LEEN – Projects in Serbia and outlook to Croatia and Romania


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Presentation transcript:

LEEN – Projects in Serbia and outlook to Croatia and Romania Meeting of the Working Groups: "Innovation and Technology Transfer", "Environmental Technologies and Energy Efficiency" and” Cooperation of Business Organizations" Osijek, Croatia, September 22-23, 2016 Mirko Krück Managing Partner LEEN GmbH

16.04.2018 LEEN at a glance LEEN is a systematic approach towards energy efficiency that increases the awareness on profitable energy saving potentials; establishes a know-how base on efficiency technologies; facilitates the identification of energy saving potentials; develops a basis for long lasting trustworthy cooperation; assures a high quality in network operation; Fits extremely well for cities and regions. These effects led to an increase of implementing profitable efficiency measures by more than a factor of two compared to industrial average. LEEN is currently expanding to the DANUBE-Region / Western Balkans.

Ownership structure Mirko Krueck Dr. Dirk Koewener 49,0 % 25 % 26 % 16.04.2018 Ownership structure 49,0 % 25 % 26 % Mirko Krueck Dr. Dirk Koewener Foundation Management Head office Branch offices Staff 09.12.2009 Mirko Krück Dr. Dirk Köwener Schönfeldstraße 8 76131 Karlsruhe Austria Japan Hamerlingstraße 4 AHK Tokyo 4020 Linz 10

Projects in Cities– Karlsruhe (Germany) 16.04.2018 Projects in Cities– Karlsruhe (Germany) Host: City of Karlsruhe, together with the Chamber of Commerce Participantes: 8 Industrial Companies within the city of Karlsruhe, e.g. Michelin und Metz, Focus: Efficiency in Industrial process Lifespan: 6 years

Projects in Cities– Ettlingen (Germany) 16.04.2018 Projects in Cities– Ettlingen (Germany) Host: City of Ettlingen Participants: 12 Industrial Companies and SMEs within the city of Ettlingen e.g. Feintool, San Lucar Focus: Efficiency in Industrial Processes Lifespan: 3 Jahre

Projects in Cities– Graz (Austria) 16.04.2018 Projects in Cities– Graz (Austria) Host: Energie Steiermark (Utilitiy) in Cooperation with Industriellenvereinigung and Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark Participants: 9 Industrial Companies, u.a. AT&S, Tondach Focus: Efficiency in Industrial Processes Lifespan: 4 Years

Projects in Cities– Cologne (Germany) 16.04.2018 Projects in Cities– Cologne (Germany) Host: RheinEnergie (Utility) in Cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce Participants: 9 Companies linked to the City of Cologne, e.g. AVG, University Cologne Focus: Energyefficiency in Buildings Lifespan: 4 years

Balkan Region: Market Opportunities and Process 16.04.2018 Balkan Region: Market Opportunities and Process Balkan Region: There is an excellent legal and financing framework and significant technical saving potential for energy efficiency. However, there is a lack of know-how to develop concrete efficiency investments. LEEN can bridge this gap through: a 4 year process of mutual learning; IT tools for data gathering and management; IT tools for technical calculations and financial evaluations; platform for experience exchange and best practises; experienced and certified staff

Western Balkans, Slovenia & Croatia Organization structures and topics 16.04.2018 Western Balkans, Slovenia & Croatia Organization structures and topics In the Western Balkans (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia) LEEN is building up networks for: industrial companies SMEs Municipalities Training: local partners local engineers local energy managers Providing tools : In the local languages Localized for the framework conditions in the respective countries

LEEN City of Belgrade Network 16.04.2018 LEEN City of Belgrade Network LEEN Structure: Host: Regional Development Agency and City of Belgrade Participants: facilities with the highest energy costs in the budget Engineering: mechanical faculty University of Belgrade Moderation: Teslianum Expected outcomes Savings of more than 15% per year based on highly profitable investments (IRR>30%) Investment financed by a IPA Project

Outlook Croatia LEEN is currently expanding to Croatia. 16.04.2018 Outlook Croatia LEEN is currently expanding to Croatia. There are on-going negotiations with a Croatian business- partner; If everything goes as planned the business-partner will provide local engineers &; access to companies as well as municipalities; LEEN will train & certify these engineers provide economical & technical calculation tools (web-based) do quality-control and supervision in efficiency projects

Outlook Romania LEEN is planning to enter into Romania 16.04.2018 Outlook Romania LEEN is planning to enter into Romania LEEN is looking for a cooperation partner local engineers Moderators And Municipalities Industrial Companies SMEs

Q&A Contact Mirko Krück Mail: mirko.krueck@leen.de Mirjana Prljevic Mail: president@teslianum.com

16.04.2018 Proven profitability: Monitoring of realized measures in a network in Germany Category (Ø values per measure) Value Total number of measures 107 Ø Investment sum [€] 20,700 Ø Energy cost savings [€/a] 6,750 Ø IRR of all profitable measures 33.0 % Ø Static pay back period of all measures[a] 3.0 Ø Energy savings [MWh/a] 98.5 Ø CO2 emission reduction [t/a] 25.6