UCT Prague is generally recognized as the top quality university UCT Prague is a member of the family of 26 public universities in the Czech Republic UCT Prague belongs to a group of smaller universities in the Czech Republic UCT Prague is generally recognized as the top quality university UCT Prague is a typical research university UCT Prague - the largest institution of higher education focused on the technical chemistry in Central Europe Zde je stručné shrnutí toho, co jsme?
Prague Polytechnic (1806-1920) History of UCT Prague Prague Polytechnic (1806-1920) Established in 1803 by the Emperor Francis II. the Royal Estates technical school November 10, 1806 officially started work in two departments, mathematics and chemistry University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague is the direct successor of the chemical division of the Prague Polytechnic. Institute of Chemical Technology (1920-1939) Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University (1945-1952) Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (1952-2014) University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (2015 -…)
Professor Karel Napoleon Balling (1805 - 1868) Alumni of UCT Prague Professor Karel Napoleon Balling (1805 - 1868) He introduced lectures and exercises in analytical chemistry. His work excelled in fields of fermentation chemistry and sugar industry. Professor Emil Votoček (1872 -1950) graduated 1895. He achieved worldwide recognition in sugar chemistry. In analytical chemistry, he developed a new method for the determination of halogens (mercurymetry), new detection methods (Votoček’s agent – malachite green). Professor Otto Wichterle (1913-1998) graduated 1936. In 1940 he found caprolactam production technology (polyamide fibers) called Silon. He succeeded to prepare poly-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) transparent gel that is used for contact lenses. Professor Vladimír Prelog (1906-1998) graduated 1928. The Nobel Prize winner in chemistry in 1975 for his contribution to the stereochemistry of organic molecules and understanding their reactions.
FACULTIES Faculty of Environ-mental Technology Faculty of Chemical Technology Faculty of Environ-mental Technology Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Chemical Technology Department of Inorganic Chemistry Department of Inorganic Technology Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering Department of Glass and Ceramics Department of Solid State Chemistry Department of Organic Chemistry Department of Organic Technology Department of Polymers Department of Solid State Engineering Laboratory of Informatics and Chemistry Dept. of Technology of Conservation- Restoration of Cultural Heritage Objects
Faculty of Environmental Technology Department of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels Department of Gas, Coke and Air Protection Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering Department of Power Engineering Department of Environmental Chemistry
Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Department of Biotechnology Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology Department of Carbohydrate Chemistry and Cereals Department of Dairy, Fat and Cosmetics Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition Department of Food Preservation Department of Chemistry of Natural Compound
Faculty of Chemical Engineering Department of Analytical Chemistry Department of Physical Chemistry Faculty of Chemical Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Mathematics Department of Physics and Measurement Engineering Department of Computing and Control Engineering
Some facts: Annual budget: ~ 1 250 000 000 CZK (~ 55 000 000 USD) ~ 600 impacted papers (12 paper/week) > 120 ERASMUS agreements, 3 ERASMUS Mundus programs, the most active Czech university in the Erasmus+ program 200 running research projects funded by Czech funding bodies, 35 European FP7, Horizon and similar projects
Ph.D. Degree students: ~ 500/700 STAFF AND STUDENTS Academic staff: ~ 800 Non-Academic staff: ~ 380 B.Sc. Degree students: ~ 2400 M.Sc. Degree students: ~ 850 Ph.D. Degree students: ~ 500/700 B.Sc. Graduates/year: ~ 550 M.Sc. Graduates/year: ~ 400 Ph.D. Graduates/year: ~ 100 Zaokrouhlená čísla z MISu a Studenta
Education through research and science … … in a cooperation with industry
B.Sc and M.Sc. Degree programmes for foreign students: CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIZATIONS: Applied Chemistry Engineering and Technology Chemistry of Materials Environmental Chemistry and Technology Biotechnology
Ph.D. Degree programmes for foreign students: Chemistry Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Chemistry and Technology of Materials Environmental Chemistry and Technology Chemistry & Technol. of Fuels and Environment Microbiology Biochemistry and Biotechnology Food Chemistry and Technology Chemical and Process Engineering Applied Mathematics
Main fields of research/scientific interest
Analysis and ecological use of solid and gaseous fuels, environment-friendly fuels, water treatment processes, biodegradability of organic pollutants Food chemistry, food safety, nutrition and human health, biologically active compounds, food microbiology and genetics Chemical and bio- engineering, chemical robotics, membrane separation processes, applied thermodynamics, molecular modelling and simulations, molecular spectroscopy and nanospectroscopy Molecular and supramolecular chemistry, material science, advanced nanomaterials, biocompatible materials, catalysis, chemical informatics technology and analysis of pharmaceutical substances
More than 35 HORIZON 2020 & EUropean FP7 projects PARTIAL-PGMs Development of novel, high Performance hybrid TWV/GPF Automotive afteR treatment systems by raTIonAL design: substitution of PGMs and Rare earth materials AUTHENT-NET Food Authenticity Research Network MultiCoop Multidisciplinary approach to strengthen cooperation and establish novel platform for comprehensive assessment of food and feed safety SElySOs Development of new electrode materials and understanding of degradation mechanisms on Solid Oxide High Temperature Electrolysis Cells
Technopark Kralupy is a spin-off of The University of Chemistry and Technology Prague serving the Czech and international industry since 2015.
CONTACTS: e-mail: phone: +420 220 444 456, +420 220 445 045 Postal address: University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague Department of International Relations Technická 5 CZ-166 28 Praha 6 Czech Republic Europe
PRAHA / PRAGUE Prague castle Charles bridge Astronomical clock Wenceslas Square