Meet the Teacher – Monday 28th September 2015 Welcome to the EYFS CC Welcome parents – mention coffee morning/ afternoon tea/ evening workshops (aim to provide one once a term) Meet the Teacher – Monday 28th September 2015
Aims To help parents and carers to understand the EYFS curriculum. To give a brief outline of each area of learning and the end of year expectations for children in Reception class. To explain the structure of the day CC Explain the aims for the presentation
The EYFS Curriculum There are now 7 areas of learning within the EYFS framework. The framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development. Children should mostly develop the 3 primes areas first: Prime Areas Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Language and Communication These prime areas are the most essential for your child’s healthy development and future learning. As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas. Specific Areas Mathematics Literacy Understanding the world Expressive arts and design More information on - Development Matters PB
Reaching a Good Level of Development ‘Expected’ (achieving the Early Learning Goal) in: Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Markland Hill: 2013-2014: 34/45 children received a GLD = 76% (Excluding SEN= 81%) National Average (2013 – 2014) = 60% Markland Hill: 2014-2015: 36/45 children received a GLD = 80% National Average (2014-2015) = 66% VH
Open door for parent teacher discussions 08:55 Structure of the day 08:45 Open door for parent teacher discussions 08:55 School Bell rings – Children line up on infant playground 09:00 Class Register 09:10 Guided Reading 09:30 Mathematics Carpet 10:00 Continuous Provision (inside and out) & Maths Adult Focus Activity & Snack 10:20 Playtime 10:35 Literacy Carpet 10:55 Continuous Provision (inside and out) & Literacy Adult Focus Activity 11:30 Letters and Sounds 11:50 LUNCH 13:00 13:10 Creative Learning Carpet 13:30 Continuous Provision (inside and out) & Creative Learning Adult Focus 14:50 Story / News/ Show & Tell 15:10 Assembly 15:30 Hometime PB: Class streamed – Diamonds & Sapphires (flexible groups based on children’s ability, maturity, listening and attention) – Chn can move groups weekly – different rates of progress – each child individual. Sapphires – Working at or above the average level of the class. Diamonds – Working at or below the average level of the class.
Outdoor Play In the Early Years Foundation Stage, play underpins everything that we do. Through play, children develop intellectually, creatively, physically, socially and emotionally. Furthermore it promotes a sense of confidence and well-being. It is very important that children have lots of opportunities to play indoors and outdoors. Therefore, the outdoor area is seen as an extension of the classroom. PB Wellies / Waterproofs etc. Spare clothes
Behaviour Management Golden rules Carpet behaviour Smiley face chart Class Rewards House Points Individual Rewards CC Golden rules – positively worded – using photos to aid understanding We will always inform you if your child is in the ‘sad’ face – we wont always let you know about minor behaviours but you can always ask your child etc. We will speak to you if we’re concerned.
Reading Books Reading diaries (please comment in the books). These should be brought into school every day. Books will be changed weekly or more regularly if needed. Please do not put water bottles inside the book bags. Books will be given when your child’s teacher feels that they are ready. VH Go through front of reading diaries Reading is not a race!
Homework Weekly tasks set each Friday. Tasks should be completed and returned to school by the following Wednesday to allow teachers time to look at the homework and make a comment. Please comment in the parent comments section . VH 2 week cycle: Literacy/Phonics then Mathematics Creative task end of each half term (longer project) Reading regularly at home.
Twitter Please follow us on Twitter! School Twitter: @marklandhill Reception Twitter: @MhReception Photo Permission – We will not post any names with photos. CC
How can you support your child’s learning? Initiate conversations about the themes that your child is learning about. Discuss any work that your child brings home with them. Any activities that develop mouse skills and general use of the computer. Activities that develop their fine motor skills e.g. cutting, malleable materials, tracings, threading activities. Give children time to discuss a story and question them to check their understanding. Problem solve in everyday activities (e.g. at the supermarket, setting the table etc.) Involve your child in counting activities (counting forwards and backwards from any given number 0-20) Practise matching quantities of objects to written numerals. Activities that require your child to recognise, order and sequence numerals to 20. Mark making (of any kind) writing your name, shopping lists, diaries, birthday cards, thank you letters, signs, labels, notes etc. CC -Also notes on how you can help in the handout given at the welcome meeting before summer.
Any questions? All