duPont Manual HS “Crimson Sound” Marching and Pep Band WELCOME STUDENTS AND PARENTS!
YPAS Concert Band Options YPAS Ensemble Elective Auditions (for non majors) will take place on April 25th and 27th. Contact Mr. Essig, YPAS Director of Bands to set up an audition The audition consists of: Scale knowledge (perform from memory) A prepared etude and solo Sight reading Percussionists should plan on auditioning on mallets, snare drum and timpani. Instruments will be provided but students should bring their own sticks/mallets. The goal of the audition is to assess what you already know and are capable of. Approximately 35-40% of YPAS Bands consists of non majors and some of these students are our principal chair musicians. We treat everyone with the same expectation.
Manual Marching Band Be a part of something great! Meet new friends before school starts and become part of a wonderful band family organization. Receive positive guidance from our staff and upperclassmen leadership. Learn to achieve greatness through self- discipline, perseverance, team work and character building. Enjoy performing and bringing a spirited energy to all home football games with over 70 other talented musicians and color guard members. Enjoy traveling and competing at band contests with many other fantastic bands from around the state and region. Marching Band counts as an after school fall semester course. You will receive a half credit for participating. It will not interfere with any of your regular school hours scheduling.
Manual Marching Band continued… Perform one high level “competitive” show production, usually around 8.5 - 9 minutes in length. Musically, this will challenge you as much as anything we do with YPAS bands and every instrument and color guard section is an important contributor to the program both musically and visually. Many opportunities for auditioned solo spots. This “production” is what we perform at halftime and at competitions. In addition, perform a high energy “pre- game” show at all home football games. Very similar to what you would experience at a college football game. Bring spirit and energy to the football fans/student body as we perform various drum grooves and songs in the stands to keep the energy up at all home football games. Enjoy producing a musical product at the upmost highest level in a fun, educational, competitive environment. Did you know that the current principal trumpet of the New York Philharmonic (formerly of the Chicago Symphony) was in his HS marching band and marched in a Drum and Bugle Corps? Woodwinds are also an extremely important part of a competitive marching band. Your timbre and skill sets are needed. Participating in marching band will only better a musicians skill set as we work on many of the same fundamental concepts that are used in concert band. There is no difference. Both are treated with the same integrity and respect on our campus. Participating in marching band will help you become a more responsible, task oriented, team playing, student that believes in working hard every day with a sense of integrity.
January 2019… WALT DISNEY WORLD & UNIVERSAL STUDIOS January 16-21, 2017. Leave Wednesday after school and return Monday early afternoon. The band marches in the Disney Magic Kingdom parade every two years. The last time we planned this trip in 2017 the cost was $578.75 (included park hopper to 3 Disney Parks, admission to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure, breakfast on the way down and back, a box dinner the night we left school, travel in 3 nice Miller motor coaches and 3 nights stay at Disney All-Star Resort). We do all of the trip planning “in house” to keep the trip costs down. We will usually hold 3-4 rehearsals in December and in January in preparation for the parade performance.
