Child abuse dania amer hejjawi


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Presentation transcript:

Child abuse dania amer hejjawi

Outline objectives Introduction Definition of child abuse Type of child abuse Prevalence of Abuse Diagnosis Role of community health nurse Summary Conclusion Reference Article

The Student will be able to : Define child abuse recognize statistic of child abuse Mention three types of  child abuse Define each type of child abuse Mention examples for child abuse Mention diagnose for each type of child abuse How we will provide the prevention

Prevalence Facts on Child Abuse in Jordan In 2010, the Family Protection Department (FPD) received a total of 8,605 cases; 15% of which were referred to governors, 61% were referred to social service offices, and the remaining 24% of cases were handled by the FPD.

Prevalence Facts on Child Abuse in united states Everyday, about four children die in the United States from child abuse. There were 702,000 victims of child abuse and neglect reported to child protective services (CPS) in 2014

Introduction Violence the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, trauma , death, psychological harm, or deprivation

Abuse is any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child.

Trauma result of abuse is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, Immediately after the event, shock and denial Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, strained relationships and even physical symptoms

Three major components of child abuse Child + Care Giver or parentes Stress or environment = Child Abuse

Physical Abuse Sexual abuse Emotional Abuse Acts of Commission (Child Abuse) : Words or overt actions that cause harm, potential harm, or threat of harm. Type of child abuse commission : Physical Abuse  Sexual abuse Emotional Abuse

Physical abuse When children are hurt or injured by parents or other people that leaves marks, scars, bruises, or broken bones

Physical abuse Behavioral indicators of physical abuse: Physical indicators: unexplained bruises, burns, human bites, broken bones, missing hair, scratches. Behavioral indicators of physical abuse: wary of physical contact with adults, behavioral extremes (aggressive or withdrawn), frightened of parents, afraid to go home, cheating, stealing, lying.

Examples of Physical Abuse: Biting Burning Slapping Beating Injuries inflicted with objects Hitting Choking Shaking Kicking Missing or loosened teeth

Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) Can be a fatal form of child abuse . Characterized by intracranial hemorrhage ,retinal hemorrhage and loss of consciousness due to vigorous shaking of the infant . Fact about SBS: -shaking is more likely to be done by a male, fathers make up 76% of all shakers . -If the shaking is female it’s more likely to be the babysitter. -About 70 % of the victims are killed , other 30 % live with severe permanent injuries. -One in four babies die as a result of SBS

Prevalence Facts on Child Abuse in Jordan 2007 it was found that 50% of children are physically abused by family members and school teachers and administrators. while around one third are physically abused by neighborhood adults and children.

Diagnosis for physical abuse Anxiety Impaired skin integrity Risk for violence Low self –esteem Social isolation Fear

Sexual Abuse any inappropriate sexual exposure or touch by an adult to a child or an older child to a younger child whether by physical force, coercion, or persuasion

Prevalence Facts on Child Abuse in Jordan With regards to sexual abuse, 2 to 7 children out of every 100 are sexually abused by family members and schools teachers and administrators.

Sexual abuse Physical indicators of sexual abuse: difficulty in walking or sitting, torn, stained, or bloody underclothing, pain or itching in genital area, bruises or bleeding in rectal/genital area, venereal disease. Behavioral indicators of sexual abuse: age-inappropriate sexual knowledge/sexual touch, abrupt change in personality, withdrawn, poor peer relationships, unwilling to change for gym or participate in physical activities, promiscuous behavior/seductive behavior, drop in school performance/decline in school interest, sleep disturbances, regressive behavior (i.e., bed wetting).

Examples of Sexual Abuse Indecent exposure Showing pornographic materials Touching sexual organs (of the child or the adult) Attempted or actual sexual intercourse Child prostitution Incest

Diagnosis for sexual abuse Disturbed body image Low self esteem Hopelessness Fear Anxiety Risk for suicide Social isolation

Emotional abuse is any act including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth

Emotional abuse Physical indicators of emotional abuse: speech disorders, lags in physical development, failure to thrive. Behavioral indicators of emotional abuse: habit disorders (sucking, biting, rocking), conduct disorders (withdrawal, destructiveness, cruelty), sleep disorders or inhibition of play, behavior extremes (aggressive or passive).

