Starter: think/pair/share…. Look at the following images. How do they help to explain changes in global population? By Daniela Alejandra Robles (Trabajo personal) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Match the keywords on the left with the correct definitions. Heads and tails activity! Match the keywords on the left with the correct definitions. Emancipation of women. This has led to infant mortality decreasing and in turn, people having less children. Agriculture. Improved status of women. For example more girls are educated at school and have a career. Rural-Urban Migration. Increased access to this and family planning has led to the average global family size falling from 5 to 2 children. Contraception. Changes in farming practise have led to an increase in machinery and less manual labour. Improved Healthcare. Today 54% of the World’s population live in urban(city) areas.
Learning objectives To be able to identify key features of a population pyramid. To be able to describe what population pyramids show. To be able to explain population pyramids and compare LICs and HICs. Understanding the distribution of population in terms of age and sex. Compare countries with diff size populations. What is a population pyramid? A population pyramid is a type of bar graph that shows the proportion of males and females and the proportion of people in different age groups.
Discuss what the key features of these population pyramids are? From Somalia and the European union - 2014 On your sheet try to identify the key features of your population pyramid from what we have discussed. With your partner complete the second section and sketch this pyramid.
Cut out the statements on your sheet and decide which of the pyramids each one relates to. Make a table and stick the statements into two columns. 1. Pyramid is typical of a country such as Kenya or Somalia. 2. Narrower at the base which means birth rates are lower. 3. LIC 4. Wide at the base which means there are a large proportion of young people in the country. 5. Wide at the top because there is longer life expectancy. 6. The pyramid narrows as the ages increase due to higher death rate. 7. Narrow at the top which shows that there is a small proportion of elderly people. 8. Wider in the middle which means that people are living longer, less infant mortality. 9. HIC 10. This pyramid is typical of a country such as Italy and The UK.
Developing Country (LICs) Developed Country (HICs) Identify key features Narrow at the top which shows there is a small proportion of elderly people. The pyramid narrows as the ages increase due to higher death rate. Wider in the middle which means that people are living longer, less infant mortality. Wide at the top because there is longer life expectancy. Developing Country (LICs) Developed Country (HICs) This pyramid is typical of a country such as Kenya or Somalia. Wide at the base which means there are a large proportion of young people in the country. This pyramid is typical of a country such as Italy and The UK. Narrower at the base which means that birth rates are lower.
PEE chains We are now going to explain why the pyramids are shaped the way they are using: POINT EXAMPLE EXPLAIN Let’s look at an example together:
POINT: LICs have high birth rates. This can be seen on the graph as it shows a wide base. The graph of Somalia shows approximately 20% of the population is aged 0-4. This is because in rural areas families choose to have lots of children so that they can help on the farms.
EXAMPLE: LICs have high birth rates. This can be seen on the graph as it shows a wide base. The graph of Somalia shows approximately 20% of the population is aged 0-4. This is because in rural areas families choose to have lots of children so that they can help on the farms.
EXPLAIN: LICs have high birth rates. This can be seen on the graph as it shows a wide base. The graph of Somalia shows approximately 20% of the population is aged 0-4. This is because in rural areas families choose to have lots of children so that they can help on the farms.
PEE chains LICs have high birth rates. This can be seen on the graph, as it shows a wide base. The graph of Somalia shows approximately 20% of the population is aged 0-4. This is because in rural areas families choose to have lots of children so that they can help on the farms. Now complete the last section of your worksheet using the PEE chain to provide a detailed and thorough answer.
Extension: mini white boards! On your own draw a pyramid that represents each scenario below. Can your partner guess which one you have drawn? Seaside resort (Large elderly population/Few young) City which has high immigration (people moving into an area) of young males. Rainforest tribe (High infant mortality/low life expectancy)