After School Rehearsals Every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45-5:15. Color Guard will most likely start at 3:45 and go to 6:15 pm. Percussion and Color Guard may hold an occasional additional sectional. Days and times will be announced well before our season starts. Game Day Friday from 2:45 – 4:00, dinner break and back at 5:15 to change and load equipment. Saturday morning on competition days. (Length of time varies)
Marching Band Summer Date Commitments __ July 17-20 Guard and Percussion Camp Practice Field/YPAS 6 pm – 9 pm __ July 17-18 New Member Sessions for Practice Field/YPAS Brass/Woodwinds 6 pm – 9 pm __ July 19-20 Pre Camp for all Brass/Woodwinds Practice Field/YPAS 6 pm – 9 pm __ July 21 Mandatory Kickoff Meeting/Dinner Manual Large Cafeteria 6:00 pm (for all students and parents) __ July 24 – 28 Band Camp Week #1 for Everyone Practice Field/YPAS 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (Bring your own lunch) __ July 31-Aug 4 Band Camp Week #2 for Everyone Practice Field/YPAS 8:30 am – 5:30 pm (Lunch will be provided by the band boosters. Includes team building activities.) __ Aug 5-10 -OFF- __ August 11 Mandatory DCI Semi-Finals Trip Indianapolis, IN (All Day) __ August 14 Post Camp Rehearsal 5-9 pm Practice Field __ August 15 Post Camp Rehearsal, Ice Cream Social/Parent Meeting & Preview Show 5-9 pm (Ice Cream Social: 7 pm Preview Show: 8:20 pm) Practice Field/YPAS __August 16 First Day of School __ August 17 First After School Full Band Rehearsal __ August 19 Car Wash Fundraiser (early morning to around noon). Wendy’s 4029 Poplar Level Rd. 40213
Tentative Fall Performance Schedule 5-6 home games in late August, September, October and possibly the first week of November (home playoff game). These are fun! Occasional Pep Assembly (during the day) or Community event (in the evening). These are also fun! 5-6 Saturday Marching Band Competitions (All Day) These are the most fun…and rewarding!!! The competitive season wraps up the first weekend of November.
Marching Band Fees 2017-18 Membership Fee TBA soon. Was $350 in 2016 (helps cover transportation costs, uniform cleaning/maintenance, instrument maintenance, color guard supplies, show design, food for the students). Payments are spread out throughout the season. Each family needs to contribute $150 towards the General Fundraiser Obligation (if you don’t want to fundraise, write a check as a donation). There are roughly 2-3 events that all band members are expected to attend (Car Wash, Trivia Night, Music in the Parks) in addition to ongoing product fundraisers such as World’s Finest Chocolates, Tervis Tumblers, etc. All money fundraised goes into the General Fund. Additional fundraising also goes into the General Fund to help keep Membership and Disney Trip fees low. Many competitive HS bands, dance teams, cheerleading teams in the state of Kentucky charge between $500-1000 in membership fees. Off campus Travel Club Teams (AAU) also charge a great deal of money.
Basketball Pep Band The "Crimson Sound Pep Band" One day a week rehearsals app. 7 times. Tuesdays from 2:45-4:15 Perform at approximately 5 boys and 5 girls games throughout December, January and February. Games are usually on Tuesday and Friday’s. We perform as many double header games as possible so we’re here less evenings. Perform at District, Regional and “Sweet 16” State tournaments in late February/early March. All students in “Manual Marching Band Only” must also be in Pep Band. Students in Marching and Concert Band are also encouraged to participate and mostly all do. Students have fun performing an array of spirited music from current hits, Motown, Classic Rock, etc. We take pride in learning roughly 25 charts. Students receive a half credit for being in pep band during the 2nd semester.
Spring Clinic Dates for Color Guard & Percussion 2017-2018 duPont Manual Marching Band Spring Clinics & Auditions Color Guard – (new and returning members) Monday, May 1st 4 – 6 pm Monday, 8th 4 – 6 pm Monday, May 15th 4 – 6 pm Percussion – (new and returning drum line & pit members) Monday, May 1st 4 – 6 pm Monday, May 8th 4 – 6 pm Monday, May 15th 4 – 6 pm 1st summer marching band rehearsals begin the evening of July 17th (6-9 pm) with Guard & Percussion camp and the “new member sessions” for winds. The rest of the band (brass and woodwinds) will join in on July 19th and 20th. The kickoff picnic (for everyone in the band) is on the 21st.
2017-2018 Competitive Show Production “Into the Light” (Opening Movement only)
Want to join this wonderful activity? Visit our website at: http://dupontmanualbands.weebly.c om/Scroll down on the homepage and download the “Marching Band Registration Form”. The form and $100 deposit are due by May 22nd. ($100 goes towards your band fees). Consider looking through the info under the marching band tab, especially FAQ’s. Join our Facebook page at: duPont Manual High School "Crimson Sound" Marching Band