Simon Pezzutto, Franziska Haas, Dagmar Exner 23.03.2017 Europe´s Building Stock and its Energy Demand: a Comparison between Austria and Italy Simon Pezzutto, Franziska Haas, Dagmar Exner 23.03.2017
1. MOTIVATION H2020 Hotmaps Project, WP2 – Task 2.1: Hotmaps: Heating and Cooling - Open Source Tool for Mapping and Planning of Energy Systems WP2: Open Data Set for EU-28 Task 2.1: Building Stock Analysis
2. Introduction Buildings sector is responsible for approximately 40% of EU’s total primary energy demand Mainly (75%) attributed to: i.) Space heating ~ 2,900 [TWh/a] ii.) Domestic hot water ~ 400 [TWh/a] iii.) Space cooling ~ 200 [TWh/a]
3. METHODOLOGY Data collection - scientific literature analysis: TABULA (IEE), BPIE - DATA HUB FOR ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF BUILDINGS, STATISTIK AUSTRIA – ISTAT Construction periods: i.) Before World War II (1945) ii.) After World War II and before 1960 iii.) 1961 and 1980 iv.) 1981-1990 v.) 1991-2000 vi.) 2001-2010 vii.) Post 2010 y]
3. METHODOLOGY Constructed floor area per period [Mm²] Energy demand: Space heating, DHW, space cooling [kWh/m² a] Building characteristics: U-values, façade types, type of glazing, saddle or flat roof, construction materials, technologies applied, tenure/ownership, occupancy etc. Building typologies: a.) Residential: SFHs, MFHs and ABs (> 8 floors) b.) Service: Office* (Office flats – Office buildings), Trade, Health, Education, Sport, Hotels, Restaurants and Other non- residential buildings * Status quo of the work progress for the service sector
4. MAIN RESULTS Residential Sector: Construction Period [Mm²] AUSTRIA ITALY
4. MAIN RESULTS Residential Sector: Building Type [Mm²] AUSTRIA ITALY
4. MAIN RESULTS Service (Office) Sector: Construction Period [Mm²] AUSTRIA ITALY
4. MAIN RESULTS Service (Office) Sector: Building Type [Mm²] AUSTRIA ITALY
4. MAIN RESULTS Ownership Structure – Residential Sector [Mm²] Austria: - Owner occupied (57%)*, ** - Rented (40%) - Other (3%) Italy: - Owner occupied (92%) Social housing (4%) State, region, municipalities (2%) Commercial (1%) - Other (1%) * 7% of the total Austrian ownership structure regarding the residential building stock belongs to social housing ** Data for state, region, municipalities and commercial ownership structure are missing
4. MAIN RESULTS Ownership Structure – Service (Office) Sector [Nr. of buildings] - Single ownership (41%) - Multiple ownership (41%) - Other (18%) AUSTRIA ITALY Italy: no data for the subdivision of the Italian ownership structure (service building stock) was found
4. MAIN RESULTS Residential sector: development of the space heating and DHW preparation demand ITALY AUSTRIA
4. MAIN RESULTS Residential and Service (Office) sector: development of U-values (walls, windows, roofs, and floors) AUSTRIA ITALY Walls Windows Roofs Floors Walls Windows Roofs Floors Before 1945 1.60 3.30 1.30 1.70 1945 - 1960 0.80 1961 - 1980 0.90 2.30 0.60 1.00 1981 - 1990 0.70 2.10 0.40 1991 - 2000 0.50 1.50 0.30 2001 - 2010 0.20 Post 2010 0.35 1.40 Before 1945 1.80 5.40 2.20 1.90 1945 - 1960 1.60 2.00 1961 - 1980 4.60 1.70 1981 - 1990 1.00 4.10 1.20 1.40 1991 - 2000 0.90 4.00 2001 - 2010 1.30 Post 2010 0.37 2.37 0.33 Residential Walls Windows Roofs Floors Walls Windows Roofs Floors Before 1945 0.70 3.20 1.10 1.20 1945 - 1960 0.63 3.40 1.50 1961 - 1980 0.67 2.40 0.60 1.00 1981 - 1990 0.57 2.10 0.40 1991 - 2000 0.48 1.40 0.30 0.50 2001 - 2010 0.32 1.30 0.20 Post 2010 0.35 Before 1945 1.20 5.50 0.80 1.30 1945 - 1960 1961 - 1980 4.90 0.50 1981 - 1990 4.20 1991 - 2000 3.60 2001 - 2010 0.60 2.60 1.40 Post 2010 0.37 2.37 0.33 Service (Office)
4. MAIN RESULTS Service (Office) sector: development of the space heating and DHW preparation demand ITALY AUSTRIA
4. MAIN RESULTS Residential sector: development of the space cooling demand ITALY AUSTRIA
4. MAIN RESULTS Service (Office) sector: development of the space cooling demand ITALY AUSTRIA
5. DISCUSSION - COMMENTS ABOUT DATA AVAILABILITY There is a lack of data concerning space cooling The terms energy demand and consumption are erroneously used interchangeably Inconsistency between data sources DHW values for the service sector
5. DISCUSSION - COMMENTS ABOUT DATA AVAILABILITY While the Austrian & Italian building stocks are well investigated there still is a lack of information concerning energy demand values for space heating, DHW and space cooling according to the different construction periods. Constructed floor area Residential part: huge amount of data, also for various construction periods and different building typologies Service part: small amount of data, especially for different construction periods and different building typologies Ownership structure Small amount of data for all sectors, problem of correspondent data Energy demand Space heating: huge amount of data, also for different building typologies DHW preparation: medium amount of data, especially for the office sector Space cooling: real lack of data, especially for the residential sector