Blow pops Do you like IT
Problem I will buy the blow pop’s and have different kinds. I will have people taste one kind and see if they can tell what kind it is. I will blind fold the people that I’m testing. I will be testing people by there self. I will right down there results and see if they guest right.
Hypothesis I think the blow pop’s will look really different, if I show them the color they might be able to guess what kind it is. That is why I will be blind folding them. I think that the girls will do better then the boys because the girls might concentrate while the boys might mess around and be goofy.
Materials I will need 3 girls I will need 3 boys I will need Blow pops Paper towel-To clean up a mess Pencil Cloth- to blind fold them
Materials A room-To do the testing in Paper-To write down what they answered.
Procedure I will take one girl first and test three different blow pop’s on her Then I will come back get a boy and test the blow pop’s on him. I will make them get blind folded before they get to the room. Once they guess one and I will write down how they did. I will also take off the wrapper so they can’t see the kind and I will keep the wrapper until there done, so I know what kind of flavor it is.
Any kind of lollipop will do as long as they The girls results Kendrah Yes No Yes Cara No No Yes Janyssa Yes Yes Yes Any kind of lollipop will do as long as they guess the right one
Any kind of lollipop will do as long as they The boys results Jacob Yes Yes No Luc Yes No Yes Gus No No No Any kind of lollipop will do as long as they guess the right one
Pictures Those are some of the pictures I did, people I tested, and some blow pops.
Conclusion I won’t let the blind fold go up above there nose and I will make sure they can’t see. I let them keep the blow pop when they got done guessing. Some of the people didn’t do so well but they were happy that they got a blow pop after they were done.
My hypothesis My hypothesis was correct the girls did do better but I really don’t know why. The boys did good but they didn’t do as good as the girls.
Works cited Blow pops . 2/11/11. How blow pops are made . 2/11/11. Blow pops can be good for you . 2/11/11.