Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network YHHLKN Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network
Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network YHHLKN Established following the Network event held in Leeds on 17th November 2015 For the notes from this event see: http://resources.lihnn.nhs.uk/wiki/Yorkshire_and_Humber_LKS.Refocusing-the-Network-17th-November-2015.ashx
Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network YHHLKN Call for volunteers to sit on a Steering Group to take the outcomes and development of the network event forward Steering Group is made up of staff from across the region with a representation of para-professionals, librarians, library managers and HCLU Initial meeting held on 16th March 2016, with further meetings having taken place and more planned Steering Group discussed, nominated and elected Officers to enable network to operate formally Tasked with writing and developing a constitution to support the establishment of the network, its membership, activities, etc. based on the outcomes from the Network Event Draft 1 written and circulated (based on examples from elsewhere) to Steering Group members and HCLU for comment Draft 2 – further amendments and final feedback from Steering Group (now to be called Committee) Draft 3 – to be circulated to Committee and then to all staff in Yorkshire and the Humber for comment and feedback
Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network YHHLKN Aim Improve the communication, sustainability, efficiency and profile of library and knowledge staff working in the health and social care sector across Yorkshire and Humber. Objectives To promote, develop and improve quality services for stakeholders of health libraries across Yorkshire and the Humber To encourage and share good practice amongst all of the membership Maximise purchasing potential through collaborative procurement Provide support, guidance and leadership to all members of the network Provide a collective voice and raise the profile of members/ services of the network both regionally and nationally To encourage and facilitate the sharing of ideas and resources to address common challenges and to assist with innovation, transformation and development of services To encourage and facilitate the continuing professional development and training of all staff in the network
YHHLKN e-books-OUP and EBL Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network YHHLKN Membership – key points Membership of YHHLKN is open to all health library staff in the public sector across Yorkshire and the Humber Carefully worded so we don’t exclude services, e.g. EMBED (Sheffield) An annual subscription fee to be paid by all subscribing member organisations (services) Proposing a membership fee of £50.00 for this first year to support establishment of network The same fee applies to each service, regardless of number of sites Will be used to help cover costs, e.g. funding for meetings, communities of practice, training events (not funded by HCLU) All member organisations should be willing to uphold the aim and objectives of the network and be willing to participate in one or more activity relating to the network, e.g. sharing of collections, access to meeting rooms, sharing of knowledge and expertise e-books-OUP and EBL
YHHLKN Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network Membership – proposals/benefits include Develop and put on a programme of events/trainings to meet the needs of all LKS staff across Yorkshire and the Humber, supplementing what may be made available elsewhere, e.g. via HCLU, cross-regionally, nationally If no, or little HEE funding available, we need to be able to support ourselves Support for regional groups and communities of practice Toolkit to be developed to help with formal establishment Provide us with the potential to maximise consortium purchasing of resources Access to a Membership Skills Database to facilitate collaboration, best practice, service development, etc. Access to a Venue Directory (of Rooms/Accommodation across the region) YHHLKN will be a stakeholder of the HCLU Board (as will LIHNN and new developments in the NE) – represented by the Chair The YHHLKN Committee will be a contact point for all staff of member organisations and HCLU
Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network YHHLKN – Wiki Discussed YHHLKN currently hosted on LIHNN site Recognised as not ideal but does provide us with a solution to work and develop with at no additional cost If we set up a new site, would need a Trust to have formal responsibility for hosting it which can incur additional costs and problems Did want something that can provide secure log in as well as open access Small Task & Finish Group looking into developing and improving site for time being Available at http://resources.lihnn.nhs.uk/wiki/Yorkshire_and_Humber_LKS.MainPage.ashx
Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network YHHLKN wiki Membership skills database Venues Directory
Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network YHHLKN – What’s in a name… YHHLKN is the acronym that was voted for to describe Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge network, but in case you haven’t noticed, it is not easy to state The YHHLKN Committee would like to propose a change of acronym which is easier to pronounce A vote will be put out to all staff to accept the change or to remain as it is: YOHHLNet - pronounced YOLNet YHHLKN – pronounced Y H H L K N We then propose to have a competition to design a logo from the chosen acronym which can be used on our publicity, documentation, etc.
Yorkshire & the Humber Health Libraries and Knowledge Network Any questions?