IAFS 1000 Orientalism and How to Read a Book by Its Cover
Outline Skimming strategies Orientalism
Edward Said, Orientalism 3
How to Read a Book by its Cover Front cover: images, blurbs Back cover: blurbs Table of contents Index Introduction Conclusion First and last paragraphs, sentences Book reviews (e.g. in American Historical Review, Journal of Asian Studies) Taking notes 4
Said’s Theory of Orientalism An academic field A style of thought based on a distinction between the Oriental and “us” A Western style of rule over the Orient 5
Where is the “Orient”? In Orientalists’ heads Originally, India and the Middle East All of “Far East”—India, Japan, China, etc, and the “Muslim world” 6
What are “Orientals” like (according to Orientalists)? Childlike Irrational Dishonest Gullible yet cunning Lazy Incapable of order Depraved vs. Orientalists: Mature Rational Full of clarity Direct Noble 7
Said on Orientalism Based on accepted scholarly understanding Has less to do with the Orient than with the West 8
Critiques of Said Overly focused on Western views, rather than “Oriental” agency Overgeneralizes 9
Discussion Orientalist tendencies in contemporary society? Media? Textbooks? Teaching? Your own attitudes or ideas? 10
Significance We must understand our own biases We must think about the language we use 11