Day 55: Government Power and American Territory Baltimore Polytechnic Institute November 19, 2015 A/A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green
Government Power and American Territory Objectives: Describe Jackson’s policies of westward expansion, his relations with the new Republic of Texas, and his harsh removal of the southeastern Indian nations on the Trail of Tears. Describe the different ways that each of the new mass political parties, Democrats and Whigs, promoted the democratic ideals of liberty and equality among their constituencies. Explain the spirit and meaning of the Manifest Destiny that inspired American expansionism in the 1840s. AP Focus Opponents of Jackson and the Democrats form a new political party in the early 1830s, the Whigs. Martin Van Buren succeeds Jackson. His presidency is seriously damaged by a severe depression brought on in part by Jackson’s Specie Circular, which ends the Bank of the United States.
Chapter Focus Chapter Themes American expansionism gained momentum in the 1840s, leading first to the acquisition of Texas and Oregon, and then to the Mexican War, which added vast southwestern territories to the United States and ignited the slavery question American international prestige grows as the United States expands. Successful military campaigns against Mexico along with well- negotiated treaties with Britain force Europe to respect America more, while Latin America begins to be wary of the Colossus of the North.
Announcements Submit Worksheet from Yesterday Test on Monday and Tuesday Review on Friday
Whigs Developed from a sense of hatred towards Jackson Included southern states’ righters, northern industrialists/merchants, evangelical Protestants Called for internal improvements Called Jackson/Van Buren aristocrats/supporters of cronyism and corruption
Election of 1836 Democrats nominate Martin Van Buren Whigs nominate many to scatter the electoral vote so no one received a majority William Henry Harrison-Ohio Daniel Webster-senator from Massachusetts Hugh White-senator from Tennessee Willie Person Mangum-senator from N.Carolina Vote: 765,483 to 739,795 Electoral Vote: 170 to 124 (all 4 Whig candidates
Van Buren Administration/Jackson’s 3rd Term Short-lived rebellions in Canada in 1837 threatened war with Britain and unregulated immigration Panic of 1837 Looming Texas annexation Divorce Bill-literally locked federal funds from investment
Gone to Texas Mexican Independence in 1821 1823 Mexican land grant to Stephen Austin-bring in 300 American families-Roman Catholic and will be Mexicanized 30,000 Americans by 1835 Davy Crockett Jim Bowie Sam Houston: ex-Governor of Tenessee Friction over: slavery, immigration, local rights Mexico emancipated slaves in 1830 Austin attempted to negotiate with Santa Anna who placed him in jail for 8 months
Lone Star Rebellion Texas declared independence in early 1836 Santa Anna drove to the Alamo and wiped everyone out Goliad-Mexicans killed all 400 Texas fighters Sam Houston retreated to San Jacinto and attacked during the Mexican siesta Forced Santa Anna to sign treaty that: withdraw Mexican troops recognize Rio Grande as SW border Northerners did not want Texas because of the slavery balance
The Accession of “Tyler Too” Harrison dies 4 weeks into his presidency Tyler accused of being a Democrat in Whig clothes Whig Party was 1. pro-bank 2. pro-protective tariff 3. pro-internal improvements Whig Congress pushed: 1. Ended independent treasury system-signed 2. Fiscal Bank-vetoed 3. Fiscal Corporation-vetoed 4. Tariff-vetoed 5. Tariff of 1842-signed entire cabinet resigned except Daniel Webster serious attempt to impeach
War of Words with Britain Travelers thumbed their noses at America Authors denied royalties without a copyright law America a borrower nation England a lender nation Caroline incident-1837 American steamer carried supplies to insurgents fighting in Canada for freedom British force attacked the Caroline-1 American dead 3 years later, state of New York tried one Canadian- found innocent Britain wanted war if he was found guilty Creole incident-1841 British officials in the Bahamas offered asylum for 130 Virginia slaves that captured the Creole
Manipulating the Maine Maps Aroostook War Fight over Maine boundary U.S. retained 7,000 of 12,000 disputed square miles as the Canadian border was set further west, iron ore was discovered later in the Mesabi Range of Minnesota
The Lone Star of Texas Texas has quasi-independence since 1836 Mexico refused to recognize its independence 2 half-hearted attempts at reclaiming Texas talks to France, Holland and Belgium Britain interested in an independent Texas 1. buffer 2. Challenge Monroe Doctrine 3. Fragment and militarize America 4. Free-trade location 5. Cotton
Belated Texas Nuptials Texas became issue in the 1844 election James K. Polk-Democrat, wins Instead of Treaty, Tyler calls for joint resolution that requires a majority, not 2/3 Tyler signs annexation 3 days before he leaves office Mexico angry over Americans annexation- claimed they stole it from them. Texas was independent since 1836 9 year wait-is this long enough??
Oregon America disputed with Britain over area north of the Columbia River. The U.S. population was far greater than Britain’s in this disputed area.
Election of 1844 Whigs-Henry Clay received 105 electoral votes Democrats-James K. Polk received 170 electoral votes Manifest Destiny-Oregon, Texas Tariff slavery Bank internal improvements
Mastering of Mexico Exiled Santa Anna tricked the U.S. into allowing him to slip into Mexico. Southwest and California operations a complete success General Stephen W. Kearny-Santa Fe Trail Captain John C. Fremont-overthrew Mexican rule in California with help from local Americans- California Bear Flag Republic Buena Vista turning point for Taylor the U.S. Feb. 22-23, 1847 General Winfield Scott battled to Mexico City by September 1847
Fighting Mexico for Peace Nicholas P. Trist-Chief clerk at the State Department negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Confirmed American title to Texas and yielded the area westward to Oregon U.S. paid 15 million for the land Claims of its citizens against Mexico ($3,250,00) Why did the U.S. offer to pay an indemnity to Mexico, especially after it had been forced on them?
Profit and Loss in Mexico 13,000 American lives, most to disease U.S. size increased by a third Trained Civil War military leaders: 1. Captain Robert E. Lee 2. Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant Justified the academies at West Point and Annapolis Slavery Wilmot Proviso-amendment to ban slavery in any land acquired from Mexico Never became Federal law, but endorsed by all but 1 of the free states
Conclusion Jacksonian Democracy helped create friction within the Democratic party and led to the formation of the Whig party. The bank war led to the Panic of 1837 and the demise of Martin Van Buren.
Homework Continue reading Chapter 13 to the end Continue work on the Decades chart and Presidential Election charts for this section which are due this week.