Nation/State Arab Groups Treaties Political Movements Lawrence of Arabia Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Nation/State $100 Egypt ANSWER
Nation/State $100 What is a nation-state? BOARD
Nation/State $200 Japan ANSWER
Nation/State $200 What is a nation-state? BOARD
Nation/State $300 The United States ANSWER
Nation/State $300 What is a state? BOARD
Nation/State $400 The Kurds ANSWER
Nation/State $400 What is a nation? BOARD
Nation/State $500 Russia ANSWER
Nation/State $500 What is a state? BOARD
Arab Groups $100 This group admires the West, its rationalism and modern science. ANSWER
Arab Groups $100 Who are Modernists? BOARD
Arab Groups $200 This group believes that Muslims have become weak and strayed too far from the original message of Islam and must physically and violently fight. ANSWER
Arab Groups $200 Who are Fundamentalists? BOARD
Arab Groups $300 This group believes that Western culture (through globalization) threatens Islamic values but that the West should be able to do what it wants within its own borders. ANSWER
Arab Groups $300 Who are Traditionalists? BOARD
Arab Groups $400 The majority of Middle-Easterners are part of this group. ANSWER
Arab Groups $400 Who are Traditionalists? BOARD
Arab Groups $500 In the West we tend to confuse these two groups as one. ANSWER
Arab Groups $500 Who are Traditionalists and Fundamentalists? BOARD
Treaties $100 This treaty ended the First World War, created the modern boundaries of the Middle East and harshly punished Germany. ANSWER
Treaties $100 What is the Treaty of Versailles? BOARD
Treaties $200 This Treaty was made during the First World War and divided up land that was already promised to Arabs between the British and the French ANSWER
Treaties $200 What is the Sykes-Picot Treaty? BOARD
Treaties $300 This declaration made by Britain promised the Jews a homeland in exchange for support during the First World War. ANSWER
Treaties $300 What is the Balfour Declaration? BOARD
Treaties $400 This document promised the Arab tribes independence if they fought with the British against the Turks. ANSWER
Treaties $400 What are the Hussain Letters? BOARD
Treaties $500 This 1920 treaty called for a referendum on a Kurdish State which never took place. ANSWER
Treaties $500 What is the Treaty of Sèvres? BOARD
Political Movements $100 The policy or action by which one country controls another country or territory. ANSWER
Political Movements $100 What is Imperialism? BOARD
Political Movements $200 This movement is centered around the creation of a Jewish Homeland in Palestine. ANSWER
Political Movements $200 What is Zionism? BOARD
Political Movements $300 This movement is passionate pride in one’s country to the point where one believes that one’s country is better than other countries. ANSWER
Political Movements $300 What is Nationalism? BOARD
Political Movements $400 This is love for one’s country. ANSWER
Political Movements $400 What is Patriotism? BOARD
Political Movements $500 This country is the result of Zionism. ANSWER
Political Movements $500 What is Israel? BOARD
Lawrence of Arabia $100 “Take English Engineers and you’ll get English government.” ANSWER
Lawrence of Arabia $100 Who is T.E. Lawrence? BOARD
Lawrence of Arabia $200 “So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe they will be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous and cruel.” ANSWER
Lawrence of Arabia $200 Who is T.E. Lawrence? BOARD
Lawrence of Arabia $300 “British and Arab interests are one in the same.” ANSWER
Lawrence of Arabia $300 Who is Colonel Brighton? BOARD
Lawrence of Arabia $400 “If you give them artillery, you’ve made them independent.” ANSWER
Lawrence of Arabia $400 Who is Dryden? BOARD
Lawrence of Arabia $500 “In whose name do you ride?” ANSWER
Lawrence of Arabia $500 Who is Feisal? BOARD
Misc $100 These three countries comprise the Triple Entente ANSWER
Misc $100 What are Britain, France and Russia? BOARD
Misc $200 These three countries comprise the Triple Alliance. ANSWER
Misc $200 What are Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire? BOARD
Misc $300 He believed in Arab Independence, as he fought with the Arabs. ANSWER
Misc $300 Who is T.E. Lawrence? BOARD
Misc $400 He invaded Egypt, beginning the age of Imperialism. ANSWER
Misc $400 Who is Napoleon Bonaparte? BOARD
Misc $500 The majority of the Kurds live in this country. ANSWER
Misc $500 What is Turkey? BOARD