Child Abuse and neglect
Is this abuse?
Is this abuse?
Is this abuse?
Is this abuse?
Child Abuse Any harm intentionally or unintentionally done to a child It can be physical, verbal, or sexual abuse as well as neglect in any area
Child Neglect Child neglect is any failure to meet a child’s needs It can be physical or emotional It may be intentional or due to lack of parenting skills
Physical Abuse Physical abuse is harm to a child that is intentional It includes slapping, hitting, kicking, beating, or burning It can result in bruises, swelling, bleeding or damage of tissues
Physical Neglect Physical neglect is not providing necessary food, clothing, housing or health care This does not include physical violence but instead come in the form of too little food, letting a child go into the snow with no coat, or leaving a child to care for themselves alone These actions may lead to accidents or illness
Effects Physical abuse and neglect can affect a child’s physical growth It also hurts a child emotionally Fear becomes a main emotion for children who are physically abused
Factors in Physical Abuse Individual characteristics of parents Substance abuse Teen parenting
Emotional Abuse Parents emotionally abuse when they belittle or criticize They may call children lazy, dull, stupid, etc. Parents may demand more than the child can do Ex. Expecting a young child to be toilet trained Emotional abuse makes children feel worthless and unloved.
Emotional Neglect Emotional neglect is not giving children enough love or attention They may not hug or touch their child Children who are emotionally neglected will not feel loved and may suffer from low self esteem
Emotional Abuse Children who are emotionally abused may get good physical care It may be hard to recognize emotional abuse since children will be clothed, fed, and clean Physical growth may not be harmed but emotionally abused children may have a hard time loving others or trusting others
Sexual Abuse Adults who sexually abuse children may force children into sexual acts Sexual abuse can harm children both physically and emotionally The emotional damage can last a lifetime
Causes Emotional immaturity Parents who were neglected or abused themselves are more likely to abuse their children Stress Limited parenting skills
Sources for Help State and local agencies such as CPS Child abuse centers or CPS services The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect Teachers and other adults who work with kids are required to report any suspicion of abuse Counseling may help parents who abuse children
Now, let’s get happy again…
Now, let’s get happy again…
Now, let’s get happy again…
Now, let’s get happy again…
Now, let’s get happy again…
Now, let’s get happy again…
Now, let’s get happy again…