Emotional abuse Ignores or excessively criticizing use approach ordering child like servant fear that threatens child demeaning by language they speak socially isolating ,failing to let them have visitors. Corrupts child by encouraging antisocial unacceptable behaviour Denies child food, shelter, or sleep as a punishment

Diagnosis for emotional abuse Low self –esteem Disrupted body image Stress overload Ineffective community coping Anxiety Social isolation hopelessness

Acts of Omission (Child Neglect)  are the failure to provide for a child’s basic physical, emotional, or educational needs or to protect a child from harm or potential harm. Of the approximately 1500 children that will die each year from child abuse and neglect, 30% of them will die due to child neglect alone in the united states  involve acts of omission: Physical neglect Emotional neglect Medical and dental neglect Educational neglect Inadequate supervision Exposure to violent environments

Neglect Physical indicators of neglect: constant hunger, poor hygiene, excessive sleepiness, lack of appropriate supervision, unattended physical problems or medical needs, abandonment, inappropriate clothing for weather conditions. Behavioral indicators of neglect: begging or stealing food.

neglect Characteristics of parents: Poverty violence Divorce Alcoholism Drug addiction Frequent conflict Less adequate maternal functioning Characteristics of children No. of children’s Child's temperament Position in the family Additional physical needs if ill or disabled Low self steam

Diagnosis for neglect Self –neglect Readiness for enhanced self –care Impaired home maintenance Low self –esteem Risk for suicide Social isolation

Who get abused the most? Behavior problems Medical problems Prematurity Disability Non-biological relationship to caretaker

Role of community health nurse Provide quality care and education early in life Enhance parenting skills to promote healthy child development Intervene to lessen harms and prevent future risk

health education to parent : Be a nurturing for parent Know what to do if your baby cries Get involved in developing the services needed to meet the needs of children and families Look into parenting resources at your local library and help develop resources if needed Promote child abuse prevention programs at school Monitor your child's television and video viewing as violent images can harm young children Report suspected child abuse

Never discipline your child when your anger is out of control. Participate in your child’s activities and get to know your child’s friends. Never leave your child unattended, especially in the car. When your child tells you he or she doesn’t want to be with someone, this could be a red flag. Listen to them and believe what they say. Be aware of changes in your child’s behaviour or attitude. Teach your child what to do if you and your child become separated while away from home. Pay attention when someone shows greater than normal interest in your child.

What to do ? Don’t try to conduct an investigation, yourself. If the child tells you of the any type abuse immediately after it occurred, DO NOT change any thing Let the child talk as much as he or she wishes. Understand that the child is probably having mixed feelings. Believe the child. Explain what you will do next to help them.

دار الامان نشأ دار الأمان عام 2000، وهو مركز إيوائي علاجي مؤقت للأطفال ضحايا سوء ألمعاملة ويمكن لدار الأمان استيعاب نحو 40 طفلاً من عمر الطفولة إلى عمر المراهقة المبكرة، ويقدم للأطفال خدمات متكاملة وشمولية بما في ذلك: الحماية، والرعاية، والتعليم الترفيهي، بالإضافة إلى الخدمات الأكاديمية والطبية والنفسية الاجتماعية.

منظمة الصحة العالمية ربع مجموع الأشخاص البالغين يبلغ عن تعرضه لاعتداء بدني في سن الطفولة. تبلغ امرأة واحدة كل 5 نساء ورجل واحد كل 13 رجلاً عن تعرضه لاعتداء جنسي في سن الطفولة. من عواقب إساءة معاملة الأطفال وقوع اعتلالات جسدية ونفسية تدوم مدى الحياة. من الممكن توقي إساءة معاملة الأطفال قبل بدايتها وذلك يتطلّب اتّباع نهج متعدّد القطاعات. تعكف برامج الوقاية الفعالة على دعم الآباء وتلقين المهارات الإيجابية اللازمة لتربية الأطفال ورعايتهم. الاستمرار في رعاية الأطفال والأسر من الأمور التي يمكنها الحدّ من مخاطر تكرّر إساءة المعاملة والحدّ من عواقبها إلى أدني مستوى ممكن.


Conclusion The mission of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. Child maltreatment can result in direct physical, behavioural, social, and emotional harm and disability and is a risk factor for a range of other health risk factors that contribute to acute and chronic health problems


Reference http:/ http:/ https:/ Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing concept of care in evidence based practice