Welcome to Mrs. Nusser’s Class! Please sign in by the door. Sign up for a conference time on October 14th.
Our Schedule Specials: 8:30-9:15 PE: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Music: Monday, Friday Art: Wednesday Lunch: 11:15-11:45 Library: Thursday Computer: Friday Science Lab: Wednesday
Haude Grading Guidelines Major grades equal 50% of your child’s average and minor grades are the other 50%. Retesting If your child fails a major grade, they will have an opportunity to retake the test after working with me. Their new score will be averaged with their original score, but will not exceed at 70%. Retests will be done before school or during recess. You will receive notification of the retest date. We do not offer extra credit in third grade.
Homework may include… Spelling Contract Math Reading Comprehension Science/Social Studies Studying for tests Additionally: Students should read 15 minutes each night Practice math facts flash cards Get their planners signed daily by a parent
STAAR Test Dates April 22: Math April 23: Reading
Reading and Language Arts Students will have ELA in the morning. Reading Writing Spelling Handwriting Grammar
What we do in ELA Daily whole group instruction in Readers’ and Writers’ Workshop Read-alouds Anchor charts with reading skills and strategies Small group and partner work for skill application Poetry Vocabulary Handwriting Grammar Organized writing on assigned topics Journaling Daily small group instruction and learning stations Spelling & Handwriting Computer Reading
Students will have these subjects Math and Science Students will have these subjects in the afternoon.
What we do in Math and Science Whole Group Instruction Stations/Small group instruction Math Games and enrichment Over the next 9 weeks we will be diligently working on addition and subtraction facts. A reward system for mastery will be explained to your student. Science Learning Stations Science Lab
How you can help at home Sign the planner daily and help your student to be organized! Have your child read for 15 minutes each night. Homework is given often. Homework is a review of what we have learned that day and should not take more than 20 minutes. Homework is written down in daily planners everyday. Practice your math facts (addition and subtraction) If your child knows his or her facts then multiplication and division will be an easy transition. Encourage your child not to use his/her fingers
Other Information
Online Materials Access the math book online! Visit http://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com Username: Your child’s 6-digit student id number Password: Books3 This is case-sensitive! Achieve 3000 online reading articles and activities This is a wonderful program with proven results, and it’s fun! Look for a parent letter soon; it will begin in the next week or two.
Gifted and Talented Program Projects will begin in the 2nd 9 weeks! TPSP (Texas Performance Standards Project) - Pursuit of Passion Will be completed at school Differentiation: Students will be given differentiated work in various subject areas. Pre-assessments in various subject areas.
Contact Me Email is the best way to reach me: snusser@kleinisd.net You can also find our email addresses through our school websites. Or, scan the QR code on your table using the Barcode Scanner application on your smart phone.