or productive Member engagement New structure - voted in September 14 Board of trustees appointed Dec14 FRC previously FORB PPPC appointed Feb. 2015 inducted and meet April 2015 Work of the BOT / RCSLT will be supported by interface with Hubs , with T&F / project groups - digital strategy , CQ live , outcome measures and some committees ?
Hubs – who and what Hub: every member in the nation or region Steering group: volunteers who run the hub in their nation / region: expected to be representative of the profession Forum (England): representatives of the 11 hubs Forum (nations): same people as the steering group but meeting as an RCSLT Committee
Wales specific bodies WTAC… WSLTAF…
Terms of Reference The RCSLT Hub Forum is established by the Board of Trustees (the Board) (minute 39/14) and accountable to the Board to support engagement of members across RCSLT Hub structures Aims of the Committee: The Hub Forum is authorised to oversee the development of effective member networks: i. Inform and support the delivery of the RCSLT strategic plan ii. Encourage and receive feedback from members on priorities for action for the profession iii. Raise these issues within the appropriate governance and committee structures of the RCSLT (including the Professional Practice & Policy Committee) iv. Maximise member engagement and develop future leaders
Terms of Reference (cont’d) The RCSLT Hub Forum will work with members to develop a programme of activities to support the delivery of key areas of business as defined by the RCSLT: i. Service innovation, development and the use of the evidence base ii. Research iii. Raising awareness, influencing and campaigning iv. Professional development, including workforce planning, pre and post registration education and training v. Partnership building with external stakeholders vi. Representation of the profession on strategic working and advisory groups
Focus area one: Development of quality services Examples of upcoming activities related to this objective: Develop tools to improve data collection and outcome measurement
Focus area two: Leadership and resilience Examples of upcoming activities related to this objective: Develop tools and resources to support SLTs to become leaders
Focus area three: Workforce Examples of upcoming activities related to this objective: Make workforce data accessible to members
Focus area four: People and communities Examples of upcoming activities related to this objective: Promote equitable access to funding for AAC regardless of location.
Focus area five: The wider policy context Examples of upcoming activities related to this objective: Commission new research regarding the value of speech and language therapy
Focus area six: To be an organisation members are proud of Examples of upcoming activities related to this objective: Continue to build and strengthen RCSLT Hubs as a vehicle for communication and engagement.
What’s happening in Wales Future of health care green paper Prudent health care New Welsh Government Dementia Strategy Draft Additional Learning Needs Bill Expansion of childcare offer Rewriting ten year plan for early years workforce
Things hubs have done South Central Twitterstorm Northern Ireland general election priorities Scotland story videos Northwest conferences and social media – you have done social media sessions in Wales Southwest outcome measures sessions – you have done TOMs training in Wales
Things hub forums have discussed… Professional and leadership resources The RCSLT offer to assistants Public health Local influencing
Ways hubs run themselves Steering group – all groups represented Volunteer group – coalition of the willing Collective of all those present Tasks to different groups – eg students do social media One size does not fit all
Support from RCSLT Events Social media Coordination Surveying members Check out the RCSLT Hubs Toolkit for templates and ideas: Social media Techipes can be found here: Coordination Kaleigh Maietta is on hand to help! ( Surveying members What do members want most? How can we help implement the ideas?
Over to you… A hub? WLSTAF already has a programme of action – do we need anything more? Is it a question of branding? What two or three topics would be of most interest for activity in the year ahead? What might those activities be? (think wider than just events) The hub forum Ensuring members in Wales are part of RCSLT discussions and consultations – who, how and when?
Possibilities Hubs Workforce Transformation Challenge Tweet chat on #sltCPD Contribute to a strategy for children’s services workshop Discuss scenarios
Thank you Derek Munn Director of Policy and Public Affairs 020 7378 3015 Follow the PPA team on Twitter: @RCSLTpolicy