Health and Work Champions: Creating culture change in healthcare


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Presentation transcript:

Health and Work Champions: Creating culture change in healthcare 19 June 2017 Karin Bishop, Assistant Director - Professional Practice, RCOT Genevieve Smyth, Professional Advisor, RCOT Helen Lycett, Health and Work Champion Hayley Bannister, Health and Work Champion

This session will cover: What are Health and Work Champions? Could you be a Health and Work Champion? Personal experience of being a Health and Work Champion Discussion time – how do you and your colleagues ask about employment aspiration? A

What are Health and Work Champions? Health and Work Champions are part of a national project to upskill the NHS workforce about health and work. In NHS services across England they are delivering a training package to the clinical workforce. The project is part of the Health, Work and Disability Green Paper: Improving lives, which outlines the government’s ten year plan to close the disability employment gap. Working in partnership with PHE to change health practitioners attitudes towards disabled people, aging people, people with LTCs and employment NHS workforce is the 5th largest in the world and employs 1.3 million people. It deals with one million patient every 36 hours

Health and Work Champions 25 Health and Work Champions across the NHS in England All completed training in 2016 and are delivering sessions in their NHS employing organisation to other healthcare professionals Targeting the large workforce groups such as nurses, doctors and allied health professionals They advertise and deliver a standardised package of training up to two hours long Collecting evaluation data for Salford University Use of peer support A Mainly occupational therapists and one psychologist Project is supported by the Council for Work and Health

Health and Work Champions

Health and Work Champions List of NHS Trusts Taking Part in this Pilot Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust North East London NHS Foundation Trust Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust West London Mental Health NHS Trust South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust A Some organisations have more than one Champion

Learning outcomes for professionals who attend training from a Health and Work Champion Understand the relationship between health and work Recognise the clinical potential of asking about work status Knowledge of ways to discuss work in clinical settings How to appropriately refer and signpost service users for support 1 –not just understanding the relationship between bad work and bad health but the positive relationship between good work and good health. There is good evidence for this positive relationship. Good work means autonomy, control, supportive working relationships 2 – ask about work because it is a good holistic measure of how service users are responding in their everyday life to their health condition. 3 – how to ask when someone is in employment but struggling, when they are in employment but off sick and when they are not in employment 4 – we are not trying to turn them into experts but given them the confidence to raise the question and then signpost on this if they need more help. Champions can insert local information about services available. Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

Could you be a Health and Work Champion? Recruitment currently open until 31 July 2017 To apply send CV, statement detailing how you meet the volunteer role description, indication from your employer that they will support you in the role. Successful candidates will have to attend training on either 7 September and the 8 December OR the 25 September and the 15 December in London. We have a briefing paper and copies of the JD available. Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

Could you be a Health and Work Champion? After initial training you will be expected to deliver free training to your colleagues in your employing organisation and will collect feedback about your training. Due to funding this role is currently only open to those working in England. This is a voluntary role! We have a briefing paper and copies of the JD available. Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

Could you be a Health and Work Champion? Send applications to More information at: occupational-therapy/health- and-work-champions-promoting- health Come and see us on the RCOT stand! Explain that by the end of the session they should be knowledgeable about these four areas. Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

Personal experience of being a Health and Work Champion… Helen Lycett Strategic Trust Lead for Occupational Therapy and Allied Health Professionals, West London Mental Health NHS Trust Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

Personal experience of being a Health and Work Champion… Hayley Bannister Lead Occupational Therapist, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

Any questions?

Discussion time… How do you and your colleagues ask the work question? What do you do with the information? Do you feel that your colleagues routinely ask working age adults about their employment aspirations? Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

Your RCOT Professional Advisors - come and talk to us Karina Dancza @KarinaDancza Genevieve Smyth @GenevieveSmyth Paul Cooper @PaulCooperOT Anne Keen @annekeen55 Karin Orman @KarinOrmanOT